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Wounded pigeon: hints & tips?

captain piss
11:05 / 22.10.03
Have taken it upon myself, in a bizarre twist on my normal behaviour, to help out a pigeon with a wounded wing and wasn’t sure what to do…have left it in the garden of our house with bits of bread beside it. It’s breathng is quite laboured and it’s got rather a nasty gash on the right wing- you can pretty much see through to the bone (sorry if anyone’s eating their tea). There ain't normally many cats around so it's safe there, for now, I reckon..

What the fuck do you do? Take it to a vet? (obviously not)
Feel free to share if any animal-lovin souls out there have had this happen
11:53 / 22.10.03
Not Here Still
11:55 / 22.10.03
Advice here from the RSPB (UK bird protection charity):

Birds fall into human hands for a variety of reasons, of which accidents, mauling by cats and being found as fledglings are perhaps the most common. Whatever the causes, these birds are wild creatures and if you are prepared to care for them you must aim to return them to their own environment as soon as possible – in fact the law requires you to do so. A sick bird or an orphan should be handled as little as possible and not be made into a pet. Some birds can easily become very tame and it will be difficult for them to be released. Remember that only a completely healthy bird will survive in the wild...

There's loads more help if you follow the links on those pages...
Mourne Kransky
12:04 / 22.10.03
Here's the url for Pigeon Recovery, a group that cares for sick and injured pigeons, but they're local to the London area by the sound of it. The site has further links giving detailed advice about looking after sick pigeons though.
12:36 / 22.10.03
Other than to say yeah, check those links out, I don't really know what else to add.

Just thought I should post to say "well done", "nice one" and all that kind of stuff. Hope all goes okay.

But be warned, if you decide to hang onto it for the entire healing process... my friend's mum took on a wounded pigeon a few years ago... and it became an obsession (I think she's had two or three by this point).

But yeah. Huggles to you and pidge (or whatever you call a pigeon...).

Keep a water pistol handy for cats, though, if you have one and you're just leaving the pidge in the garden until whoever you call comes round... works a treat but doesn't hurt 'em.
captain piss
13:26 / 22.10.03
Cheers all- much appreciated. Barbelith, eh? Your source for pigeon-caring info- what next
13:35 / 22.10.03
Pigeon pie recipes? [ducks - no, not that sort - and runs for cover]]
Not Here Still
14:25 / 22.10.03
I know a Mr D. Dastardly and an M. Uttley who will pay good money for that pigeon...
the garden gnome
14:48 / 22.10.03
glaze it in a nice fig marmelade, throw it in a pit full of coals for about.....oooooh, 3 hours.

Mourne Kransky
16:07 / 22.10.03
Barely any flesh on it and it will be riddled with parasites, I bet. I can give you a great recipé for "squab pie" though but it cheats and uses lamb chops. No plucking and nobody cares about cooking baby sheep.
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