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What Kind of Mutant are You?

Spyder Todd 2008
17:18 / 17.10.03
So, I was doing some crazy magic type stuff with Magneto, when I realized: Based on what I do here, if I had been born in the Marvel Universe, I would have been a mutant. And I'm willing to bet some of my fellow Barbelithers would be too. So, who would be a mutant? What superpowers would you have? And which side of the mutant war do you think you would be on, honestly? Magneto, Xaiver, or neutral? Honestly?

I'll post my answers to my own questions once I have them...
Fist Fun
17:27 / 17.10.03
I'd be Geekotron with magic geek powers. Fighting for good. For good.
18:04 / 17.10.03
I am sure I would be a bit like Rogue. Eveything I touch I seem to suck the life out of and destroy. Damn, is it possible to use this ability for good? Oh gawd, I am evil and disgusting. All I wanted was a kiss....a lover. I hate myself now.

Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:23 / 17.10.03
Hey, I'm invoking Magneto too! Mind you, I'm invoking Serena Magneto; which edition are you playing with?

Anyway: I would have a) powers of healing that worked on other people as well as myself, and b) some kind of probability manipulation, sort of like Longshot but in reverse (people I didn't like had really bad luck).

Moving shit with the power of my mind would be cool as well.
Baz Auckland
19:12 / 17.10.03
I would probably be extraordinarily sneaky; melting into shadows, blending into walls and suchlike. Damn good healing powers too...

..maybe in 'New Barbelith! issue#12', it would be revealed that I was really a cyborg/robot from a distant galaxy...
11:27 / 18.10.03
But trix think of all the information and life stories you would learn using these powers.

Seeking out those that have lived full and interesting lifes and gaining their knowledge and out looks.

Plus, to be a tad sorrid for a moment, what a way to go.

As for me I would love to say I would be Forge. Well a bit of him anyway. Having crazy ideas pop into my head, okay I have neither the skills or the knowledge to put these ideas into action, but it's a step in the right direction.

And just on a fanboy, geek level I've always had a soft spot for nightcrawlers abilities too.
Tryphena Absent
15:47 / 18.10.03
That's very difficult. I always kind of liked Jean Grey's powers but let's face it, Scott's a drip and Wolverine's out there somewhere. So I wouldn't want her life, just the telepathy, the telekinesis, the Phoenix and the looks. I'd also be neutral because Magneto's too racist and Professor X is too goody two shoes.
20:28 / 18.10.03
Everything and everyone I met would get covered in my blood, gushing from my nose.

Wait... that already happens.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
23:30 / 18.10.03
Wolverine, or maybe Havok. It has been several years since I have read the X people but when I did these two seemed the coolest/toughest.
Baz Auckland
01:01 / 19.10.03
...but what powers would actually suit you?
01:12 / 19.10.03
Hrm. I'd have to go with either Multiple Man's powers, since I schedule things like I can be two or more places at once, or Storm's, since I'm always trying to do little sympathetic magic tricks to affect the weather, and two thirds of the time they seem to work. As for the ones I'd want, I don't care, just as long as I'd be able to fly.
01:18 / 19.10.03
Not sure which powers I'd have, but I think that on my bad days I'd probably be on ol' Maggie's side- fucking humans. Buncha bastards, if you ask me. On my good days, I'd be more reasonable, and be one of Charlie's boys... but on my good days, I probably wouldn't actually feel the need to use whatever powers I had. So me being good would make a really shit comic.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
01:29 / 19.10.03
Well, Havok blasted a bolt of energy when he got mad, I do this in my mind all the time. As for Wolverine, he is a supped up killing machine. Many is the time I have walked through a bad area of town and imagined my skeleton as being indestructible, when you are stoned you have to combat any paranoia, pretending to be Wolverine does this for me.
Linxy Kakenhoff
15:53 / 19.10.03
I'd like Remy's powers. Being able to blow up objects, and charm people. I've got a bit of an obsession with destructive forces (whee! Explody!) and I have the habit of changing personalities depending who i'm around so that they like me.
The Falcon
21:50 / 19.10.03
I'd have the power of a 'withering look'.
06:14 / 20.10.03
For a while now, I've wanted to be a character called 'Pain'. Pain has a really high pain threshold, the ability to absorb other peoples pain, and he is also able to re-direct pain onto other people. I think as time went on, and he learned how to focus his powers more, he would be able to magnify the pain before re-directing it, such that he could bend his own finger back, and make someone else feel as though their whole hand had exploded. That sort of thing.

