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Controversy is good


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10:40 / 14.10.03
You locked me out before I was gonna post my masterpiece of a rebuttal,here it is-
Before you run to the hills, consider this-I'm not the one ganging up on one guy like a mob of drunk frat-boys at a house party.
More evidence. Kobe's accuser may during the course of a trial be proved to suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder or BPS for short-this would owe to her frequent bouts with suicidal tendencies and her history of crying rape. Yes, people-this beeyatch has cried rape before five times!,do the fuckin research-the information is available.Who the hell is more credible, a girl with a history of mental illness who has tried out for American Idol of all shows,and is proven to be promiscuos..or a role model like Kobe who has thus far not exhibited this kind of erratic behaviour in his personal or professional life. What does Kobe have to gain? This is patently racist to make this cat a rapist based on some groupies allegations I'm SERIOUS. Kobe's is a stand up guy from what I can see and he made a mistake of infidelity, imho. You guys' reactions to superficial shit like my language is proving my point about a rush to judgement. You really don't know me. I'm just a guy typing in an anonymous user suit on the Internet.I haven't insulted anybody in this forum yet,but I smell this subtle,contemptuous tone in your replies you haven't even bothered to consider any of the facts I've just put forth. You just sneer at my slang usage and try to organize some grass roots efforts to get me banned. Shame on you Barbelith community...shame on you

keep it coming out on top
sammy sosa 2003
10:47 / 14.10.03
You know I love you. It's been unbelievable. I wish you could be here with me today. I know you are watching me and I know you have the same feelings for me as I have for you in my heart."
Sammy Sosa 2003

Now shhhh it's ok calm down.
10:50 / 14.10.03
Well, we didn't all agree with it being locked. I'm not disagreing with your interpretation of the Kobe case, I don't know the first thing about it. Reading the thread in question there's a number of different points of view put forth by a variety of posters, and that's something I'd totally support. What I was objecting to however was the way in which you were expressing it - ie. calling her a bitch and implying that lots of women would like to be forced. If you keep on saying that sort of thing, someone will challenge you about it, we'll all end up having a big arguement and any sensible discussion about the case will go down the pan. Over to you.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:51 / 14.10.03
On the basis of suggestions made by other posters (and not, repeat NOT on the basis of this thread), I've moved to reopen the Kobe Bryant thread. You can go ahead and continue to make your case there - so you may as well delete this thread.
11:12 / 14.10.03
OK,back to the real shit. More info about this broad

read this
22:19 / 14.10.03
Most woman with so-called BPD aren't lying when they say they get raped- they just happen to get raped a lot. I'm serious. It's a lot like the girls who keep getting into abusive relationships.

I believe that Kobe did it, and not just cause I'm a girl. He practically screams rapist. Have you seen the way he plays football? Major rapist vibes.
Jack Fear
22:22 / 14.10.03
Naughty Rage.
22:36 / 14.10.03
I wish there were two Kobes, so I could be the filling in a big delicious Oreo.
Tom Coates
23:02 / 14.10.03
"Before you run to the hills, consider this-I'm not the one ganging up on one guy like a mob of drunk frat-boys at a house party."

Jeez, now I'm horny. Thanks SO much.
8===>Q: alyn
00:48 / 15.10.03
I'm bored. Someone dare me to eat this lemon.
01:00 / 15.10.03
You best not eat that lemon! That shit got mold on it...
01:07 / 15.10.03
Due to some kind of IP address restriction slapped on me I can no longer respond on the Kobe Bryant thread,so since there seems to be some electricity sparking here I will continue to provide information for anyone uninformed minus the insults unless you feel it absolutely necessary to go there..
this is a link to support the racial divide/similarity to O.J case I was mentioning.

Of course this is not offered up as proof that Kobe is innocent.
Merely for your enlightenment
more dirt
01:17 / 15.10.03
Here is a little tidbit to support my rant about needing a change of venue for this proceeding.

Again,let's not pretend racism isn't a factor here.

keep it coming out on top
sammy sosa 2003
01:21 / 15.10.03
I take it back. I'll have OJ on top and Kobe on the bottom.
Jack Fear
01:22 / 15.10.03
Agreed—as soon as you stop pretending that celebrity culture isn't an even bigger factor.

