Alan Watts on games and the Struggle.
Zen philosopher, Zen popularizer. He's OK.
:: STARTED BY grant :: 21 REPLIES, LAST AT 05:37 21.09.07
Creativity, Productivity, and Feminism (with non-debate rules)
A thread which combines Lyra's concept of "a fluid, evolving discussion... like a non-fictional narrative corpse" and ideas about creativity and productivity that were brought up in the RPG thread, but that I think are generally applicable to the way the world goes around. And feminism.
:: STARTED BY Persephone :: 17 REPLIES, LAST AT 09:51 19.09.07
Reason, confusion, discussion.
Meta - discourse at its best/worst/whatever.
What are philosophies answers to the question which actually questions the possibility of achieving answers?
:: STARTED BY el d. :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 11:10 12.09.07
Grammar vs communication
importance of the grammatically correct communication of ideas over understanding, trouble with semantics
:: STARTED BY Benny the Ball :: 31 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:28 07.09.07
The Lacanian Thing
Reading and discussing the French Freudian
:: STARTED BY Wanderer :: 16 REPLIES, LAST AT 11:26 06.09.07
Feminism. Is she dead?
What does feminism have to do? And how should it be done?
:: STARTED BY Lurid Archive :: 51 REPLIES, LAST AT 20:44 28.08.07
Should we terraform new planets or should they terraform us?
Ponderings sparked by the books of Kim Stanley Robinson
:: STARTED BY Our Lady Has Left the Building :: 18 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:24 24.08.07
Dumbing up
Is the age of democracy and information making us all a little dumber?
:: STARTED BY Mako is a hungry fish :: 26 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:33 23.08.07
Concerns regarding the lack of effectiveness of gender reassignment
Looking at a Guardian study into the effectiveness of gender reassignment treatment.
:: STARTED BY pointless and uncalled for :: 208 REPLIES, LAST AT 00:34 22.08.07
You say "cunt" like it's a bad thing...
The word "cunt" as a term of abuse. Acceptable or not? Political Correctness gone Bad or an attempt to reorder a man-made language? Should the feminists just get the Hell used to it and accept that female genitalia are weird and nasty?
Student Confidence and the Class System
Thoughts arising from a blog posts - is confidence the one thing private schools have to market?
:: STARTED BY All Acting Regiment :: 15 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:01 17.07.07
The subversion/ruining of useful concepts and ideas
How things one might otherwise be happy to support become tainted by over-use by people who abuse them.
:: STARTED BY All Acting Regiment :: 10 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:59 07.07.07
So, everybody's got some good in them...
Normally, an idea I can get behind. But sometimes... not so much. Keywords: Darfur, rebels, rape
:: STARTED BY wicker woman :: 41 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:15 26.06.07
Your thoughts on paper, your thoughts on screen - still *your* thoughts?
Is your laptop your add-on brain?
:: STARTED BY We're The Great Old Ones Now :: 7 REPLIES, LAST AT 01:53 22.06.07
Perhaps it's trivial, but I want to be able to think of broadening what is called 'privilege', not restricting it so that everyone is equally at a disadvantage. Am I being naive?
:: STARTED BY We're The Great Old Ones Now :: 90 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:29 21.06.07
No Compromise? Limits of your ethical stance.
How far do you go with commitments to ethical living? How do you decide priorities when there are conflicts between your ethical positions, or with those of people you love?
:: STARTED BY Saturn's nod :: 22 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:11 17.06.07
Transactional analysis
Transactional analysis: Fast-food psychotherapy for the wise (and poor), or pop-psychological fuckbakery...?
:: STARTED BY captain piss :: 6 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:07 12.06.07
Loltheorists [PICS]
loltheorists, lolcats, kitteh, etc.
:: STARTED BY Disco is My Class War :: 44 REPLIES, LAST AT 00:18 02.06.07
What is Humanism and am I a Humanist?
:: STARTED BY lord henry strikes back :: 17 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:20 26.05.07
Effective anti-smoking campaigns
can it be done? memtics? marketing? both? none?
:: STARTED BY H3ct0r L1m4 :: 34 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:45 24.05.07
Edward Said on "Orientalism"
"The Orient (defined by Said as the Middle East) is not only adjacent to Europe; it is also the place of Europe's greatest and richest and oldest colonies , the sources of its civilisations and languages, its cultural contestant, and one of its deepest and most recurring image of the Other."
:: STARTED BY agapanthus :: 3 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:42 24.05.07
Question for those still trying to understand foucault
If one had to write about Foucault's "discourse" where would one begin?
:: STARTED BY Jackie Susann :: 11 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:37 12.05.07
bdsm questions?
Why do people like it? Is it physical sensations? Emotional connections? Messing about psychological or societal positioning? Does it intersect with intellectual positions you hold? Or with therapeutic/self-actualisation stuff? Because its naughty?
:: STARTED BY hoopla :: 165 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:40 09.05.07
The Psychology/Politics of Humor/Laughter
anyone know of any good resources about the topic?
:: STARTED BY TeN :: 20 REPLIES, LAST AT 04:53 29.04.07
The Consolations of Philosophy
Philosophy- why bother?
:: STARTED BY Quantum :: 52 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:25 28.04.07
Desire and its end — judgment, final cause, …
What are the dimensions of the need for humans to accurately represent desire? Is it possible for biological research to inform this judgment, or would an appeal to biology be mischaracterize the nature of the final cause we seek by returning to the realm of the efficient cause (ala the punch in the face). Would an appeal to psychology be any better or would it run the same risk? Is there a moral dimension — a duty to oneself to get it right? Is there an ontological dimension, concerning the reality of ideas, or the degree of reality in a thing (like a desire)?
:: STARTED BY SMS :: 19 REPLIES, LAST AT 09:17 16.04.07
Why is it that Western society sees male circumcision as an acceptable practice, when female circumcision/clitorodectomy is seen as barbaric? Is it still true that most males born in American hospitals are circumcised as a matter of course?
:: STARTED BY The Planet of Sound :: 211 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:42 06.04.07
SBR: Conceptions of Love
Discussion how different cultures and subcultures define "love".
:: STARTED BY Princess :: 13 REPLIES, LAST AT 05:30 01.04.07
The writings of John Taylor Gatto; the rival merits of unschooling, homeschooling, and conventional education.
:: STARTED BY Matthew Fluxington :: 48 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:46 29.03.07
Contraception and consequence
A thread to discuss the planning and care required for what is, as often as not, spontaneous and careless.
:: STARTED BY JOY NO WRY :: 67 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:55 26.03.07