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Blind spots

13:42 / 17.10.03
A friend of mine confuses gold and silver. The word 'gold' conjurs images of both gold things and silver things, and so does 'silver'. Point to a gold or silver thing and ask her what colour it is, she will pause, run through a little routine in her head and only then give you an answer. Incidentally, her mnemonic for this is also quite strange. She thinks: 'Silver looks a bit like grey...'grey' starts with a 'g', 'gold' starts with a 'g'....and it's not that one.'
I know some people have trouble with left and right, and east and west - and I can never summon the word 'provenance' quickly when I need it - but this gold/silver thing strikes me as quite special. Anyone else have glitches like that?
14:24 / 17.10.03
I get vague and vivid mixed up all the time. It has made me look like a right twat on occasion.

I like her little remembering routine though. Very strange.
16:44 / 17.10.03
i have trouble w/some names. like if i meet someone named melissa or michelle, as soon as i hear their name i start thinking, "wait, was that melissa, or michelle?" and even if i know their name, i'm always afraid i'm going to say the wrong one, and sometimes do. ditto for mark and matt. strangely, though, the name 'mike' doesn't give me problems, and it's a four-letter male 'm' name too.
i forget numbers really easily, too. they just fly out of my head.
Fist Fun
16:53 / 17.10.03
I have a slight problem with left and right. Always thought I was just a bit dim growing up.
10:29 / 18.10.03
At least Mark/Matt type confusions are fairly understandable. For some reason, I have the names 'Stuart' and 'Jason' confused in my head. My next door neighbour, who I have scarcely ever spoken to, is called one of these names, and I accidentally came out with the wrong one once. But now I can't remember which one that was.
17:53 / 18.10.03
When I was much younger, I used to mix up the letters s and c, primarily because the word 'sea' sounded so much like the letter 'c'. great for spelling, I can asure you.

Generally my recollection is brilliant for arrangements (of all types) but sometimes I have a complete blank. It upsets me that there are somethings I have done (say like a meal with friends while completely sober) that I cannot recall at all. It's like they never lodged properly in my memory, or if they are there the label for them has been misplaced.
waxy dan
19:30 / 18.10.03
I trust people when they say they'll pay the bills.
20:12 / 18.10.03
Its not so much neurological, as I know what I want to say, but I cannot say "platinum" when under pressure. (platinum's a dept of where i work) Similarly, whilst calm, I can do left and right, but not when people ask for directions. Michael and Matthew are interchangeable.

The only two male coaches Iv had have had a gold/silver type problem with beam and bars. Only seems to trouble the men.

And i frequently forget where money has gone.
Tryphena Absent
20:27 / 18.10.03
I couldn't say my th's for years. Everything else was fine, no stutters or speech impediments, yet th's were pronounced as v's. I was about 14 when I finally started to say them and that was after my friend went on and on about it for weeks and until then I'd never even realised.
unheimlich manoeuvre
11:47 / 19.10.03
i used to have a severe stutter as a child. me mam suggested elocution lessons at a local drama school.
on the whole i rarely get tongue tied unless im really wasted.

i have a great memory for faces but shit recollection of names.
Linxy Kakenhoff
15:48 / 19.10.03
Horrible horrible memory, I have trouble remembering anything that happened more than a few hours ago, and have no recollection of anything passed 3 or so years. It's a bugger, 'cuz I can't remember my childhood at all. Also have never been able to remember my family's birthdays, and have forgotten the alphebet a few times.
I also talk to fast, which causes me to put words in the wrong order, or just skip over them completely.
Baz Auckland
19:13 / 19.10.03
If someone asks me what I did yesterday, I'll probably take a minute to remember *what* I did yesterday... but if someone asks me something about my childhood, my recall is a lot better. It's as if I filled up my memory by age 14, and now I'm having trouble stuffing recent things in...
Linus Dunce
23:28 / 19.10.03
It usually takes me a good minute to remember the name of the thing Americans call an eggplant. It's not avacado, though it looks a bit like one. Aubergine, that's it. Gets me every time. Sometimes I simply cannot remember at all. Does anyone know why?
08:23 / 20.10.03
I frequently confuse the words "other" and "over".

I forget how to sensibly construct questions while at work and often say the subject of the sentence first. For example, "Apples. Do you like them?" Maybe I am just so used to having subject lines that while working I feel the need to use them in speech.
08:48 / 20.10.03
For some inexplicable reason I have always confused the colours of the roses for the houses of Lancaster and York. For some reason, York just seems like it should be red, and not white as is the case.
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