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What's in a name? (Screen names and ancient history)


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We're The Great Old Ones Now
16:07 / 07.10.03
A little history for you...

When I started posting on Barbelith (well, The Nexus) I used a suit named Dao Jones. I did this because I knew from Usenet that when the discussions got heated, it was better to be at one remove. After a few discussions, I started using a suit named Nick, because it seemed more appropriate to be open here.

Then Barbelith went through its various changes, multiple identities became the thing. and I had several minor incarnations, mostly one-note jokes like Jessica Rabbit, but I always kept Nick going, and I always had Dao Jones - who was as much a tool as a personality, good for some odd things. People who wouldn't ever have taken advice from *me* came to him and *asked* for it. And then a while back, Dao Jones just didn't work any more. He wasn't saying anything very interesting, and protest how I might, no one really believed he wasn't me. Dao had been a very useful enterprise, and sometimes a weirdly popular one, but finally, I junked him.

For the first time, 'Nick' contained both of us. I got feistier online, and angrier. Then I got tired, and took my break, genuinely thinking I'd never be back. Since I know Tom in the real world, of course, that was never really an option.

So back I came, and much more gently. And then there was the day of the many Fluxes, and for the first time ever, I changed the 'Nick' screen name. Sam Vega was born - a pun on the word 'samvega', meaning a sense of disillusionment and terror inspired by the understanding of the futility of life and death. I thought it was cool. I liked the joke. But it's been a rough time recently, and I think 'samvega' was a rather pointed hint from my subconscious.

And then there was this mess. And I needed to show some sincerity, because I was proposing to ask people to admit vulnerability, and to acknowledge the vulnerability of others without condescension. I couldn't do that in the Sam Vega screen name. If there was anyone out
there who was actually hurting, that would be like talking to your grieving mate through a pair of cheap designer shades. Briefly, I became 'Nick seeks Pasada', which was true, and now I'm just me again.

The reason I bring this up is that I think sometimes screen names give us a character we don't want, or reveal more than they're intended to, or even get between us and the board and the other people on it. I also think - I know - that they can acquire tendencies of their own, like Rod Hull's bloody Emu. I suppose what I'm saying is that if you're in a rut, or if you feel too exposed or too well-armoured to engage on the board, try changing your name. But give it some thought, find something appropriate and uplifting - if you mock yourself in your own name, for example, you may find you approach the board feeling wounded.

Anyway... over to you.
17:00 / 07.10.03
What was the middle thing?
17:03 / 07.10.03
No seriously, sorry, I chose my name because my brother gave it to me as a nickname (I actually had a choice of many!) and rcently shortened it to Spid just cause I could. Basically I saw that there was the option and decided to try it, not much more to it than that. Although I did feel Spid made me sound slightly less cutesy than Spidermonkey!
pointless and uncalled for
17:32 / 07.10.03
Nick - I find it interesting where you say "no one really believed he wasn't me" about Dao Jones. That seems to imply that you clearly denied that he was you.

In light of your thread in the Policy forum on trust, how so you feel about this?
The Falcon
18:21 / 07.10.03
You shit!!

I think Barbelith used to be a place of more formless identity, until the trust was broken, as it always is, by a Welshman.
Tryphena Absent
19:00 / 07.10.03
I've had so many screen names... I started off at the age of 12 as Akasha which believe it or not wasn't a particularly common handle 9 and a half years ago. Don't ask me what that meant to me, I haven't a clue, I suspect that she was far more like Anna than any of the handles inbetween. Then came, in mixed up order, gabriela (in my flaming period. Winbomb was effective at the time so it must have been a while ago), gossamer, Simone de Beauvoir (this was a lot of fun. I spent a lot of time spouting existentialism in mIRC. Around 1998 and OP'd a channel with a load of boys. I was their Queen), Hevelona (mostly used at school to confuse people), Mr. Squeexy (male and foolish), Jonah (misogynist and sometimes evangelical Christian), Janina (here), Adeline and at last Anna de Logardiere.

Anna de Logardiere's a right problem. She's so brutal... well I suppose I am too but I also smile a lot and really like things and that doesn't come across I don't think, online. She is an emu- but even if I changed my name she wouldn't be anything else. Anna de Logardiere has become a cloak that fits... maybe I'll just stick up a photo of me smiling.
mondo a-go-go
19:24 / 07.10.03
"And then there was this mess."

