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Weird Masterbation Habit...


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King Mob
09:19 / 11.07.01
ok, right.

i don't THINK i'm gay, but i'm certainly less homo-phobic than many people i know.

i've been attracted to men, but never sexually. So far i've only fallen for women, but...

i've recently discovered the best most reality shattering way to give myself an orgasm involves putting at least one finger up my ass.

comments & reactions?

i've got enough shit going on in these my late teen years without bringing sexual confusion into the mix, so i'm being quite certain that this by no means means i have to now re-evaluate my sexuality.

any other straight men do this?

or should i just go back to referring to myself as bi?
09:26 / 11.07.01
I do it... sometimes... rarely... Its a very GAAHHHHHHHH feeling.

I have no comment and no reactions. Its not like ur sticking a gerbil up there is it?

What does the ass thing have to do with homosexuality anyway? Its not like they have a monoply on anal pleasure...
09:27 / 11.07.01
Can't believe i just posted that...
Rainstorm Tom
09:27 / 11.07.01
What you do in bed does not determine whether you are gay.

Who you do it with does.

- RT
Tom Coates
09:27 / 11.07.01
Woyzer. Where to start.

Sticking a finger up the arse has been a tried and true way of bringing men to orgasm for thousands of years. It's a reliable prostitutes tricks for getting men to come more quickly. It is MAINLY a biological response, so don't worry about it. You're just getting off on the sensation (mixture of prostate stimulation and the relationship betweek butthold contraction and orgasm muscles).

More to the point, being gay doesn't mean that you like anything to do with anal sex at all. Might do, of course, but just as likely not. Gay men find men physically sexy, whether they are engaged in anal sex, oral sex, frottage, S&M, slings, fisting or ewotic massage. Or for that matter if they are eating frozen peas. Same for straight men - they find women physically sexy, whether they wish to engage them in anal sex, oral sex or the pea thing...

So basically, 1) you're not a poof and 2) you have a weird idea of what being a poof is anyway if you think it's all about bottom sex....

Anyway - continue with my blessing. Bear in mind that if you have a finger up your arse and are thinking of large erect penises, then you might be an appallingly huge gay man in denial...
Ronald Thomas Clontle
09:27 / 11.07.01
quote:Originally posted by King Mob:
i've been attracted to men, but never sexually. So far i've only fallen for women, but...

i've got enough shit going on in these my late teen years without bringing sexual confusion into the mix, so i'm being quite certain that this by no means means i have to now re-evaluate my sexuality.

any other straight men do this?

or should i just go back to referring to myself as bi?

Um, you do realize that there are many women out there who would have no problem with/take great pleasure in getting you off anally, right? Anal sex is not exclusively the province of gay men and straight women. Every hear of "Bend Over Boyfriend"?
09:27 / 11.07.01
Experiencing the teen years without sexual confusion is like... eating a burrito without refried beans. Speaking of anal...

...Anyway, you're fine. You're probably straight as an arrow and don't need to worry about your pals calling you fag-boy or anything else that might hurt your fragile ego or devastate your social standing.
King Mob
09:27 / 11.07.01
well, like any kid who wasn't "cool" in high school i've been told i was gay a shitload of times.

i love everyone (man or woman) for their comments. thank you.

no, i think you (Ellis) are definitely right, but it really was a moment of teenage confusion.

yeah, well i'd seen the DOOM GENERATION recently so i... i'll just let that one trail off.

thank you and i'm certain that you can understand/relate to the whole teenage confusion thing so yeah thanks for understanding...

damn, ain't this the coolest chat environment?
Cat Chant
09:27 / 11.07.01
More to the point, being gay doesn't mean that you like anything to do with anal sex at all. Might do, of course, but just as likely not. Gay men find men physically sexy, whether they are engaged in anal sex, oral sex, frottage, S&M, slings, fisting or ewotic massage. Or for that matter if they are eating frozen peas.

Good point, Tom, but... I don't know. I like to think that someday we will have a world where gender of partner will not be the main axis of sexual identification, and to some extent I think anal eroticism could be quite a useful way of confusing the straight/gay divide and thus moving closer to such a world.

