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Maternity Clothes

Abigail Blue
21:56 / 03.05.04
Like the summary says. I'm having a terrible time finding cheap, decent maternity clothes. I used to scoff at people who bought into the whole maternity clothing scam, thinking that all I needed was a pair of overalls and some t-shirts, but it's less funny now that I can't fit into any of my old clothing. Unfortunately for me, everyone I know who might have hand-me-down clothes happen to be pregnant right now as well.

So: Anyone know of any good places to get plain, functional, cheap maternity clothes?
00:40 / 04.05.04
I didn't is the short answer. There isn't a long one.

Oh I don't know, maybe things have changed, after all my son is six now, but when I was pregnant it was all terrible. Have you tried searching google for funky maternity wear New York?

In England, you either have to succumb to the embarrassment of wearing T-shirts which state the following: image: Roadsign which means roadworkers are busy doing something, and text: 'Work In Progress.' Or you can worship God In The Form of Pregnant Women's Clothing by wearing your partner's shirts.

I found one (count it, one) pair of trousers from Dorothy Perkins that were vaguely even passable, and I wore them consistently. Every. Single. Day.

Being pregnant and vaguely even stylish is horrible. You either have to go down the Blooming Marvelous route (which is a/expensive and b/ a bit 'Wimbledon', or possibly 'Hamptons' for you) or accept that Mothercare (not sure what your alternative is) is your best bet. And don't forget that obviously pregnant women lose all sense of taste and want to wear polka dot leggings.

No, they do, they do, really.

If I had more money and a bit of business accumen I would set up a shop for cool pregnant women.

I would.

Congratulations by the way, when are you due?
Abigail Blue
16:20 / 04.05.04
Thanks, olulabelle! I'm due November 2nd, and I didn't expect to be showing this soon!

Yeah, maternity style is hideous. I don't know what the designers are thinking, but I don't have any intention of wearing those dreadful smock-like shirts with the ties in the back. And no leggings! I've found one halfway decent shop, but it's obscenely overpriced: They were selling a simple, normal tank-top for $65. And matching hooded sweatshirt for $125. My husband was so disgusted that he had to leave the store. Companies really seem to think that pregnant women are idiots wearing 'Exploit me' signs around their necks. But that's a whole other thread...

Thanks for your help!
16:37 / 04.05.04
god, all the maternity things I found were either stunningly hideous, or prohibitively expensive. often both. I was 19 at the time and quite used to wearing tiny 60s dresses, so it was quite difficult for me to make the transition.

I shopped in the sale sections of average mall-type stores. lerners new york (now I think its called new york & company, same thing) has a lot of pants that have elastic waist pants that aren't so frumpy or saggy and will only put you out $15-30, depending on what sale you get. you can either get them big enough to expand over your belly, or if your belly doesnt sit very low (like mine), you can even push it under your belly (sounds funny, but it works!).

for shirts I looked in the better (ie not department stores, where they tend to stock frumpy old lady crap!) plus size shops, where they're better cut to accomodate your expanding belly and bust.

unless you're super handy with a sewing machine or super rich, it's damned near impossible to dress the way you normally do when you're pregnant, but mall stores and patience should yeild some results.
17:04 / 04.05.04
Do you have Dorothy Perkins in New York? Because they do about the best High Street-priced stuff.

See? I know fucking loads about loads, me.
Lilly Nowhere Late
07:25 / 05.05.04
If you're interested in my old mat clothes, of which I still have one or two plain black thingys, you can pm me your details and I'll mail them to you. Depending on where you are, sizes etc. I'll see what I can pull out of the closet as I am just doing closet clean outs at the minute.
Abigail Blue
12:05 / 05.05.04
Eek, Lilly, that would be so cool! I will PM you forthwith.

bk, Plus-size stores never even occurred to me. It's a brilliant idea, and thank you!
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