Umm.... What mess? I haven't really been paying attention to a lot of threads because they start to do my head in, but this means that sometimes I get out of the loop.

"And I needed to show some sincerity, because I was proposing to ask people to admit vulnerability, and to acknowledge the vulnerability of others without condescension. I couldn't do that in the Sam Vega screen name. If there was anyone out there who was actually hurting, that would be like talking to your grieving mate through a pair of cheap designer shades."

Again, I'm not sure what exactly you are referring to, but it's probably not that important. What is interesting is that, right now, I am actually hurting, and I don't really want to talk about it on here, or on any other public spaces. Partly because it seems like I keep talking about it (in one-on-one scenarios), and no matter how much I talk about it and how much sensible advice I get, the situation doesn't change inside my head. That and, really, it's no one else's fucking business -- but maybe that's just me being defensive.

But, as far as the name thing goes, I've discovered that now that I've changed my 'Lith i.d. to my own name, it's a great deal more awkward to just mention stuff like that at all, let alone talk about it in any great detail. I noticed the same thing with my blog, too. When people knew who I was and had invested some kind of attachment to my life (they read my site on a daily basis, that's an attachment), I no longer wanted people to know about stuff because in some ways they were too close to it and I didn't have the curtain of anonymity to hide behind anymore.

"The reason I bring this up is that I think sometimes screen names give us a character we don't want, or reveal more than they're intended to, or even get between us and the board and the other people on it."

Yes. That's why I wanted to move from being known as kookymojo to be known by my own name, since I am known by my own name everywhere else online these days. kookymojo is fluffy and flirty, she drinks frou-frou cocktails and likes everyone and making new friends. kookymojo is the very essence of pop glamour. Anna is those things too, but at the moment Anna is more cynical and sad; songs make her cry, she's full of resentment, she doesn't trust new people. Maybe being Anna online allows for me to be all those different aspects that I am when people communicate with me offline.

"I also think - I know - that they can acquire tendencies of their own, like Rod Hull's bloody Emu. I suppose what I'm saying is that if you're in a rut, or if you feel too exposed or too well-armoured to engage on the board, try changing your name. But give it some thought, find something appropriate and uplifting - if you mock yourself in your own name, for example, you may find you approach the board feeling wounded."

Interestingly, at a time when I am existing under the identity I've had with me all my life, I am in fact incredibly uncomfortable in this skin. And yet, on the one hand, I'm loathe to change it and hide behind something else because it feels important to me to face this thing head on as myself. But, on the other hand, I don't want to expose myself and leave myself vulnerable to everyone else, so I've retreated into lurking and not saying so much. In fact, it's not really even lurking, since I'll just avoid other people talking about themselves all together, so I avoid lots of threads on message boards, or I delete mailing lists, and I rarely read blogs anymore.
Spyder Todd 2008
19:26 / 07.10.03
I'm always Spyder. Always have been. It's not the only name I have (currently none of my e-mail address use Spyder at all, and I have 5 of them), but its the truest name, the one closest to my real name. It has nothing to do with my birth name, but Spyder is what and who I am. I've known that since I was six. Which is why I'm so self contradictory, some times. All my personalities occasionally bleed through, and none of my personalities agree all the time.
Char Aina
19:39 / 07.10.03
so does anyone think that i attract more negativity as a 'toksik' personality? do any of you remember what you thought when you saw the name for the first time, before you had read any posts?

i am curious about this, it is something i have thought of before.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
19:41 / 07.10.03
SK - of course I denied he was me. That was the whole point, at the time; that one could post anonymously, experiment with identities, be someone else. It was part of the whole Grant Morrison/Invisibles schtick, and it was common - and at the time, not discouraged. By the time everyone else got bored with it, Dao Jones - who actually posted on the Nexus before Nick did - was an established character. I borrowed views from various other people, and I thought differently and held different opinions on some issues when I was writing as him.

Incidentally, there are a bunch of people out on the net who use the name Dao Jones, and they got it in different ways - so please don't blame me for the guy who does flower arranging and claims it will increase your chakra energy or the woman from Illinois who says she can hear sperm talking.