Though obviously you can be straight, gay, non-identified, bi, queer, or whatever and this may have no bearing on the particular physical acts you enjoy... Oh, I'm just talking bollocks (or possibly arse). I suppose what I mean is that I'm kind of "for" a more fragmented view of sexuality which is organized as much around practices/fetishes/etc as around gender of partner. So, no, putting your finger up your arse doesn't make you "gay" (or even queterosexual) but it might help you reorganize your relationship to your body and your sexuality in other, potentially productive ways. Or of course it might not.

(Incidentally, have any of you ever heard a King Missile song called Gay/Not Gay? I'm engaged in a "Does that make him... gay?" discussion on a slash list atm and it keeps running through my head - very funny reductio ad absurdum around "does that make him... gay?")

(Can't find the damn lyrics anywhere, and the song's too long for me to post them here, so you'll just have to take my word for it.)
20:56 / 17.07.01
There was an article in the high fashion mag, Richardson recently interviewed some famous female hard-core porn star. She would only be penetrated anally because the orgasms were better for her that way.
Over the years I've read/heard a lot about straight men getting off from anal penetration/sex. Another thang is getting your partner to stick some coke up there dutring the act. Rumour has it that Edward was pretty fond of Mrs Simpson doing this for him.

King Mob:
quote: ....well, like any kid who wasn't "cool" in high school i've been told i was gay a shitload of times.

Ever since I was a kid I have been labelled this. Even by teachers. Not everyone thinks this though.
A bit of a mixed blessing as far as I am concerned. Not being a typical straight man
I like the fact that I can drift between different for want of a better term, 'communities' as it suits me. Occasionally I get mildly pissed off by others assuming that I'm automatically going to have similar straight/gay value systems as themselves.
Example: I was in the Admiral Duncan (a gay bar in Soho) Last week and a guy who I never met before just came up and kissed me on the lips on two different occasions. Being kissed by a man has never bothered me but afterwards I felt that his boundaries were out of whack.

In Anti-Gay, Peter Tatchell expresses the view that we live in a society that thinks in polar opposites. He felt that this probably pushed people into being at either end of the spectrum of sexuality with little or nothing in between. If this polarity didn't exist probably most people would not be at either end of the spectrum. Most people would identify and behave as bisexual.
15:57 / 20.07.01
On a practical note you might want to buy a nailbrush and avoid salt and vinegar crisps.
17:28 / 20.07.01
And wash your hands after eating anything with chilli.
Rollo Kim, on location
20:07 / 20.07.01
As above KM - I know a few guys who like their partners to do the botty-thing. It's natural - "a guy has a more sensitive poo-shoot than a lady." N-Joy!

Your sex is entirely up to you!
Imaginary Mongoose Solutions
13:25 / 21.07.01
Please, dear god, why should he have to rely on a coke bottle? Just admit that you like a little something up your bum on occasion and get a small butt plug or something? They're washable, safe, and gives you both hands free for doing whatever. (Driving, Waxing the Dolphin, Posting to Barbelith.)
Cat Chant
19:09 / 21.07.01
quote:Originally posted by kevin:
Please, dear god, why should he have to rely on a coke bottle?

I don't want to speak for Syn, but I assumed he meant 'cocaine'... dear god indeed, though. You shouldn't really put bottles into orifices - if you use the open end, I've heard it can cause an air bubble or something which can be really bad for you. That might just be for vaginas, though. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest that yet another horrific consequence of sexual pleasure is women-only.

Gloom. Have fun, boys.
Spatula Clarke
22:41 / 21.07.01

Gerbils all round, lads?
Disco is My Class War
22:41 / 21.07.01
My dear KM, you may not be gay, but rest assured, you are definitely a pervert of the highest order. Praise be to the Devil.

And syn, a bit of the old white powder on whatever prophylactic you prefer dos wonders, I hear. Although you can get an over-the-counter pharmaceutical gel that does exactly the same thing... Lipocaine, I think it's called. Or just boil down a large amount of Solarcaine until it's powdery. Same anaesthetic qualities. Fun.
11:39 / 22.07.01
Although I lost all sensation in my penis, and am still petitioning the lizards to get it back.
Not Here Still
12:03 / 22.07.01
Haus, are you David Icke?

