You locked me out before I was gonna post my masterpiece of a rebuttal,here it is-
Before you run to the hills, consider this-I'm not the one ganging up on one guy like a mob of drunk frat-boys at a house party.
More evidence. Kobe's accuser may during the course of a trial be proved to suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder or BPS for short-this would owe to her frequent bouts with suicidal tendencies and her history of crying rape. Yes, people-this beeyatch has cried rape before five times!,do the fuckin research-the information is available.Who the hell is more credible, a girl with a history of mental illness who has tried out for American Idol of all shows,and is proven to be promiscuos..or a role model like Kobe who has thus far not exhibited this kind of erratic behaviour in his personal or professional life. What does Kobe have to gain? This is patently racist to make this cat a rapist based on some groupies allegations I'm SERIOUS. Kobe's is a stand up guy from what I can see and he made a mistake of infidelity, imho. You guys' reactions to superficial shit like my language is proving my point about a rush to judgement. You really don't know me. I'm just a guy typing in an anonymous user suit on the Internet.I haven't insulted anybody in this forum yet,but I smell this subtle,contemptuous tone in your replies you haven't even bothered to consider any of the facts I've just put forth. You just sneer at my slang usage and try to organize some grass roots efforts to get me banned. Shame on you Barbelith community...shame on you
keep it coming out on top
sammy sosa 2003 |