As to trust on the board - well, that wasn't an issue at the time in the way you mean, and Dao Jones and I were both as trustworthy as the next guy. We kept secrets we were asked to keep, we apologised when we had to and we stuck to our guns when we thought we should. He's ruder and more abrasive than I am, but he's also not afraid of taking a stand, something I always find hard to do because I tend to see other people's arguments. Actually, we're sort of integrated now.

If anyone has a problem with this, well, you know. Let's talk. I'm more than willing to hear that DJ was an asshole - I know he was, that's part of the point; I'm not good at that in the long term. I can't sustain the disapproval - he revels in it.

And to come back to the trust issue, well, again - that's the point. This is a stick you could beat me with, if you wanted to. But I think it's more useful for me to talk about the possibility that we get entrenched in identities which aren't what we want them to be than to leave it alone.
19:43 / 07.10.03
I only actually dared brave the interwebnet a couple or so years ago... but Stoatie existed long before then. Now I find it hard to tell us apart, although I think that was likely to happen even without the intervention of electrickery. Wily, is Stoatie. Fucking wily.

Sometimes (even online) I'm me. Sometimes (even in real life) I'm Stoatie. And sometimes God tells us to do things. We're usually unanimous in telling him to fuck off, though.
20:41 / 07.10.03
Anna: , I've discovered that now that I've changed my 'Lith i.d. to my own name, it's a great deal more awkward to just mention stuff like that at all, let alone talk about it in any great detail.

That's kind of why I'm grant.

My first online ID was 72634,1031 and it was on CompuServe. I'm half surprised I can remember that. The number was the email address, but the name I chose first was, I think, "Grantzilla, King of Monsters."

But that was at about the same time I was getting into local BBSes, as The Flying Fists of Master Grant. The idea was to be sort of ludicrous, but still myself. Eventually, I just trimmed the fat. (My current email address is grantimatter, though. I had one that was grantisocial, but I jumped off that ISP.)

Part of it was that one of my first (and most consistent) web presences wasn't as a blogger or message board user, but as a home musician putting mp3s up for public consumption. It seemed important to put a fixed ID with that, and that the fixed ID be one that people who I met on the street (as well as online) could identify as me.

I can remember two other IDs I used on barbelith, and a couple others elsewhere, but they were all sort of "projects".

One, which I steadfastly denied being, was "the frog," whose reason for being was basically to be lowbrow, gnomic, flirty, and to post a new picture of a frog with every message, because I'd just learned how to do that. The other was "Moderator One," who I think posted maybe five or six messages tops, generally in threads where arguments were breaking out or that were deviating from topic. MO was vast, cool, unsympathetic, utterly anal and utterly non-reflective - the idea was to have no character at all, to be a rule-machine. I don't think either of them survived the last couple board rebuilds, and I don't particularly care.

So, if anyone remembers either of those, boo.

I'm much happier being me, and I like to think including some element of meatspace identifier in my online transactions makes a better meatspace me.


toksik: so does anyone think that i attract more negativity as a 'toksik' personality? do any of you remember what you thought when you saw the name for the first time, before you had read any posts?

It's totally a punk rock name, so I think it reflexively brings out the same thing GG Allin brought out in crowds -- bottle throwing, spit, that sort of thing.
20:52 / 07.10.03
I tend to pick name that give the minimum amount of information, and I found that when they sound like real names, people will gloss over them. Not sounding like a cartoon character makes your name sort of invisible. On my other board I have a girl's name, so I picked a guy's name for this one. I was really surprised at some of the early reactions and do wonder whether the same posts would've gotten the same reception coming from a "lisa" or "beth". And the thing is, I've gotten rather touchy and grumpy in my posts here because I had this idea that people thought I was some he-man woman-hater. The counterpart to this is that on my other board I did change to a name with no gender association because even when I was being an asshole, people who liked me would stick up for me. Which is not the point of posting to message boards, for me. I don't think it has anything to do with the name fred itself however.
Mr Tricks
23:44 / 07.10.03
I came to the Nexus as PATricky, it was a play on my given name. Not that I ever really introduced my self as PAT-tricky... well may be a handful of times while at burningman. Still for years while I was younger I was forever frustrated by the search for a "cool nick-name" eventually identifying with the "trickster" in me brought alot of good humor into my life. Ironicly it was after I lost interest in finding that cool nick-name that it made sence to add that Y to the end of my name. It also made the numerology interesting.

