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Looking for Gatchaman videos

Cat Chant
10:14 / 22.08.02
So I got copies of Battle of the Planets for my birthday, and am now consumed with a terrible desire to see the original anime from which these were plundered, but I can only find Gatchaman (which, from the fan sites, sounds incredibly cool as the Avon character was traumatized as a child by AN EXPLODING ROSE which left shrapnel in his brain leading to his eventual death through torture at the hands of the lipsticked boy baddie) on US-format video or DVD. Anyone know any good online or RL UK-based places to buy anime? I need it subtitled or dubbed into English, obviously. I am new to this anime thing so any/all advice welcome.
Jack The Bodiless
13:30 / 22.08.02
Oh my god... you have Battle Of The Planets? Is... is it as good as I remember it being?
Cat Chant
13:36 / 22.08.02
Well, Jack, the plots don't make any sense, and I find the robots inexplicably sexy.

In other words... yes!

Also, the five brave orphans of G-Force can change from being rather cool long-haired scruffy indie-boys in tight football tops & flares flying planes to strangely beautiful winged bird-boy creatures in rocket ships simply by saying "Transmute!" Or at least Mark can.
Spatula Clarke
14:21 / 22.08.02
Hang on, Deva. Which videos have you got? A couple of years ago I managed to find some in Blockbuster's "three nights' rental for 25p" bargain bucket. They were awesome. Violent, sexy, cool. Last year I saw some for sale and bought a couple on a whim. Watered-down, moralistic, boring.

The difference? The first vids seemed to be straight dubbed versions from the originals. Nothing had been cut, nothing had been added. The ones I found for sale were the episodes that everyone remembers most clearly. All the violence is cut, the plotlines are obviously messed around with and, worst of all, you've got the inclusion of Centre Neptune, complete with 7-Zark-7, Rover-1 and Susan. Atrocious. The standard of art and animation on Princess when she visits 7-Zark-7 made my eyes bleed.
15:24 / 22.08.02

Ok I am positively drooling with envy Deva...
It has a good list of shops/websites where you can get anime.

You know I hold Battle of The Planets directly responsible for my ending up married to someone called Jason. I think it influenced me at an impressionable age into viewing Jason's as cool and slighty daring and definitely more sexy then the boring hero types. In much the same way that Han is so much sexier then Luke...

Anyways enough of that! On a completely separate note Deva have you run across Oblique Press in your Blake 7 fandom wanderings? I ask cos they do some rather nifty downloadable slash zines and have quite a large selection of Blake 7 stuff should you be interested
15:25 / 22.08.02
Randy, unfortunately it's the bastardised Hanna Barbara stuff that's out on video. And yes that does include 7-zark-poxy-7 and his dog.

Deva, good luck chasing the originals. Been looking for years. You could always have american friends who could buy then copy onto PAL tapes for you. That's how I got hold of Reservoir Dogs eight years ago.
Cat Chant
18:47 / 22.08.02
Yes, it's the bowdlerized version I've got (but I grew up with it and still consider it fucking excellent) - hence my desire to see the original... thanks for the links & tips, will see what I can do (I can copy American-format onto UK-format on campus if need be, but it seems a little extreme to buy them from the States just so I can copy them)

Ma'at: I am so in the minority with my hero fetish, aren't I? I can't be doing with Jason or Avon - give me Mark & Blake any time. < rant > It's easy to lean against walls being cynical, it's damn hard to stick your neck out and get things done... < / rant >

and yes, Oblique is a particular hangout of mine! Yayy! Have you read Jane Mailander's "The Pilot's Tail"? I can't recommend it highly enough (Haus, that's the one I was on at you to read a while ago).

And stop slagging off 7-Zark-7. I fancy him.
19:15 / 22.08.02
I also would like to get hold of proper Gatchaman, after having drooled over the fan sites for the real thing. Even as a child I realised that there remember thinking "this would be such a cool series if it wasn't for that fucking robot, why do all these good cartoons have to have a cute animal or robot in them?"

One good thing about moving to the US is that I'll be able to get this shit more easily...
Spatula Clarke
21:11 / 22.08.02
Well, like I say, there are PAL videos out there. Ancient ones, mind. I never thought to check either the company that released the vids or the year of their release.

Car boot sale treasure, perhaps?

Oh, wait. Maybe the PAL vids I rented out were actually branded 'G-Force'. It seems likely. A quick search tells me that the original series was screwed over by two different companies, Sandy Frank going with BOTP and removing all violence, Turner Broadcasting calling it G-Force and being less drastic in their censorship.

By the way, is this the NTSC DVD you're talking about? I got all excited until I saw that it's a 90's revamp, not actually the originals.
Cat Chant
12:01 / 23.08.02
This is the US-format Gatchaman I was lusting after (it's on VHS, as a DVD player is currently an impossible dream to me, much like a jet-pack/ mobile phone incorporating tiny blow-dart-gun and spy camera/ second home in the country) - it says "English subtitles" & I was pointed to it by a fan site, so I suspect it is the original verson. They only have vols 2-3, oddly, though.

