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The north wind doth blow...

06:24 / 21.10.03
For those of us in the northern hemisphere temperatures are falling rapidly and winter is just around the corner. As someone who feels the cold more than most I'd like to ask how other 'Lithers go about keeping warm when they're out and about.

Apart from the obvious coat/scarf/hat/gloves, I have a pocket hand warmer that contains a burning carbon rod. It's very good at keeping my poor little mitts nice and toasty!
07:05 / 21.10.03
I don't know. Moving to a new flat hopefully. Doing martial arts like a lunatic helps as well.
07:22 / 21.10.03
Err, how does a lunatic do martial arts?
07:25 / 21.10.03
I do the obvious, I'm afraid. I buy a new coat!
07:39 / 21.10.03
Fast and aggressively in close proximity to his flatmates.
08:26 / 21.10.03
So, Illmatic, let me check that I have this right. You're looking for a new flat, in which you'll practise fast, aggressive martial arts near your flatmates. Is that correct?
08:46 / 21.10.03
Dammit, I knew someone would pick me up on that!!! Look, they'll love it really, it's better than Eastenders. Think Pete Sellers and Cato. I would like to add that this activity has no bearing on why I wish to leave my current residence.

("Hey Matt, come here - let me show you this new punch to the windpipe I learnt earlier")
Mourne Kransky
08:48 / 21.10.03
I am Scottish. You call this bracing little mild spell cold? Pshaw. Having said which, I am wearing a jumper at work today because the heating's broken. Everybody has been sent home. Except me, because I have the misfortune to be supervising some trainees in the only room in the building that does have heat. Gah...

I have eaten some chicken mayo sandwiches and a packet of crisps. My body is now converting that into thermal insulation. And I get up and run about every ten minutes or so.

I like the cold, as long as I have the option of intermittent heat. Must be hellish living on the streets in this weather.
08:58 / 21.10.03
know what i miss?


where's the fucking rain?
09:01 / 21.10.03
I'm also Scottish but find this weather far too cold, I'm not sure what's wrong with me I can remember waiting for a bus in a blizzard in a short sleeve shirt and it didn't bother me but now the slightest breeze has me complaining.

Also there's no heating at home so I have to sleep wearing lots of clothes and my bed is right next to the window (a windows which keeps getting soaking wet because there's a gap in it)...

Thank God I'm moving at the end of the month.

When does summer start?
09:11 / 21.10.03
I find the Not Venturing Out Into The Cold At ALL technique works well.

That or big pants.
Mourne Kransky
09:25 / 21.10.03
All good bears should be hibernating in this weather: lying in the back of a cave somewhere under a pile of leaves with just a crate of Bacardi Breezers, a pile of old Heat magazines and a catering pack of porridge flavoured crisps to see you through till Spring.

But then you are probably a very bad bear and being punished by Fate for your Summertime misadventures.
10:17 / 21.10.03
I dislike being cold as much as the next stoat, but there's definitely something to be said for winter when you work nights. It's cold during the day, so you have no desire to be out doing anything other than wrapping yourself in a duvet... and it's both easier to sleep and quieter... and if it snows during the night, there's something really nice about knowing that most people missed it.
10:38 / 21.10.03
All good bears should be hibernating in this weather

Wouldn't that be great though, just sleeping right through until Spring, walking up feeling refreshed and ready for another year.

When I finally start my cult that'll be one of the rules, everyone must stay in one room right through winter.

But then you are probably a very bad bear and being punished by Fate for your Summertime misadventures.

I wish dude!
10:59 / 21.10.03
Out and About?
- Layers of clothes - many thin layers better than one thick jumper as the air in between them heats and provides insulting snuggles.
- The aforementioned pocket-warmer which is the most Chap-ish objectever; you can purchase them from fishing supply shops. If you're not dynamiting trout in the Highlands with a Winchester, you can also get modern cyber-versions which contain gel.
- Hats. It's a little known scientific fact that you loose 99.99999% of heat through the top of your head; if you covered your head in tin foil you could fry an egg on it. Oh yes.
- Fleece (the artificial kind). I find fleece unaesthetic, and my soul revolts and longs for velvet, but nothing beats it for snuggles.
- Fleece hats. Keep the fleece minimal and put it where it's needed.
- Two pairs of socks.
- In emergencies (for example, when trains are delayed), sit down and curl over a bit, jam your hands between your thighs, and imagine your breath going right down into your stomach - feel your tummy expanding and contracting (strangely warming trick from dance tutor).