It was easy to simply bring that with me online. I remember at one point someone typed my name as PA tricky... I chuckle about it now but it totally bent my concept of how that, title might be percieved. Instead of simply being a tricky patrick there was this whole fatherly connotation... PA tricky... sounded like a funny hillbilly that sits on his front porch and scams traveling salesmen... it still does; sort of.

Durring one of the revamps at barbelith (we were still able to post photos in our profile) I thought I would infuse a bit mor formality with the Mr Tricks title... it worked on a new e-mail and seem more appropiate for a community populated by people I've rarely met in person. I can count the people I've met in person on one hand and greatly appriacate having done so... to them I introduce myself as Patrick... but it feels rediculous to present myself as Patrick here... for better or worse.
23:48 / 07.10.03
Welp, I've always been Mazarine, since the Nexus days. It's a shade of blue violet and a kind of butterfly, and I can't remember why I picked it. I've added suffixes, but I don't think my posting style is distinctive enough- if I changed my name entirely, I think people'd say "And you are...?"

Mazarine is my comfy stinky old shoes, my jeans with holes in all manner of places, my ratty old bathrobe, my warmest, most frayed, most out of style shirt. The suffixes are just buttons I tack on every now and then.
00:02 / 08.10.03
I know a girl called Fred. But she's actually called Nicola.

Im not sure what gingerbop give off. I reakon it shows me as more chirpy than I actually am (well, the bop bit at least). But then when Im online, I dont have to care about anything much, and I can be as chirpy as I please. I think to some people IRL, I am gingerbop, and they see me as cheery and chirpy, and its these people that tend to come to talk when they're suicidal. And thats where the pretending starts.

My only other screenname/fictsuit elsewhere has been Leilu, and all that says is a liking for Milla Jovovich.
Murray Hamhandler
00:52 / 08.10.03
"Deric Generic" is what this one mean kid used to call me when I was young. I've now reframed the pejorative and I wear it proudly as a badge of...well, self-effacement, I guess. I also use it on my Livejournal, as well. Perhaps it reinforces my self-image a bit too much, holding me back from substantive contributions, enriching interpersonal interactions, etc. I will admit that that is entirely w/in the realm of possibility. "The Sweetest Chef" really cracks me up because I'm easily amused, and it's reflective of my irl tendency to do anything for a cheap laugh, even if I'm the only one laughing.

I switched over to my real name after using Arthur Sudnam for a good long while in part because I felt as if a pseudonym was a bit distancing (and, in part, because of a brief, unpleasant period when it was suggested that I was a Knodge sympathizer). So it was an attempt at openness and sincerity, then. Which I have really yet to fully achieve on the 'Lith as of yet. I swear, I still feel like I'm little more than the most active lurker on the board. I mean, I've been posting pretty consistently for two years now, but what do you know about me?

01:00 / 08.10.03
What does anyone know about me, either?

"fridgemagnet" is the oldest nickname I've used on the net. I've been pretty consistent with it. If you know any fridgemagnets on other sites, they're probably me. I got it from magnetic poetry and it's stuck. I have registered now which rather keeps me using it. If you're l33t you can probably get my real name from it, but I don't care, it's my "soft" identity.

People have addressed letters to "fridgemagnet" and called me "fridge" when drunk - by now, I honestly feel it is as valid a name as my legal given name. I react to it in the same way. My awareness of "fridge" and "fridgemagnet" over other words is heightened to about the same extent.
01:09 / 08.10.03
Interesting. iszabelle is pretty much me as far as an online personna goes... maybe a little more knowledgeable than I appear in real life (in part because I tend not to speak up that much in real life).

But iszabelle has nothing at all to do with my given name, and is a variant on my email which is something I've had since the bad old days of BBS hangouts, and that handle is a variant of a loosely-defined identity/personna that I had for about ten years of historical role-playing.

I'm not sure why that sort of consistency seems important... It may just be that I picked a role-play name that I thought better suited my inner self, and have been working on expressing it all these years.
01:26 / 08.10.03
I remember that I was slightly nonplussed when w1rebaby went away.

