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A new mood...


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Tom Coates
20:26 / 11.10.03
Is it just me or is this place beginning to cheer up a little? Been wandering around the place and people seem to be pretty relaxed, chilled out and enjoying the board. I might be imagining it, but maybe the light's breaking through the dark clouds of apocalypse a little? Anyway - I'm feeling really positive about the place today, and just thought I should share that with everyone...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:30 / 11.10.03
I've been putting Valium in everyone's tea.
Tom Coates
20:34 / 11.10.03
You've been doing that too!? Christ - no wonder everyone's so peaceful...
Jack Fear
20:41 / 11.10.03
Well, there have been some real top-notch threads (esp. in the Head Sop and the Switchboard) in the last few days: i think that accounts for much of the revivification. A few intelligent, provocative threads tend to bring people around by making them remember what they came here for in the first place.

And by the way, I love love LOVE the new graphics! The Maypole on the Participation made me laugh out loud.
Eloi Tsabaoth
20:43 / 11.10.03
Eye of the storm, dude!
Tom Coates
20:45 / 11.10.03
That was kind of my favourite too. I've been meaning to sort them out for ages. Just in case people don't know what they all are - the one for the core is the tower of babel, which seemed kind of vaguely appropriate in a vaguely sick way. The one for the revolution is heraldry from the french revolution. The Spectacle is comprised of loads of fragments of signage from Hollywood in the forties and the Participation is - as has been said already - a maypole, because - you know - creative AND participatory...
20:59 / 11.10.03
Hokey smokes, the new graphics are neat!

Things do seem better. Everyone seems to be a bit less defensive. I think Nick's thread out in Policy helped with that. Hopefully it lasts, so long as we all keep drinking our tea.
Matthew Fluxington
21:00 / 11.10.03
The music forum was very lively this week, but it was mostly arguments leading to good ideas.

I don't think this is a result of anything, but I think the 'new mood' is a result of interesting threads popping up to distract people from played-out Policy arguments. As long as the conversation is good, things are fine, I think. When people get bored, that's when we have problems.
01:18 / 12.10.03
Things certainly seem a lot nicer (I'm no longer hiding under my virtual table, at least!).

I think we've just gotta accept that that kind of shit's gonna happen every now and then- I've only been here a couple of years, but it certainly seems cyclical, although given the amount of posters (even just the regulars) it happens surprisingly rarely. It generally leads to good things, though- I think it's a kind of evolutionary thingumajig.
03:21 / 12.10.03
Yes, this place is starting to feeeeeeeeeel verrrrrry fah-rendalee-lee-lee-lee-lalalala-lah....ahh
*passes out on the couch from one too many teas*
Our Lady of The Two Towers
10:59 / 12.10.03
< reels in through doors > Yer alla buncha bassterds!

I thought I'd spare everyone the effort of trying to be funny.

No, I just tried to approach Barbelith with a better attitude than I had done in previous weeks. I started a few topics here and there about stuff I thought mattered in some way or other and that, possibly combined with being fantastically busy at work last week limiting the time I have to stay and play seems to have reinvigorated me or at least made me appreciate this place like once I did.

Huggles for everyone!
Not Here Still
18:33 / 12.10.03
Well I've stuck with being the usual surly-but-eventually-reasonable bastard as ever, but yeah, people seem a bit more inclined to at least step back from a full throwdown than they have been. There are a couple of cracking threads going on at the moment, and even one where ther could have been blazing rows - there's a sepcific couple in teh msuic I'm thinking of - everyone has been really chilled, cool and reasonable about things. I like.

ps: Register me for an 'I love the new graphics' tip of hat as well; nice. And I knew that were t' Tower of Babel...
Not Here Still
18:40 / 12.10.03
WRT my above post; post, or drink red wine; never do both, or spelling mishaps ensue...

that's 'ones where there could have been blazing rows..."
Tryphena Absent
19:11 / 12.10.03
Ah, I think we needed a big row to clear the air and you're right there have been some cracking threads! I've really been enjoying myself! The music forum is rocking out and hey life's soooo gooood! And the shrews are so cute with their little armour and their shoes! Shrews with shoes!
21:35 / 13.10.03
*Strokes lovely, calm, funny, intelligent, kind and interesting Barbelith.*

Stay, Barbelith, stay. Good Barbelith!