(It's like a scab, isn't it? You know shouldn't scratch, but ooooooooooohhhh....)
01:31 / 15.10.03
Qalyn, you don't have the stones to eat that lemon, and don't even pretend otherwise.
8===>Q: alyn
01:39 / 15.10.03
It's only a virtual lemon. I can't afford the luxury of actual citrus fruits. Too bad I never learned to play basketball.

bio k9
01:40 / 15.10.03
You're gonna have a hard time eating that lemon after I knock out all your teeth, loser.
bio k9
01:41 / 15.10.03
Damn it! No cutting!
01:44 / 15.10.03

keep it coming out on top
sammy sosa 2003
Spatula Clarke
01:46 / 15.10.03
Hey, if lemons and oranges and limes and whatnot are all citrus fruit, is there a group term for others? Like apples and pears? Because apples and pears are vaguely similar in the way they hold their juice and pips and whatnot.

What about plums? What category do plums fall into? Plumds are an odd one, no? There's a sort of appley/peary feel to them what with the edible skin and whatnot, but the the way the juice is contained is very much similar to lemons and oranges and limes and whatnot. I've got a couple here - hey, nowthink, can you have a suck on them and let me know if you think they're more in the apple/pear camp or if they lean more towards lemons and oranges and limes and whatnot? Cheers!
01:47 / 15.10.03
It'll be pretty easy to knock 'em out, what with the scurvy an' all.
01:51 / 15.10.03
Plums are a pussy fruit.

Lemons, orange, anything with a skin that needs a *man* to remove it, those are proper fruits. Plums, peaches, any of those soft fruits... eating them means you're a big gaylord.

Apples and pears... I'm not sure of their exact status. It's yet to be officially determined.

Qalyn can eat the lemon but he's only keeping it real if he puts salt on it first.
01:54 / 15.10.03
Agreed—as soon as you stop pretending that celebrity culture isn't an even bigger factor.

Hmmmm.I don't know about that one I'd say they're about neck and neck in this case.Or perhaps-they're like a mutually dependent symbiotic virus that feed on each other-or something like that.

At any rate,they both exist on the same plane in regards to this wierdo mandingo-'To Kill a Mockingbird' syndrome that poops up every time a bruva gets accused of whistlin'at some tired white broad.
(no offense)
01:57 / 15.10.03
Apples and pears are properly cut with a knife, and the association with steel makes them manly.
bio k9
02:03 / 15.10.03
How "black" was Kobe before all this started?
02:17 / 15.10.03
Before this, he was just some basketball guy who was pretty good and rather obsessed. Nobody even knew or cared that he had a dick.

In fact, it's unusual for basketball players to have dicks. Generally they have them amputated at the age of 14, though they are then given a rigorous course of hormones to make sure they grow to freakish size. The players, not the dicks. The dicks are kept in jars where their growth is restricted. Once the player's career is over, the dick can be reattached.
02:19 / 15.10.03
How "black" was Kobe before all this started?

In the 'Schooly D,Am I Black Enough' kind of a way, or the OH shit here come duh darkies 'Birth Of a Nation'kind of a way?

If you mean 'black'in the 50 cent kind of a way,then I guess not very-
but strangely enough...

Kobe featuring 50 Cent lyrics

you can find that song on Kazaa floatin' around.
02:23 / 15.10.03
In fact, it's unusual for basketball players to have dicks. Generally they have them amputated at the age of 14, though they are then given a rigorous course of hormones to make sure they grow to freakish size. The players, not the dicks. The dicks are kept in jars where their growth is restricted. Once the player's career is over, the dick can be reattached.

02:46 / 15.10.03
I've got a couple here - hey, nowthink, can you have a suck on them and let me know if you think they're more in the apple/pear camp or if they lean more towards lemons and oranges and limes and whatnot? Cheers!

8===>Q: alyn
03:15 / 15.10.03
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
06:25 / 15.10.03
Wait. I'm still confused. Can Kobe Bryant peel a lemon with his dick or not?
06:38 / 15.10.03
Does anyone believe this would even be happening if the lemon were a white male?
07:11 / 15.10.03
DAMN! This shit rots really good.
08:41 / 15.10.03
"Bimbo Eruption" Clinton, who was not in fact the first black President, had people working overtime to discredit the various women he put the make on. So that supports celebrity culture argument, or more likely the brand protection argument. The principal says "make this go away, I don't care how." His or her mafia, whose livelihoods depend on the principal's continued prosperity, distinguish themselves in their energy and imagination in discrediting accusers. "Expert" psychiatric testimoney can be bought easily enough. None of the above has anything to do with Bryant's guilt or innocence, though the psychiatric testimony might influence a jury.

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