He'd be out for himself, rather than either good or bad. A bit of a wildcard. If he's in a good mood, he might just help the needy, but then he might not. After all, what have they done to deserve his help.

When I say 'He', I mean me. I am Pain. Feel it. Feel the PAIN
No star here laces
08:10 / 20.10.03
I would definitely have some sort of shape-changing powers. And the ability to lie incredibly convincingly. Plus a background as a wealthy industrialist...

Oh, and totally down with Prof X.
15:56 / 20.10.03
I'd be happy with flight and speed, I think. Some sort of invulnerability would be good for the inevitable crashing through walls.
What powers would suit me though? Er - the ability to absorb any alcohol within a 20ft radius and invulnerability to my girlfriend when I get home.
I may actually have powers though, as sometimes - when I'm really quite squiffy - it's almost like I'm invisible. I can talk to the missus for hours and she barely bats an eyelid... I'm also either incredibly lucky or incredibly bouncy [but then I suspect most people wake up in the morning, think over the events of the last night and wonder why they're still alive.]
16:02 / 20.10.03
I am Pain. Feel it. Feel the PAIN

And he's going to use that "chat-up line" on every spandex clad woman he meets in his universe too
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
17:23 / 20.10.03
I wouldn't be a mutant. I would be one of the monsters from the comics before the Fantastic Four!

Behold the power of Fin Fang Foom!
The Falcon
19:34 / 20.10.03
That Pain power is almost identical to that of the lead, Holden Carver, in Ed Brubaker's really good Sleeper, actually.
20:20 / 20.10.03
I would have the power to make burritos slightly less spicy.

This would be stunningly ineffective in combat.
06:30 / 21.10.03
What can I say. Ladies love to touch the pain. And, quite frankly, I can't say I blame them.
07:55 / 21.10.03
The power to nullify all mutant powers by just blinking/breathing/existing
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:33 / 21.10.03
evskig: That might be a useful power. The sense of mild disappointment experienced by a rival mutant when his or her burrito was just not quite spicy enough might put that mutant ever so slightly off peak. Not much, but just enough for your side to win the day.

afwotam: Yeah, but wouldn't that power be itself a mutant power? And wouldn't it therefore negate itself, putting everyone right back where they started?
Brigade du jour
23:08 / 21.10.03
Knowing my luck I'd just be an ordinary schoolboy who got bitten by a radioactive donkey or something. And then developed leukaemia and died before I was twenty.
07:29 / 22.10.03
The power to nullify all mutant powers by just blinking/breathing/existing.

That would be awesome, you could be Captain Skeptic!

Bystander: Ahhhh, mutants! Someone save us!

Captain Skeptic: Mutants?!? There's no such thing as mutants!
12:47 / 22.10.03
Definitely telepathy and telekinesis. Kinda like X-Man but without the continuity problems. And I wouldn't be on Magneto's or Xavier's side. Actually, I'd be a light hearted mutant trickster that messed with both teams endlessly.

And I'd rob banks whenever I needed money.
20:12 / 22.10.03
I'd be an Eeeeeeevil Genius. You know, the sort who compulsively leave clues for the hero's to unravel their plots because they're really doing it for the joy of the game. And I'd always escape just as my fortress self destructs, slinking off to plan my next scheme.

Mu HAHAHAHAHAhehheh *cough* *weeze* heh. eh.

Char Aina
20:17 / 22.10.03
i would manipulate time so that events presently occuring and recently past would appear to be still far, far in the future.
this would be shown to be useful in some of the episodic tales of me and my chums, but would usually result in my turning up in the last few pages, still eating breakfast and wearing odd socks.
Spyder Todd 2008
00:37 / 23.10.03
I'm back!!!!

Alright, do to my empathy/precognice in this universe, it makes sense that I would have crazy telepathic abilities. I'm a magician, so maybe I'd have reality warping abilites (leading to my telepathy, my precognice, my universe jumping, etc.)

A month ago, I would have been with Magneto. Now, I'm more of a free agent. If I think a cause has worth, then I'd help out. I'd certanly be known by some of Xaiver's lackeys.
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