*Give yummy treat and pats.*
Bill Posters
09:59 / 14.10.03
the new mood is prolly due to the fact that I've been too busy to post much lately. Sorry about that. But I'm less busy now, so I'll try my very best to work up a great big howling tantrum and ruin everything for everyone as soon as is humanly possible, I promise.
10:13 / 14.10.03
Thanks, Bill. We can always count on you.
12:41 / 14.10.03
I think we're heading for A New Hope, after dark times :-)
Bill, you can be Anakin/Vader, AnndeL should be Leia (that hair would suit you), Olulabelle can be R2D2...
Sorry everybody, yay new graphics!
Tryphena Absent
12:59 / 14.10.03
Ugh! Do I have to be chained to Jabba? If so than I'm not doing it.
13:17 / 14.10.03
Why am I the short, fat, somewhat stupid droid? Hmm?
13:27 / 14.10.03
You do get to wear a nice bikini though, Anna.
Tryphena Absent
13:36 / 14.10.03
And engage in some light incest and have an affair with a smuggler who is frozen and hangs around with a giant furry creature. Hey Olulabelle, fancy a swap? I want to be the extremely intelligent robot that gets to fly planes and open any door.

Oh, hang on, doesn't Leia develop jedi skills later on? I take it all back, I want to shoot a ray gun and play with the force!
13:38 / 14.10.03
You post like a guy.
Bill Posters
13:42 / 14.10.03
Anna, that was an extraordinarily Jabbaist thing to say. Why, I've often had sexual fantasies about Jabba, and have no problem admitting it. So long as people don't think it means I'm gay, of course. It doesn't make me gay, does it?
Saint Keggers
13:46 / 14.10.03
No it doesnt make you makes you odd. Im mean sure that long moist Jabba toungue has immense possibilties but have you checked out his dental hygiene? He's got frog bits everywhere..ewww. Think it over.
Now the Twilek dancer... oh yeah.

ps. yeah the board does seem to be going great now.
Tryphena Absent
13:47 / 14.10.03
Well you know females of that race are very similar to males if you're a human being. I think it means you have a thing for very fat monsters. Of course you know he's male so it might make you gay. Actually it does. Bill, you're so gay, you're gayer than gay.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
14:23 / 14.10.03
No Bill, it's bread that makes you gay. Bread and milk. Maybe Jabba-milk. Yeah, Jabba-milk definitely makes you gay.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:27 / 14.10.03
Bread and milk? Does that mean hedgehogs are gay?
Tryphena Absent
15:30 / 14.10.03
Of course hedgehogs are gay! What planet are you living on that you didn't know that? Cripes! People are so uneducated nowadays.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
15:35 / 14.10.03
Hedgehogs transcend bilateral gender. The are at one with the Universe. That's why so many of them get run over - one minute they're communing with the Ultimate, and then suddenly they're communing with the Stagecoach to Doncaster.
18:12 / 14.10.03
Just hiding in here so I don't cause anymore damage to the new mood than I already have. I find the best way for me to be positive about things on Barbelith, is for me not to open my big cyber-trap!

Okay, I will shut up now.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
18:51 / 14.10.03
Damn Tom, you had to go and speak too soon didn't you?
Tom Coates
19:54 / 14.10.03
Tell me about it! I'm going to stick my fingers in my ears and sing happy songs until they go away! And if my big toe strays near to the "big squishing boot from the sky" button, then - well - these things happen. LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA
20:07 / 14.10.03
I'm feeling pretty good about this place too. It must be some of that *positivity fairy dust* I sprinkled around here!


20:11 / 14.10.03
Tom's right... we need to think happy thoughts and sing happy songs.

Altogether now...

The sky is blue, and all the leaves are green
The sun's as full as a baked potato
I think I know precisely what I mean
When I say it's a spedoingle day

I may go back under the table.

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