I've never changed my name on this board. Though I've added my LJ handle as a last name, so that my official full online identity is Persephone Munt. Which I like better, it has more ballast.

And Husb got motivated to pick his own name, after videodrome called him Mr. Munt. So now he is called Radix, which I like & puts us on rather more equal footing. I think that he loves having a handle. He's been taking pottery classes & he marks his pieces with a radish glyph --all the cool potters use glyphs & not initials, don't you know.
Baz Auckland
02:53 / 08.10.03
This thread is great! I never knew Nick was Dao Jones, Mr.Tricks was PATricky and dericgeneric was Arthur Sudnam...
Char Aina
02:56 / 08.10.03
did you know i was the Tom Coates account?
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
04:47 / 08.10.03
I was trying to get the name Hunter Rose back when I first got on the net in college, and it was taken, so I took the last name and just added "Solitaire" to it because it sounded James Bondian.

Now I have it in every incarnation I have on the web, and when I play poker, people call me "Solitaire", which is a very cool bonus.
Perfect Tommy
05:12 / 08.10.03
Everyone's heard this a million times, but, what the hey.

My given name is Thomas, and I generally go by Tom. The obvious name to go by on an Invisibles-related site was just too obvious for my taste (though tom_o_bedlam and variants thereof is my typical username for most things). So, I went by doubting thomas for a year or three. It seemed to fit: ever since I was wee I was very into seeing both sides of everything, and I occasionally referred to the fact that my doubts and skepticism ran so deep that I doubted my own skepticism.

The problem with being ruled by doubt, though, is that very little gets done. Motives and actions get questioned and requestioned until they evaporate into a grey fog you now live in. So, when circumstances collided such that I made conscious efforts to reach into my head and fuck with the wiring, modifying my personality and habits, I decided to steal the name Perfect Tommy, from Buckaroo Bonzai and the Eighth Dimension. Partly for the neuroscientist/rock-star/jetcar-driver appeal (yes, I know that's Buckaroo), and partly because I wanted my new personality to be one that would assume that at any given time, he was doing the exact right thing, and act with gusto and self-assurance. If he learned he wasn't, he'd immediately go on to make the proper corrections to be doing the exact right thing and act with gusto and self-assurance, ad infinitum, because I'd rather make glorious mistakes than do nothing.

What does mine do to me? Sometimes I fall into old traps of self-doubt and underconfidence; when I find myself doing so, I try to ask myself what Perfect Tommy would be doing, and I adjust my tie and recover just enough sexygenius swagger to charm, convince, outthink, or just bluster my way through the opposition.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
08:10 / 08.10.03
I've got a feeling I've said this all before to people, so will keep it brief.

I started off on newsgroups in the mid nineties during lunchtime on a workplacement, just as 'Loz'. Not being wise in the ways of the world I didn't realise that would get read as being short for Laura, especially when you're posting on goth/Gaiman/Anne Rice type NGs where everyone assumes you're a gorgeous bisexual babe regardless of what you do to try and dissuade them.

I've got a feeling that in earliest board versions here I probably was 'Loz', until I started playing around with IDs, 'Lozt Cause', 'Lozt Hope', 'Some of my Trees Are Weeping Now' which was inspired IIRC by a dream I'd had.

At the start of the year I wanted to settle on a more templatey-name, like Haus or Flux, I wanted something that people would be able to recognise as me, but being twitchy by nature could change whenever I got bored. At the time I also wanted to make some out-of-board changes to myself (which kind of didn't happen in the end) and thought I'd tie the two in together. The name I decided for the project was 'Our lady of the Flowers' which I picked because it was a song title I liked from the first Placebo album, which I have a soft spot for, but I wasn't too keen about using it on the board, as we had some rather daft threads going around about heroin and cocaine and didn't want people to assume it was something to do with that. Again the Haus/House angle came to my rescue, so it was Lady/Lada and then 'misheard' suggested itself automatically, therefore, 'Our Misheard Lada of the Flowers'. Going to see 'Frida' inspired 'Our Lady of Guadalope', the pop single 'Seventeen' inspired 'Our Poptastic Ladytron of the Flowers', 'Why don't you listen...' was another single and the current moniker is due to getting 'The Hours' out last week.

