What Kind of Mutant are You?
What powers would you have in the Marvel Fiction-verse?
:: STARTED BY Spyder Todd 2008 :: 30 REPLIES, LAST AT 00:37 23.10.03
Infidelity - I'm baring my soul here, folks, and I need advice.
Yes, I know it's a godawful waste of time, bandwidth and energy to talk about suddenly deciding to eat Nestle Double Cream instead of Galaxy, but it's Friday afternoon and my head's melting.
:: STARTED BY Sax :: 29 REPLIES, LAST AT 20:35 22.10.03
Wounded pigeon: hints & tips?
Advise if you know how to help out pigeon with wounded wing
:: STARTED BY captain piss :: 9 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:07 22.10.03
It's not everyday that....
(A thread for reporting curious happenstance and coincidence. What did your radar pick out as unusual today?)
:: STARTED BY Scrambled Password Bogus Email :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 10:40 22.10.03
Come on...'FESS UP!
Online Confessional
:: STARTED BY Papess :: 38 REPLIES, LAST AT 04:57 22.10.03
The north wind doth blow...
For those of us in the northern hemisphere temperatures are falling rapidly and winter is just around the corner. As someone who feels the cold more than most I'd like to ask how other 'Lithers go about keeping warm when they're out and about.
:: STARTED BY Unencumbered :: 24 REPLIES, LAST AT 23:10 21.10.03
Good restaurants in London?
Restaurant recommendations in central London.
:: STARTED BY Fist Fun :: 36 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:06 21.10.03
Help me break in my new message board, freaks!
tokin to the apocalypse
:: STARTED BY Rage :: 43 REPLIES, LAST AT 23:51 20.10.03
Graphic design teaching
Help. I need to find a tutor.
:: STARTED BY higuita :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:31 20.10.03
Anyone up for A Real Challenge?
Stop swearing and see how long you can go for...
:: STARTED BY afwotam :: 17 REPLIES, LAST AT 09:48 20.10.03
Blind spots
Mental idiosynchrasies; problems with recollection, differentiation etc. Bugs in your neurological software generally.
:: STARTED BY Smoothly :: 14 REPLIES, LAST AT 08:48 20.10.03
That Page Cannot Be Fucking Displayed
Does my broadband connection suddenly hate me?
:: STARTED BY Ganesh :: 3 REPLIES, LAST AT 08:44 20.10.03
Do You Play Guitars?
Can you play guitar? F-L-U-X doesn't play guitar, but maybe you do.
:: STARTED BY Matthew Fluxington :: 21 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:09 19.10.03
Just got paid today, got me a pocket full of change
drink, drugs, toys, tech....what is it that you run out and buy as soon as you get paid to make sure you have at least some fun with the money that doesn't go to the taxman or bills?
:: STARTED BY the garden gnome :: 13 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:23 19.10.03
Pirate Wars
Pirates. Fighting. Online. Piratewars. Parrots figure into this somewhere. And doubloons, too.
:: STARTED BY iconoplast :: 115 REPLIES, LAST AT 04:54 18.10.03
HELP!! My computer is suddenly completely FUCKED!
:: STARTED BY rizla mission :: 17 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:03 17.10.03
Another Procrastination Thread.
Procrastinators Anonymous - Meeting postponed. What else are you putting off?
:: STARTED BY Papess :: 8 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:02 17.10.03
Why I hate kids
Children suck
:: STARTED BY Ethan Hawke :: 94 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:50 16.10.03
Strange Associations
Not the AA, but:
Does the word "envelope" make you think about your Auntie Irene's hairy legs?
:: STARTED BY Saveloy :: 22 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:53 16.10.03
Anyone know a good online photography resource?
Help with finding a decent photography forum/online site.
:: STARTED BY Scrambled Password Bogus Email :: 3 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:53 16.10.03
Pheromone moan moan...
A sudden cold snap: Nature's Viagra?
:: STARTED BY Mourne Kransky :: 8 REPLIES, LAST AT 10:28 16.10.03
Climb upon my lap...
...top computer and tell me if I can buy batteries cheaper than the manufacturers sell them.
:: STARTED BY Sax :: 16 REPLIES, LAST AT 08:45 16.10.03
Food Supplements
If you use food supplements you may want to have a look at the latest piece of EU legislation.
:: STARTED BY Dances with Gophers :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 00:56 16.10.03
Quick link, prolly only of interest to those with a. children and b. a love of H.P.Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos...
another lil' bit of Lovecraft trivia.
:: STARTED BY Bill Posters :: 6 REPLIES, LAST AT 20:58 15.10.03
Help for a tattoo
What is "the peace of Empire" in Latin?
:: STARTED BY BioDynamo :: 28 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:39 15.10.03
Coffee beans are not the only fruit
Categories of fruit
:: STARTED BY Mourne Kransky :: 11 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:03 15.10.03
My 2000th post!!! (im gonna build the biggest damn fence)
2000!!...and the millenium bug didnt get m
:: STARTED BY Saint Keggers :: 13 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:51 15.10.03
I was on telly
Were you ever on telly? Let's hear your story, darling.
:: STARTED BY Spaniel :: 56 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:05 15.10.03
A new mood...
On feeling a bit more positive about the board over the last few days and beginning to think that maybe things are getting back on track?
:: STARTED BY Tom Coates :: 61 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:38 15.10.03
Controversy is good
Viva la revolucion!
Support the Underground!
I'm serious
:: STARTED BY nowthink :: 59 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:31 15.10.03