Sigh. I'll start poking round the Gauda Prime comic/card/sci-fi mart with a little more rigour and see if anyone can put me on the right track. Either that or I'll have to try buying the American versions and copying them, which seems insane.
18:08 / 23.08.02
Well, here's the part that'll probably make you jism out your tearducts, Deva: the DVDs of the new reissues not only have four BotP eps per disk, but the same corresponding eps of G-FORCE and KAGAKU NINJATAI GATCHAMAN. Now that's value.

Yes, I too found the whole thing vaguely sexual and mod as a four year old in this lifetime. I had dreams about The Phoenix pulling up outside my 20th floor apartment and getting conscripted into the team. Later these dreams were transferred onto Voltron, for which I could have founded a church at age eight.

The OAVs from '95 are really quite good, very slick and kinetic, though the striped flares and jerseys are gone, I'm sad to say. And who else has been reading the Alex Ross-helmed new BotP comic? It's spiffy.
00:24 / 24.08.02
Hah! Sticking your neck out and changing things is a piece of piss compared to scoring perfectly in the holographic shooting gallery and then coming on to the holographic mother with baby who appears to try to catch you out. Now that takes game.

Ahem. Not too useful on the Gatchaman front, apart formt he by-now-customary cry of "eBay!", home of all your Thundercats needs.

(Incidentally, is anyone a little bit scared by the wholesale rerendering of our Gen-Y childhoods into commodities? The Thundercats, Transformers and G-Force comics were a bit traumatic, but seeing Ultra Magnus (the gayest Transformer ever) on an advert for a car did my head in completely.)

Off-topic - Where am Oblique? Sounds like something I could do with looking at. Oh, and I've managed in my encroaching unemployment to start, gear-grindingly slowly, continuing TOES; not sure if it's any good tho'...

Up with the lark, here’s Avon, which is what rendered Vila so uncharacteristically speechless. For a man running on empty, he’s scrubbed up nicely, after a shower, a shave and a quick hack of the Diomedes’ autoseamstress. His breakfast outfit is just a few shades off white, with the fabric banded tightly around his diminishing torso and loose at the arms and legs, made of the softest material he could arrange to have stolen from Carnell’s personal stores. In the cramped, convivial, overheated mess hall, it’s like the arrival of an unusually short, unusually dangerous-looking angel with a slight pot-belly.

“Ah, Vila,” he says, making a face as if a smile-shaped animal had crawled into his mouth to die, “I hope you don’t mind if I join you.”

As he insinuates himself into the queue just in time to collect a dollop of vital nutrients and proteins, Vila hisses under his breath, “Avon? What the fuck are you doing here?”

Avon gives him a look.

is the most important meal of the day, Vila,” he comments mildly.
Cat Chant
07:05 / 24.08.02
His breakfast outfit is just a few shades off white, with the fabric banded tightly around his diminishing torso

You are the gayest man in the universe*, Haus. This looks lovely - yayy to you, & congratulations on getting thru the block.

Oblique Publications is here. It is classic fic from the darker and filthier end of the spectrum.

Vlad - I would have cum really quite copiously at your news if there was any chance of me being able to afford a DVD player this side of Hell freezing over. Though I may just give up food, seeing as Blake's 7 is finally coming out on DVD this autumn & I need to start making songvids.

*< Alan Partridge > And don't write in saying that's homophobic, because it's not. < / Alan Partridge >
Spatula Clarke
15:56 / 24.08.02
the DVDs of the new reissues not only have four BotP eps per disk, but the same corresponding eps of G-FORCE and KAGAKU NINJATAI GATCHAMAN.

Dagnabbit. How come nobody told me this before I quit my job? Wait... I do have a birthday coming up...
Spatula Clarke
02:19 / 04.05.04
Digging this up from its grave, because the combination of the Casshern thread and the realisation that some fuck's pinched my copy of the OAVs got me trawling the web for fresh Gatch info, and I found this site which mentions a variety of subbed bootlegs that are doing the rounds on places like eBay. Or were doing the rounds - I'm not sure how up to date that page is. It seems like the only realistic option for those of us who want the entire series (short of learning Japanese, and believe me, I've considered it) - there's absolutely no chance of Rhino releasing subs for the episodes that were never granted the dubious honour of being turned into BotP. They even seem to have decided not to bother releasing any more of those that were.

All BotP episodes are now available in one DVD box set in the UK, too. I'd link to the Amazon listing, but the site's down at the moment. Unfortunately, the UK releases are pretty shit compared to the US ones - no G-Force, no Gatchaman, just BotP. Still, might be worth picking up when it comes down in price.
Spatula Clarke
02:38 / 04.05.04
Here you go - listing. I've just noticed that it's not out until the end of the month, but they've already knocked £22 off.

It's times like these that I wish I'd followed up on my 'lonely rich widow' career plan.
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