Now I come to think of it, maybe the drugs reference is why my attempts to change myself have generally ground to a halt or failed. Maybe I should have chosen something a bit more dynamic!
08:50 / 08.10.03
I didn't think it through very well when I was first picking a name for here - and this was my first ever board. So really, I just liked the name, no great story behind it. It didn't occur to me that it's so obviously female and that that would affect the way it was perceived, etc.
On a couple of other boards I've posted as A disaffection and the experience of being behind a gender-neutral name is actually quite startlingly different. I *think* people react differently, but that could just be my perception.
Having said that, I'm used to being Ariadne and so I tend to just stick with it. I'm Ariadne on about six other boards now.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:08 / 08.10.03
On the subject of Dao Jones: I think that back when having more than one 'suit' was not only permissable, but almost in fashion, it was quite common for people to use a second posting name to express opinions that they wanted to see voiced, but didn't want to have to answer for as 'themselves'. As has been discussed elsewhere, there's always that worry that you could be in the middle of happy little chat about bunnies in the Conversation - or worse till, at a pub meet - and then someone says "well, given your support for the death penalty, I HATE YOU" - so it was very tempting to create a separate personality who could be just a little bit spikier, sharper-tongued, flamier, more opinionated... For example, as I recall Dao Jones was always a little readier than Nick to espouse opinions which might be considered 'conservative', or ones which might clash with the perceived leanings of the board as a whole (at that point). I don't say this as an accusation: I did similar things myself at various points (Time Please, take a bow).

Things are different now - restricted to just one suit, we're all forced to answer for everything we post here. As Nick says, you're forced to intergrate the fiery, spikey side of your personality into the person you present yourself as here - just as you do in 'real life'. While it's true that sometimes your 'name' can run away with you, I've come to prefer it this way. It forces us to live with the consequences of what we write - which hopefully means not only that people are more thoughtful about what they post, but also that we're forced to take each other for better or for worse, as wholes.

(Or is this just another name-listing thing? If so: used to be Zenith, now Flyboy. Not changing anytime soon...)
09:16 / 08.10.03
I always thought Dao Jones was a bunch of people, Nick being one of them.
rizla mission
09:31 / 08.10.03
The name I decided for the project was 'Our lady of the Flowers' which I picked because it was a song title I liked from the first Placebo album, which I have a soft spot for, but I wasn't too keen about using it on the board, as we had some rather daft threads going around about heroin and cocaine and didn't want people to assume it was something to do with that.

I came across a reference to 'Our Lady of The Flowers' in a book the other day.. apparently it's the name adopted by "a Catholic medium who channels the Blessed Virgin Mary and says Jesus Himself created AIDS to punish homosexual acts".

So I guess that's another reason to be glad you didn't directly use that name..

As to my own history of messageboard names, I find it strange that so many people reckon their 'fictionsuits' take on seperate identities, cos despite posting in different places under a variety of bizarre names, I'm pretty much always myself, and what I say is usually pretty similar to what I'd say IRL.. a few brief attempts to deliberately adopt a specific character have been pretty unsuccessful..

Although I guess that way, way back in the dim past 70sman kind of developed a certain persona, although I packed that one in when the character of Trip Fontaine in 'The Virgin Suicides' did 70sman far better than I ever could..

I've actually never been entirely happy with 'Rizla' as a name, in that proably just about everybody takes it as a drug reference, which was never my intention.. it just sort of developed that way through numerous incarnations.. it does sound quite cool when combined with other names though and it's proably associated with me to the point where it would stick even if I changed it completely.. which I've considered doing more than a few times..

Who thinks I should go for a completely new name?
10:29 / 08.10.03
If anyone gives a shit, there's is a little logic behind my current name... I've had other handles in the past now, but the main one prior to this one was iivix, which I designed to look graphically quite cool, and to be as far from a dictionary word as possible while still scanning OK. It's actually remarkably difficult (if not impossible) to create a word with no connotations at all, but "iivix" seemed to work fairly well. Funnily enough, people picked up on all sorts of weird things that I hadn't even thought of - thinking it was roman numerals, assuming that it was feminine, making all sorts of sci-fi associations, etc. Not to mention that there seems to be some sort of innate inability to read the double i at the beginning, so I was constantly misspelt as ivvix or ivixx... The "ii" remains something of a trademark for me.

