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Help me break in my new message board, freaks!


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14:01 / 04.10.03
42012 : partying for the new breed : extreme transmutation nation

You know you wanna...
Tom Coates
16:58 / 04.10.03
Nice board!
rizla mission
17:23 / 04.10.03
I hope this is more successful than your last go at starting a forum..

needless to say I'll drop by and, um, maybe say things..

good luck.
23:06 / 04.10.03
Thanks Tom.

I've got a feeling this new place is gonna be The Shiat. (C)

How's the life, Rizla?
00:09 / 05.10.03
Kultur hardkor!
01:34 / 05.10.03
It's a little bit quiet over there as yet. I take it you're 'Haywire', then, Rage?
01:41 / 05.10.03
I can't be arsed to hold a conversation with people who might wish to take me seriously. they'll just be disappointed and throw rocks at my windshield, and when I threaten them with my whip, they'll run off and yell that they'll boil my kitties.

no, wait, I think that's a movie. I need to get out more.
05:37 / 05.10.03
Symbolic neuropathology!

A little quiet? Ha. The place is a library without books.

Haven't invited a lot of people yet. Wait and see. I think we've got an interesting "vibe" going on so far.

You think it's too serious, bitchiekittie?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
08:53 / 05.10.03
Cool I will go over and check that out.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
11:36 / 08.10.03
I have been on it and it is definatly pretty cool.
It seems though that it is where all the trolls are hanging out.

11:38 / 08.10.03
Mmm. Myself included.
11:47 / 08.10.03

I'm not cool enough for that place methinks
11:49 / 08.10.03
I was thinking about this the other day because of something Ariadne said. I'd be interested to know which other boards people contribute to, and which ones people would/would not recommend.
11:50 / 08.10.03
S'true, JAMM. Over in the Politiks Suck! forum, the kids are gettin' dangerous...
13:01 / 08.10.03
Oh THANKS Ganesh! So now I've got people AGREEING that I'm not cool enough. Triff.


The reality is (and yes I know what you meant REALLY) that since I've moved back to Australia from the UK I have no knowledge of, or interest in, UK politiks... but having anyone "tut tut" at ME would be more than my ego could take.
13:10 / 08.10.03
Get with tha programme, Daddio.
13:18 / 08.10.03
Oh God that was MY hairdo in the 80's
15:01 / 08.10.03
Oh well, I've signed up... looks fun. I promise I'll post stuff, too, if I'm not too old.
8===>Q: alyn
16:36 / 08.10.03
Hah hah. Rage makes everyone feel old. It's her superpower. That and the eight legs.
ill tonic
17:57 / 08.10.03
Nice stuff, Rage lady. Good luck.
Mourne Kransky
19:01 / 08.10.03
If you're too old, I'll just have to haunt the place and rattle my chains, Stoatie. ::spectral noises from Sordid details::

Rage, you've done a fine job there. Break some legs.
rizla mission
19:54 / 08.10.03
That cyborg assassin's a funny old chap..
05:47 / 10.10.03
In the way he intends to be?
06:43 / 10.10.03
I've registered. Which I'm sure delights no-one. Looks good, Ragey.
11:42 / 17.10.03
Another plug for Rage's board - a great place to pretend to smoke drug cigarettes with Barbelith's ex-trolls. Hooray!
Jack Fear
12:28 / 17.10.03
Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

I'll pass, thanks.
Cherry Bomb
12:31 / 17.10.03
12:39 / 17.10.03
I'll pass, thanks.

But, like, isn't that what you're meant to do? With a real live drug cigarette?

I got so pretend high with those guys...
Jack Fear
12:44 / 17.10.03
Not for me, thanks. I've been pretend sober for years...
03:20 / 19.10.03
What have you DONE Ganesh? You're causing a WAR over there!
09:27 / 19.10.03
It's puzzling me slightly too. I thought the worst thing I'd done was goof around a little with a mildly irritating sort of 'uncool but enthusiastic anarcho-accountant trying too hard' persona, but ol' Modthree (for it is he) seems to be getting very angry with me for being "starkly inconsistent" (isn't that, like, the point of 'chaos'?) and "threatening". Threatening?!

Trolls, eh? Crybabies, the lot of 'em.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:07 / 19.10.03
Ganesh, you appear to put yourself in a boring and sad light relative to my reality tunnel.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:16 / 19.10.03
Isn't that joke wearing a little thin now, 'Nesh?
Tryphena Absent
11:49 / 19.10.03
Rage, I love your board.
12:14 / 19.10.03
Isn't that joke wearing a little thin now, 'Nesh?

It became threadbare quite a while back, yes - and I'm rarely able to sustain these comedy personae for long before cracks appear and I revert to type. The reaction's been interesting, though, and that's probably kept me going longer than would normally be the case.

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