Lost Thread: Unethical or Ethically Unsound Art
Help me find a thread in which we talked about morally/ethically/politically dubious art.
:: STARTED BY Regrettable Juvenilia :: 21 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:28 11.05.04
The Myspace Bad Hair awards using Marvel characters to compare
This guy finds the worst haircuts on Myspace and pairs these people up with a Marvel character, I think it's verry funny
:: STARTED BY Jack Denfeld :: 42 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:06 10.05.04
The Foot Massage
The foot massage in Pulp Fiction, which side of the discussion between Travolta and Jackson are you on?
:: STARTED BY agvvv :: 2 REPLIES, LAST AT 09:03 09.05.04
What's the general opinion here on house buying? What proportion of 'lithers' have a mortgage? What are the pros and cons?
:: STARTED BY foot long subbacultcha :: 36 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:10 08.05.04
Pretty things to start your day..
what stops you from going postal of a morning?
:: STARTED BY Ninjas make great pets :: 30 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:04 08.05.04
Possibly the most sarcastic Barbelith birthday thread ever?
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Mr Blair, now fuck off and eat poo
If Barbelith Were...
A thread to discuss the populace of Barbelith, if the place were some well known cultural construct, pop or no, that it isn't (yet)...like Teletubbies, or Gone With the Wind, or Think Agagin, or Lord of the Rings, or...Ok, you get the idea.
:: STARTED BY Scrambled Password Bogus Email :: 125 REPLIES, LAST AT 10:36 08.05.04
Language Pimping
Tell us why we should learn this language or that language. Also file under: expatriate, economics, moderately punchable cultural tourism.
:: STARTED BY Perfect Tommy :: 6 REPLIES, LAST AT 03:14 08.05.04
Please help me
Kingfelix23 would like some help.
:: STARTED BY kingfelix23 :: 11 REPLIES, LAST AT 01:39 08.05.04
Friday, sunny, and just landed a lovely gig...
Celebrate your existence. You ARE.
:: STARTED BY Scrambled Password Bogus Email :: 6 REPLIES, LAST AT 22:58 07.05.04
Chernobyl - worth reading every page.
No summary available
:: STARTED BY gornorft :: 3 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:13 07.05.04
The greatest sweet in the world...
The average nutritional value of all Fruittella flavours as calculated according to the recipes used at various production locations is:
KJ kcal
Min. Max. Min. Max.
Per 100 grams (*) 1570 1690 375 405
Per piece (+ 4.3 grams) 66.7 71.8 15.9 17.2
Per roll (+ 42.5 grams) 667.3 718.3 159.4 172.1
(*) Including Mini Fruittella.
Sweety goodness = one gadzillion kilocavities.
:: STARTED BY Spatula Clarke :: 67 REPLIES, LAST AT 20:36 07.05.04
Attention Duncan Falconer (and knock knock jokes to keep the thread alive)
trying to contact duncan the falcon duncaner and also doing knock knock jokes so the thread will possibly be around long enough for Duncan to see
:: STARTED BY Jack Denfeld :: 14 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:03 07.05.04
Online dance lessons
You know you want to learn to dance, and now you can.
:: STARTED BY Ariadne :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:41 06.05.04
mainly fluoxetine
:: STARTED BY Whale... Whale... Fish! :: 35 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:57 06.05.04
Victoria Beckham: "I've never read a book..."
The extreme shock and perplexity induced by a very rich person bragging about how they've never read a book.
:: STARTED BY Less searchable M0rd4nt :: 131 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:13 06.05.04
U.S. Sport Thread
Baseball, Basketball, Football, Hockey/ Ads on first base, ads on jockeys/'Roids and rape are the issues of the day/
Piazza New York Catcher are you straight or are you gay?
Discuss United States professional and amatuer sports here. Keywords: MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, NCAA, Yankees sucking
:: STARTED BY Ethan Hawke :: 24 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:53 06.05.04
Does our mid -life crisis start in our 20's?
I'm sure we've all heard of the dreaded mid-life crisis. Where does it come from, and can it be prevented?
:: STARTED BY Why? :: 20 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:43 06.05.04
Grey Area goes to Seattle
He's got the ticket. He's got the backpack. What he doesn't have are things to see and do...
:: STARTED BY Grey Area :: 9 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:57 05.05.04
Maternity Clothes
Formerly pregnant Barbefolk: How did you clothe your ever-expanding form without going bankrupt or looking like an idiot?
:: STARTED BY Abigail Blue :: 6 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:05 05.05.04
Dialer problem
need some help for my computer, i do appologize.
:: STARTED BY reFLUX :: 5 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:23 04.05.04
What's in a name? (Screen names and ancient history)
Screen names - what does yours do to you?
:: STARTED BY We're The Great Old Ones Now :: 78 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:19 04.05.04
Bluebells, look! (PIC)
Just lovely, lovely bluebells everywhere in the forest at the moment which I'm finding it hard to shut up about and which I think you should all see.
:: STARTED BY Olulabelle :: 7 REPLIES, LAST AT 09:10 04.05.04
Kaiju Big Battel
Have you seen foam monsters wrestle each other? Was it good? Would you go again?
:: STARTED BY Ethan Hawke :: 7 REPLIES, LAST AT 04:44 04.05.04
The Late Shift: Troll Free since 1636
Yet another late shift, with yet another silly suffix. A thread for sitting around and talking about nothing special with other people who happen to be around whatever hour it happens to be.
:: STARTED BY Mazarine :: 190 REPLIES, LAST AT 03:01 04.05.04
You play in white...
you're playing shite, and lord knows how you'll put it right. A thread devoted in the first instance to the travails of Leeds United, Tottenham Hotspur and Tranmere Rovers, and perhaps more broadly to football in general.
Looking for Gatchaman videos
Advise Deva on how to get hold of Gatchaman videos formated for the UK.
:: STARTED BY Cat Chant :: 15 REPLIES, LAST AT 02:38 04.05.04
Weird Masterbation Habit...
Solo sexual experimentation and subsequent confusion. A thread for reassurances, advice, and enlightenment regarding anal penetration. Love yourself.
:: STARTED BY King Mob :: 49 REPLIES, LAST AT 00:01 04.05.04
Fantasy Character Battles
:: STARTED BY flufeemunk effluvia :: 45 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:25 03.05.04
Physical Perfection
Let's get physical.
Physical Physical.
I wanna get physical.
Let me hear your body talk.
:: STARTED BY D Terminator XXXIII :: 13 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:53 03.05.04