Anyway, mostly I was using this alias to post within a vaguely RAW/ 23rdian community over a series of different boards. A community which I felt really rather attached to. So, when some time earlier this year that community finally went into meltdown, I decided to dismantle the iivix identity. The . you see now is all symbolically all that is left - it's supposed to represent the dot from above the bizarre extra i at the beginning of iivix.

And now I'm actually starting to feel quite attached to . as a name, so I think I'll probably keep it. So, delicate zen minimalism, or just annoyingly smart-arse?
10:39 / 08.10.03
Delicate zen minimalism and annoyingly smart-arse I think, because it's unpronouncable and therefore difficult to reference in my head. Which I guess is sort of the point, but I do like to hear the name I am reading.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:51 / 08.10.03
I always thought Dao Jones was a bunch of people, Nick being one of them.

True only in the sense that I appropriated the arguments of people who don't use the internet. I'd ask anyone I could find - journos, writers, whatever - for arguments in my favour. Sometimes I got good answers, sometimes not. And sometimes I got answers I couldn't use because I wasn't allowed to name names or whatever, which is one reason why DJ occasionally sounded like a spaced out conspiracy theorist.

But also zat is exaktly vat I vanted you to sink...
10:58 / 08.10.03
olulabelle - You can pronounce "." the same way you would a glottal stop...
11:28 / 08.10.03
Mmm. I've tended to either fully integrate everything under Ganesh or hugely disintegrate into a plethora of 'Fast Show' type characters, each with his/her own one-note quirk and, often, posting style.

Picked Ganesh because (short answer) the Remover of Obstacles pops up several times in Grant Morrison's 'The Invisibles' and, on a recent Indian holiday, I'd grown rather attached to him, and also (long answer) because the nearest I've come to a 'magical experience' persuaded me, in half-joking half-serious stylee, that Ganesh was my deity.

Being somewhat Internet-naive, it never really occurred to me to play around with multiple suits until The Night Of A Thousand Elois, when Yawn created an identity mimicking our first troll, Eloi Tsabaoth, and was good enough to let me in on the secret. I think we both whiled away half the night taking the piss, and it was real laugh-out-loud fun.

I subsequently splintered into a variety of short-lived characters, including:

Sean Connery (who alwaysh shpoke like thish...)
the cabinet maker (haiku-esque, obsessed with owls)
Ho Garden (tendency to start 'Morrison is ripping off Moore' threads)
Sir William Gull (lecherous, stalkery shared suit, eventually stolen)
H-Dog (office-based accountant-rapper from 'The Onion')
Fatbeard (angry, foul-mouthed RPGer - one of my favourites)
The One (pisstake of those 'I am enlightened and must test you' trolls)
Jamie Oliver (jsutt plian annnoyingg)
RefriedRodentMan (ended every post with screeds of invented references)

I'm sure there were others. One of the more convoluted was 'Ganesh.' (with the full-stop) which was me impersonating someone badly impersonating me - with American English and out-of-character syntax (both of which were duly spotted). He started the semi-legendary 'does bread make you gay?' thread.

It's certainly true that multiple suits were, for a while, very much the fashion on Barbelith. Several of the above were shared, and pretty much all were purpose-built for 'avin' a laaarf'. If any more profound psyche-exploring went on, it was very much secondary. Problem was, I could never sustain the pretence for very long, especially if people took my suits seriously and started to get upset. I was always too squeamish to fully exploit the suits' trollsome capabilities.

These days, I'm Ganesh and Ganesh only - except when I merge with Haus, and that only occurs when the stars are right. I'm Ganesh on other boards now, and find that when I try using another name it doesn't fit properly, and gets itchy. I guess my suit has grown into my skin.
12:00 / 08.10.03
Er, I call my dog Bobossboy.

I call him Bosun, The Princely Knave, The Little Prince, Boy Boy, Dog Dog, Doggen and The Prancing Ponce.

His real name is Frobisha, after the great explorer, normally abbreviated to Frobie.

I suppose I took the tag because I found the name addictively annoying, cheeky and light-hearted, that, and the fact that celebrity started calling me Boboss.
I just can't help fucking around with irritating, self invented words. It would seem to be a family trait.

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