Hmmm... not agreeing with the 99.9999% fact, myself (or perhaps it is, if you think more than I do). I think its 50% heat loss through your head. But yes, I have a vast array of hats to keep whatever percentage in.
Like Maz, its got to be long, sexy, wooly socks, or tights under trousers if you're prepared to sacrafice, well, socks.
Boots are a must. You wear trainers, the ends of your trousers get wet, and flap against your ankles, and the rest of you gets cold, but if you get longish boots (no,really,DMs are all I talk about) then I feel much better.
And soup.
And pretending to look at jewellery in H.Samuels, where theres a big heater. Thats only if my friends supervisor is there. If not, I dont have to pretend.
It snowed today. Crap snow. Snow thats just like rain, but it doesnt go away once it hits the ground. And I have to get up in the dark. Hmph. I believe I feel cold more than yer average scot, englishman or jamaican for that matter. Im a wuss. |