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Anyone up for A Real Challenge?

12:14 / 15.10.03
Stop swearing and see how long you can go for...

OK, from the moment you read this post, start to count in secs, mins, hours, (days?) how long it is before you swear. Freak people out wont it, NOT sswearing at them, insults are fine just the following words are now verboten...

*RS* (A**E)
D*CKW*D (For the Y*nks)
B*LL*CKS (for the Br*ts)
T*SS*RS (For the rest of the W*rld)

And any other word that would make a maiden aunt blush.

No prizes just a squeeky clean feeling right deep down where the soap won't reach. Oh and for fun obviously...
Tryphena Absent
12:18 / 15.10.03
Damn is a swear word??
Spatula Clarke
12:21 / 15.10.03
Cockknocker? Now, I think I'm pretty well-versed in the art of the swear, but I've never met cockknocker before. How do you knock a cock? What happens to a cock once it's been knocked? If it's something nasty nobody'd better go knocking my cock.
Ethan Hawke
12:22 / 15.10.03
I've a better idea. It's not my idea, actually. It's from the third season of Mr. Show, which I've been consuming on DVD.

Bob and David have a swear jar, into which they put a nickel every time the swear. They then will donate that money to charity to "make a difference." "A real fucking difference" says David, as he drops another nickel in the jar.

Swearing rules.

Bomb The Past
12:22 / 15.10.03
I don't think you're getting into the spirit of it Anna. I make that four minutes at the most.
12:34 / 15.10.03
Cockknocker? I like it.

So although the intention was to dissuade me from swearing, the result is that you have actually added to my vocabulary.
12:42 / 15.10.03
It might be Cockknicker?
8===>Q: alyn
12:46 / 15.10.03

That may be an Americanism, old chap--specifically a Beavis-and-Buttheadism (a sub-Texist Americanism, that is). Let's just say a "cockknocker" likes "bosc pears" a little more than is usual.
12:47 / 15.10.03

All of the above work for me, although I'm now highly taken with Cockknecker. Especially if you spell it Cocknecker - which brings a whole new meaning to the word.
12:50 / 15.10.03
Cocknocker also a villain (played by Mark Hamill of Star Wars fame) in 'Jay and silent Bob strike back'. We don't use it here in the UK because we have the superior word 'Wanker' to mean the same thing.
Give up swearing? Fuck that...
12:54 / 15.10.03
Do septics knock the old chap about then when they're having a wank then? The tried and tested way if much better I think! Bit confused. If anyone can proved the etymology (further to earlier answers), part of me will be forever grateful for assuaging my curiosity, and part of me will be shocked and appalled anyone does actually know...

Cockknocker indeed.
The Apple-Picker
13:12 / 15.10.03
I'm with Todd. Swearing rules.

It's soda pop that I'm trying to give up.
13:43 / 15.10.03
yeah, fuck that.
14:53 / 15.10.03
I would have to sew my lips together.

Both of them.
18:28 / 15.10.03
How about instead of not swearing, we all vow not to use sarcasm for at least one 24-hour period? I mean, hell, you want a challenge...
21:52 / 15.10.03
Or both?

I think I've (nearly) given up both this week, as I've hardly spoken. Anyway. Carry on.
16:37 / 18.10.03
Cuss Control Academy?
09:48 / 20.10.03
Reminds me of the League of Gentlemen episode with Chubby Brown as the Mayor. How about replacing cusswords with insults that would blacken the sun? My current favorite is (mild) "he'd steal the pennies off a dead man's eyes."
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