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Pirate Wars


Page: (1)234

15:45 / 01.07.03

Anyone already there?
20:12 / 01.07.03
Oh just great. Thanks iconoplast. Now I'm going to get even less work done.
22:54 / 01.07.03
So, yeah. I went ahead and started the 'Barbelith' minileague.
05:06 / 02.07.03
I've applied to join it... how does one play, exactly?

Ummm... I mean, er... ARRRR!!!
05:47 / 02.07.03
I've got a ship too. It all looks *very* exciting.
13:00 / 02.07.03

So I've signed you all in.

Now, if anyone can figure out how to play this, let me know.

I sailed around aimlessly for a day, my parrot flew off and I had to replace it with a hundred quid cockatoo, and I've been training my lazy crew for a few days now, to no as-yet visible avail.
Ethan Hawke
13:03 / 02.07.03
The help file tells you what to do...just select something from "instruct crew." Turns take a few ~real~ days, though. I'm not sure we can actually fight each other.
Eloi Tsabaoth
13:16 / 02.07.03
Me girls are currently in training. Soon ye'll feel their cutlasses at your throat, ye scone-eating land-pigglies! Biscuity shawls for a mutton hand-puppet, ye coathangers! Hammock!
14:06 / 02.07.03
14:35 / 02.07.03
Land-pigglies! Oh, that's class...
14:49 / 02.07.03
I've joined and I'm applying for the mini-league....
8===>Q: alyn
15:32 / 02.07.03
I sacked my captain, at a cost of almost 2000 smackers, but they won't let me replace her. So, my advice is, when setting up your crew, keep going down to the low wages. The skill levels don't change that much.
8===>Q: alyn
16:02 / 02.07.03
Figured out how to replace -- you have to refresh the frame.
17:24 / 02.07.03
my gingerbread mateys will devour all of your chintzy digi-pirates (as soon as i bake more of them)
No star here laces
18:08 / 02.07.03
I'm stocked up on grog, and fighting fit. Beware, lesser pirates.
18:29 / 02.07.03
Away from computer for a few days.

I'll add any more of you scurvy mongrels when I get back.
21:47 / 02.07.03
Yar! Neer there bin a more cut throat lot of vile sea dogs than sail upon The Buggery. Yar!

I'm not quite sure how it all works just yet, but I set off on a 4 day cruise to see what trouble I can get into.
00:43 / 03.07.03
I've set my crew to train, but they're NOT LEARNING ANYTHING. Do as the Captain says, not as he does, scurvies. I think I'll fire them all and just hire Dread Pirates, set sail for trouble.

Oh, and why are the female hires so much more... versatile thaan the male-named ones? (yarr. managed to avoid the term "well-rounded". yarr...)
8===>Q: alyn
01:36 / 03.07.03
Yeah, the training is a waste of time. Skills get raised when you use them, I think.
06:44 / 03.07.03
Yeah, the training is a waste of time

According to the forums, training does affect your skills, but not always successfully.

Also the items appear to affect gameplay, but nobody is sure how yet.

No idea about fighting yet, as my fine and quite possibly scurvy-ridden crew has been sailing for two days now and has yet to find a victim.
06:46 / 03.07.03
And Pirates II looks to be mighty fine, me harties...
07:30 / 03.07.03
I've just mugged a witch doctor. Bless 'em - happens all the time I bet.
No star here laces
10:00 / 03.07.03
Fuck. I'm in a fight already. But it doesn't appear to be one of y'all. How come you can get in fights with people outside of your mini-league?

Anyway, I shall win for I have a designer eyepatch.
12:28 / 03.07.03
I'm not sure how well this whole Your crew are sailing the high seas looking for adventure for 2 more days! thing is going to fit in with my desire for instant gratification.
15:44 / 03.07.03
I'm willing to bet the lady bowsprit will slow your ship down. It's made of bronze. And that gold belt buckle is bound to cause drownings. The parrot, however, seems important, since parrot handling is a skill.

I'm on my second day of training. No improvement - should've gotten a quartermaster who's better with a whip. Ah, well.
At least my dogs won't be getting the scurvy.
8===>Q: alyn
15:51 / 03.07.03
I'm willing to bet the lady bowsprit will slow your ship down

Also, the plastic male statue has comical balls for spirit-raising laffs. As for the belt-buckle, I'm not sure characters die.

I simply bought everything I could afford and it seems to have automatically put me in the 400 range--I'm dropping fast, though, because I set the dullards to train all week.
04:15 / 04.07.03
Jade's 2nd overall in the main league! How did you manage that!?
04:59 / 04.07.03
Yeah, I just noticed that! Jesus fuck!
05:21 / 04.07.03
Hmm....I've just been informed I've got into a fight with a captain called Synista. Since I've absolutely no clue how the scripting resolves fighting, tomorrow's result should be interesting...

Wish me luck, ye scurvy dogs!
8===>Q: alyn
05:35 / 04.07.03
Maybe it's a different Jade Emperor...

...or maybe there's something we don't know about our handsome, South American rock star...
8===>Q: alyn
05:38 / 04.07.03
Well, now I see it is our handsome South American rockstar. He wasn't in the league last time I looked in.

Kick hir ass, Tez!
8===>Q: alyn
05:42 / 04.07.03
Hrm. You're pretty evenly matched--it must set you up with opponents w/roughly equal crews. But, guys. We're all paying our crews way too much.
16:33 / 05.07.03
Except you, Qayln. Where did you find all them cheap-ass pirates?
I just got into a fight with some scurvy dog named Gryfon. It will take... 1 DAY?!?! What kind of fight is this? Errol Flynn would've wrapped it up in 5 minutes!
16:35 / 05.07.03
And why isn't "Bellowing Sea Chanties" a valid skill?
8===>Q: alyn
18:33 / 05.07.03
I looked deeper, SS--in the hire/fire crew section, you can keep clicking Next. I think they're worthless below around 50.

Tez's foe is paying, like, half what I am.

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