Staying warm when you're indoors is a whole different kettle of hot goldfish.
11:12 / 21.10.03
insulting snuggles Something to get heated up about, I suppose.

I got the ladders out this morning and clambered up to the top of my wardrobe to look for hats, scarves and gloves. I need a new coat though - the one I have is getting raggedy. Maybe I'll get a parka, like Monsieur Sax, but I don't really have the height to carry it. Literally or aesthetically.
11:23 / 21.10.03
I'm definitely agree with the many layers thing. Especially underlayers. How nice it is to be able to buy vest-like things that no longer look vest-like (ie, grey and miserable), but are actually pretty and/or colourful. Then when you're wandering about and it's grey and miserable outside, you're not grey and miserable on the inside.

Lots and lots of food and hot drinks. I find cold weather a very good excuse to buy hot chocolate a lot. For some reason I get very cold hands, so gloves are definitely a plus. The best I have found so far were biker ninja gloves, the first pair to ever fit me properly.

Strangely, I find that cold itself isn't such a problem but getting miserable about the cold is.
13:13 / 21.10.03
Ahhh, memories of growing up with lots of snow....

Mittens are warmer than gloves. They may not look as sexy, but they're much warmer. Long underwear (no idea what you Brits call them, but they help). Scarves - snuggled up around your unprotected neck, then tucked into your coat to guard against stray drafts sneaking in between buttons (or to insulate you from that nasty cold metal zipper....).


Damn you, I almost miss having a real winter now!
14:07 / 21.10.03
Long socks, double breasted coats, and scarves made out of this yarn. Preferably a hooded scarf. Depending on where you are and the foresight of local architects, something to go across the face is also helpful. Find gloves which are lined with polarfleece or some other toasty fiber, like cashmere. Water is not your friend, so if it's snowing or sleeting, bring an umbrella.

It is a pretty good idea to give up on looking cool. It is difficult to look cool while being completely bundled up.
14:11 / 21.10.03
I have never, in my entire life, looked cool. I gave up worrying about that a long time ago.
Saint Keggers
15:27 / 21.10.03
Red wine...heated.
16:21 / 21.10.03
We had ice on the sidewalk today. Winter is coming.

Switched to a long coat with a hood. Mittens and scarves are next.
Mourne Kransky
17:31 / 21.10.03
Always put extra layers on top, so you can remove them. Ignore the vast girth that may result.

Putting extra insulation on underneath is useless unless you're prepared to march about in thermals when you're out of the cold. I used to wear my pyjamas under my clothes when I was a starveling, snotnosed student, which was warm and toasty on the way to classes, but then you pour with sweat anywhere indoors.

I would rather look OK and be a little cold than be red faced and glistening and suffering in the individualised tropical zone I've trapped myself in.
pachinko droog
17:52 / 21.10.03
Hit the military surplus/Army-Navy stores for good winter coats. Navy peacoats and old Soviet-style greatcoats work well to keep out the chill.

Thinsulate gloves and turtleneck scarves are a must in Jan. I prefer a fleece pullover with zip-up turtleneck under my army jacket when it gets below freezing, but when it gets extreme, I have this Austrian greatcoat with these wooden toggle-type buttons. (Keeps me warm in the subzero windchill but it weighs a ton.)

And don't forget yer Irish Coffee for when you get in.
23:10 / 21.10.03
Hmmm... not agreeing with the 99.9999% fact, myself (or perhaps it is, if you think more than I do). I think its 50% heat loss through your head. But yes, I have a vast array of hats to keep whatever percentage in.

Like Maz, its got to be long, sexy, wooly socks, or tights under trousers if you're prepared to sacrafice, well, socks.

Boots are a must. You wear trainers, the ends of your trousers get wet, and flap against your ankles, and the rest of you gets cold, but if you get longish boots (no,really,DMs are all I talk about) then I feel much better.

And soup.
And pretending to look at jewellery in H.Samuels, where theres a big heater. Thats only if my friends supervisor is there. If not, I dont have to pretend.

It snowed today. Crap snow. Snow thats just like rain, but it doesnt go away once it hits the ground. And I have to get up in the dark. Hmph. I believe I feel cold more than yer average scot, englishman or jamaican for that matter. Im a wuss.
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