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Pheromone moan moan...

Mourne Kransky
19:54 / 15.10.03
I was feeling a bit shit last week. Moaning to all my dear ones (thanks for your patience, folks). Then I went home to Scotland and the cold and family duties and realised how happy I was to live now in the Land of Cockaigne.

Since my mood perked up I seem to think about sex all the time. And, despite the old pseudomarried coupledom, there's been a bit of a spike in the pseudoconjugal bonejumping seismograph too.

Am I alone in this? I doubt it'll last and I'm just enjoying it while the pheromone flow is peaking but I'm puzzled. Wondering if it's the change in the seasons. I blamed the advent of Autumn for the low mood but maybe this rebound is part of the old Intimations of Mortality routine too.

Or maybe it's just related to work stress. I should probably have taken this to Dr Flux on the Life Coach thread but Todd's exhibitionism might have tipped me over.
bio k9
02:38 / 16.10.03
Life Coach? Hairdresser is more like it.

"Get a fauxhawk and all your troubles will go away." Prick.
the Fool
03:27 / 16.10.03
Well, winter this year was a comedy in sex for me. It all ended in tears though... I'm hoping its not seasonal but some sort of macropsychic mechanism, everyone just gets horny at the same time... a PHEROMEME!!!
09:21 / 16.10.03
I think it depends on whether you're a Summer or a Winter person. Personally I find that the cold has a negative effect on me, put me in the sun in the South of France though...............

Unfortunatly my Husband's background is Scottish!
Mourne Kransky
10:00 / 16.10.03
Bloody freezing here today and the urge has entirely vanished but then I'm Scottish too. Could just be the prospect of having to go to Croydon this afternoon that's sapping all the joy from my life...
hanabius yamamura
10:07 / 16.10.03
... as someone who's both Scottish and constantly horny regardless of season, temperature or daylight-stimulated serotonin levels, i'm getting a mild 'Scottish=Not horny' vibe ... or is it the lack of blood-flow to my head making me paranoid ?
Mourne Kransky
10:19 / 16.10.03
No, you are just paranoid (and nobody wants to shag you either), goatee-boy.
10:23 / 16.10.03
Do you live in a university town? I always find that this time of year brings about change and a sense of hope, due to the influx of students that suddenly swarm around. Even when I'm not in a university town, I feel it still, just because all those years spent in education, the year always began September/October, and thus that was when it was most likely that I'd meet new people (or see old friends again).

Horniness probably spreads like freshers' flu.
Mourne Kransky
10:28 / 16.10.03
Good thinking, Squirmy. When I was a collegiate youth, there always was a bit of that around at this time of year: here come the sacrificial freshers which we more sophisticated sophomores can swoop upon.

I live in London so there are always too many spotty youths milling about for a change to be noticed at the autumnal solstice but it's still a good theory.
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