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HELP!! My computer is suddenly completely FUCKED!

rizla mission
20:53 / 15.10.03
two days ago my computer was perfectly healthy and being used sensibly, and I ran all the appropriate tests etc. on a regular basis, and none of them showed any problems.

And now my computer is COMPLETELY FUCKED.

When I click on most documents, they just don't open.
Whenever I try to shut down it crashes.
It crashes within five minutes whenever more than one window is open.
It crashes everytime I try to install/download new virus checking software.

The age old solution of "a good kicking" isn't yielding any results and the next time it screws up I'm worried I'm actually going to lose my temper and destroy it.

Aside from copying all my documents onto CD and taking the fucking thing directly to the nearest dodgy, over-priced computer repair shop (easier said than done with a broken wrist and no transport), what can I do?
Lurid Archive
21:00 / 15.10.03
Is it a heat problem? We recently had an issue with both the case fan and an overheating power unit which had similar symptoms. (The processor fan was next on our list.)

MC says: Does it smell funny?
rizla mission
21:17 / 15.10.03
No funny smell, and the fans seem to be running OK, but still, it could be an overheating thing..hmm.. thanks.
21:19 / 15.10.03
perhaps your computer has inherited one of those nasty viruses-
Try McAffee Norton Anti-Virus,that should work.

Go to start menu/accessories/system tools/disk cleanup

ditto:start menu/accessories/system tools/defragment

Uhm of course if you don't have a PC that last advice is totally useless.Sometimes the disk cleanup works because deleting all your temporary unused internet files,like cookies etc..can remove lots of insidious little pests that like to hide in there and make life miserable.

After you do all that you might want to install a fire-wall on you're box if you do a lot of arbitrary web-surfing,and don't open any wierd looking spam in your e-mail inbox that you can't immediately verify.

21:23 / 15.10.03
Override the boot up function and go into
DOS mode and check your Bios,try changing the order your disks load
ie;if your hard disk normally loads first,switch it with your removable disk etc..

then try running your computer in safe mode and seeing if you can open your files then.

Of course if your motherboard is damaged you probly(sic) fucked.
21:26 / 15.10.03
you're not connected to or operating a large server or network with
multiple computers are you?

cause that would change things too

OK I go now.
21:30 / 15.10.03
What OS?
As soon as you boot (in safe mode)
run task manager.
Shut down anything that looks like sobig or blast.
(variants run under different names...use intuition)
then download virus removal updates.
then download OS security upates.
Install all.
see damage.
Linus Dunce
21:50 / 15.10.03
What does the message say when it crashes? (Maybe write it down :-)
rizla mission
15:19 / 16.10.03
It's just the standard thing where it freezes, and eventually the wait/end task/shutdown box comes up, and then that freezes..

Thanks for the advice - off to try it all..
Spatula Clarke
15:54 / 16.10.03
What's the task that needs ending when you're trying to shut the thing down?
Linus Dunce
15:56 / 16.10.03
It's best to use the Shut Down button.
rizla mission
19:02 / 16.10.03
goood question, ERD.. I'll make sure to look..

here is the news:

in safe mode, everything works more or less.

However, I've established that none of those annoying little programs that run invisibly in regular mode are causing the problem.

what does this tell me? I don't really know.

Miraculously, by internet connection is about the only thing that still works efficiently..
Linus Dunce
23:08 / 16.10.03
You could try defragmenting the disk. That may help.
rizla mission
10:00 / 17.10.03
oh, I do that all the time.. that's what's annoying, I've been deliberately trying to keep my 'puter in good working order.. I haven't got any big, complicated software or anything installed.. just documents and internet and CD burning and that's about it..

I was convinced it was a virus, but I managed to update the virus checker and ran a scan and it's still not come up with anything.. I think there might be some problems deep within the config sys or something else too complicated for me to mess with.. it's certainly not anything easily detectable, annoyingly..
15:20 / 17.10.03
I don't know what version of Windows you have, but if you have 98 or XP, try going to Start, Run, and type msconfig. The last tab is the startup menu that determines what loads when your computer boots up. It could be a conflict in there.. anyway, all you need to do is uncheck what you don't want loading (these don't stop the programs from functioning in any way, they just keep them from auto-loading) so things like realplay, etc., just uncheck 'em.
Fist Fun
16:11 / 17.10.03
Maybe some of the system files have gone tits up. I'd reinstall the OS over your existing one. That way you won't need to back have the cd don't you?
16:23 / 17.10.03
am I the only pervert who looks in these threads just to see if there's any hot geek action going on?

mm. hot. geek. action.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
18:03 / 17.10.03
As a last resort, you could boot from your Windows CD and get it to repair your Windows installation - that should sort out any configuration problems you have. Just make sure you back up any important data beforehand.
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