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Infidelity - I'm baring my soul here, folks, and I need advice.

13:37 / 06.06.03
This is so hard for me to do publicly, especially as I know there are Barbeloids who feel they know me and know how happy I appear, but here goes.

I've always been a Galaxy man. Always. Soft, creamy, smooth as silk. Christmas, Easter, anytime. I've been there for Galaxy, I've been faithful.

But I've had my head turned. Nestle Double Cream. It started off with the adverts, that couple who robbed the bank but couldn't spend the money because the notes were marked. Canny-but-shabby cop with sore fingers tried to catch them out all ways, only succeeding when he tempted the chocolate-loving femme fatale into parting with a snide note for a bar of Double Cream.

And when I tasted it.... whooo. It's been a whirlwind romance. I just can't stop myself going back. And I've not even missed Galaxy.

What do you think? Anyone in a similar situation?
13:38 / 06.06.03
You bastard.
13:51 / 06.06.03
Sax, you shit head. Don't do that. What YOU need is a baby to give you something to think about.
13:52 / 06.06.03
I couldn't possibly eat a baby after all that chocolate.
rizla mission
14:01 / 06.06.03
I think those Nestle Double Creams are crap.

I got some at Easter and it was a bloody chore to eat them.

If only I'd thought ahead, I could have posted them to you..
We're The Great Old Ones Now
14:22 / 06.06.03
Galaxy chocolate tastes of almost nothing. Certainly not of chocolate. Cadbury's for English-style Chocolate, Lindt or Green & Black for Continental-style Chocolate, and certain special brands of uber-chocolate for significant moments.

Anything else is dross.
14:26 / 06.06.03
Like Arab Strap say: you just have to be sure you're doing the right thing.

It's all well and good messing around with the nestle thing, but really, just *think* about what you and galaxy have been through, what you've shared, how long you've been together.

Don't fuck it up Sax - think very, VERY clearly before you do anything you might regret. Believe me I know! I've had my fair share of chocolate related affairs... most of all, take precautions and be *safe*.
14:30 / 06.06.03
Oh, always safe, Jub - I generally leave the wrapper on. But I want to get closer...
14:32 / 06.06.03
NESTLE BAD goddamn, don't give in to their wicked wiles, they're homewreckers and babykillers. Stick to the 72% cocoa stuff, if only for the buzz.
Did you know white chocolate has no chocolate in?
14:36 / 06.06.03
I know Nestle's bad. That's part of the attraction. I always fall for the wrong kind of chocolate, damn it.
Kit-Cat Club
14:38 / 06.06.03
Sax, you horrible ratbag, I nearly had a heart attack when I saw that title.

I find Lindt a bit sickly for milk chocolate - Green & Black's is all right though. Galaxy, to me, tastes largely of the oily fat they put in as a sub for cocoa solids (unless it's the caramel one, in which case it's All Right By Me).
Bill Posters
14:44 / 06.06.03
Nestle: Choice of the ethical chocaholic.
Mr Messy
14:44 / 06.06.03
You sound a tiny bit ambivalent about this. You say you don't miss Galaxy, but it seems you are uncomfortable with your infidelity.

Perhaps you should ask yourself what that is all about? Have you been living according to some outdated set of morals? Its widely known that Galaxy is a sluttish whore and often doesn't even bother to collect when the deed is done.

Inappropriate guilt if you ask me. Share it about baby.
14:54 / 06.06.03
John Walker Lindt - American Choccyban...

Am I the only person here who just doesn't really eat chocolate? What am I missing?
Ethan Hawke
15:03 / 06.06.03
This discussion of the (de)merits of brands of chocolate is all well and good, but the important question seems to me to be what type of baby tastes best?
William Sack
15:08 / 06.06.03
Extra virgin cold-pressed baby oil. Mmm. Just drizzle.
15:15 / 06.06.03
Ugh, babies are all fat.
16:59 / 06.06.03
John Walker Lindt - American Choccyban...

Weird tangential name-dropping: the heir to the Lindt fortune is actually a "client" of Palm Beach County's social work system.

He is, apparently, a rather bitter man, paralyzed from the waist down, and either unable to get his hands on the whole fortune and/or unable to live on the amount he gets monthly from the trust fund. Not terribly nice to the people who work in the Assisted Living Facilities. Why he can't afford a nice private nurse or somesuch I'm not sure.
unheimlich manoeuvre
17:06 / 06.06.03
jelly babies! yum... babies made of jelly
Mourne Kransky
19:56 / 06.06.03
Green's Organic Dark Chocolate. In all good supermarkets. Try it once and you'll never go back, honest (was once a Galaxy man too). They used to do Baby-flavoured but bits of nappy kept jamming their machinery.
13:37 / 07.06.03
Milkybar all the way. But its gotta be the thin ones, not chunks- it loses something in its mass. Dont care if its not real chocolate, or even if its nestle- its damn tasty!

Otherwise, Cadburys. In moderate amounts.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:34 / 07.06.03
Can't praise Green & Black's organic highly enough. They are (supposedly) fair-trade, thus avoiding the whole "hey... wonder if this chocolate was brought to me by slave labour?" thang.

If no Green & Black's presents itself, then Cadbury's are alledged to have a lower slave-produced cocoa quotient than, say, Mars. Better quality chocolate with a higher cocoa content tends to mean that more of the money filters back to the growers.

Here in Spain you can get some amazing choccies. Next time I'm in town I'm going to buy a block of Lindt's 99% pure. Oh yeah-- I'm playing hardball. You babies aren't even in the game.
The Strobe
17:34 / 07.06.03
Indifferent to milk chocolate as I am, I must admit to being pleasantly surprised by Nestle Double Cream; very tasty, very creamy, slips right down. Galaxy is nice, but bland; not sure what the attraction is, but it's nice. The Nestle is more of a competitor to Dairy Milk to my mind.

Oh, but Dark Chocolate. Mmn. Darker the better - acts as its own safeguard to stop you eating too much. Parents greatest decision one year: Lindt Easter Egg. Oh yes. Just brilliant.
17:55 / 07.06.03
Gosh, you reprobates haven't helped at all. You've just made me even hungrier for a wider cocoa solids experience.

All this time, I was being so vanilla with my chocolate tastes.
Cat Chant
19:05 / 07.06.03
mmm... vanilla chocolate...
20:23 / 21.10.03
Update: Back on Galaxy.
20:37 / 21.10.03
[projecting] So how come you're a fat Terry Christian lookalike? [/projecting]
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:45 / 21.10.03
I've got some Lindt Excellence Noirissime right now. Mmmmm. It's so hardcore it's got instructions on how to eat it. In French. With a graph.

My chocolate can beat up your chocolate.
22:15 / 21.10.03
If ever you feel the temptation again, go for a bag of Galaxy Swirls. Give me a bag of those, and you have my heart. mmmmmmmmmm
20:35 / 22.10.03
If you're talking about chocolate in bars, I can recommend only two: Valrhona, or preferably, Bonnat. Bonnat puts out region-specific chocolate with an even more specific and rich flavor than Valrhona.

(how weird -- when I previewed this post it showed up as "or preferably, fred" -- yet the source is clearly "preferably, Bonnat"???)
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