Okay, I have a feeling I'm gonna regret getting into this, but I'm just gonna shut my eyes, not look down, and deposit my 2c. I personally don't believe that 'cunt' is any more or any less offensive than 'dick' 'wanker' 'shithead' or any other sexual or scatological swearword. I have never heard anybody outside barbelith argue that it was, however, as the meaning of a commuication is in the mind of the person recieving it, and not the person transmitting it, I try to refrain from using it on barbelith at least. (Of course, I try to avoid such flaminess anyway, but should I need to start telling some anecdote about 'some cunt i met the the other day' (or some such) I would adjust my language appropriately).
However, I'm still not convinced that the argument that saying 'cunt' as an insult opresses women, without adequetely justifying the female-oppressing characteristics of other swearwords (fuck, shit, wank, dick). To me, at least, it makes more sense to argue that, since dicks, anuses, wanking, and fucking all recieve similar treatment in our language, that the whole issue is not one of the evil patriarchy oppressing women through language, but one of the evil, sexually repressive, churches etc (all male dominated, admittedly) being so anti-sexuality that all references to sexual organs and actions are considered dirty and wrong. Everybody's a victim- even the people responsible for it. But maybe this is just my 3rd-rate Reichian philosophy kicking in... |