Seriously though, I'd have thought the only thing to worry about here is if you get a seizure and have to go to hospital to explain things...

"Erm, I couldn't find any spare change down the back of the couch..."
Johnny Mother
12:23 / 22.07.01
"I was cleaning my sons room, when, while cleaning the curtain rail, I slipped. During the fall my dressing gown must've accidentally flung open, exposing my behind, and therefore explaining the current whereabouts of his 'Scuba Gear' Action Man which I happened to fall on...."
Whisky Priestess
10:00 / 24.07.01
Ain't the arse where the G-spot is for men? I've known a couple of people who like this, and count myself among them upon occasion, although weirdly the orgasms I have aren't that great. Clitoral is definitely best for slow build-up followed by BANG!

Re: great pinky penetration scenes in literature - try reading Pat Barker's Regeneration trilogy. I think it's in the first vol (Regeneration) where our hero (who used to be a rent boy, but don;t let that worry you) is shagging a woman who fingers his arse. He is surprised, but remembers having done the same thing himself to clients and thinks "sauce for the goose" more or less. Top bottom stuff.
Whisky Priestess
10:02 / 24.07.01
Ooh, and sorry to be so (groan) anal, but it's spelt "masturbation". And I'm sure knowing that will make the experience much better for you. Hem hem.
Cherry Bomb
14:29 / 24.07.01
Yeah I don't think it's all that big of a deal. I've had partners who've loved me fingering their ass, and I've had partners who also loved it but freaked out worrying that they were gay. Whatever. I say, enjoy and don't worry about it.
17:20 / 24.07.01
My best wet dream was that I was sex slave to an Eygptian Prince. He was fucking me up the bum in a round pool of goats milk. I'm not gay. I was Bi-curious when I was a teen, but I don't like the way men kiss and I don't like the stubble. Getting back to KM's original point I've done this and it is very stimulating. And when my girlfriend does it it's even better!
17:48 / 24.07.01
whisky priestess - yes, the so called male g-spot is the prostate, which is fairly easy to get to by sticking one's fingers/whatever else seems appropriate up the arse of the male in question... surprised no one mentioned it by name yet on this thread
Char Aina
04:51 / 12.10.03

why dont we have threads like this anymore in the conversation?
and whats with all the linkless suits? are they old school?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
05:49 / 12.10.03
They're suits that have either been burned, or have spontaneously combusted. The last incarnation of the board used to randomly eat suits, excreting paranoia.
Tom Coates
08:35 / 12.10.03
Yeah, that was a fun time... All those e-mails. All those shouts of "you bastard!"... I remember it fondly...
11:06 / 12.10.03
Use lube! Use lube! Lube makes everything nicer and reduces the risk of ouch. And yes, avoid crisps. Also chopping chillies or having hangnails.
(Using lube doesn't make you gay either, but because of rampant capitalism you can buy straight lube [KY jelly et al] and gay lube [liquid silk and others]. KY is tacky [feel-wise, not style-judgement] and dries out quickly, but you can buy it at Boots and everything.)
(If you're in the UK.)
Cat Chant
12:02 / 12.10.03
Isn't liquid silk one of those ones with, um, some weird substance in it (sounds like 'argentina') that claims to increase sensation? Does that make it... gay?
18:11 / 12.10.03
I wish there was a shop called "Boots and Everything".
Brigade du jour
20:40 / 12.10.03
Don#t worry about it man, everyone has their own specific form of sexual kick. Most of us keep them to ourselves but ...

Only joking mate.

With regard to your own proclivity, let me just ask you this - have you ever derived what you might consider sexual pleasure while excreting? No it's not a silly question. I have, and I can tell you it's got nothing to do with fancying guys, girls, animals or inanimate objects. It's just an instinctive reaction in the pleasure centres of your brain and if I were you I'd just be glad I didn't get that from really weird things, like I don't know, fucking corpses or something.

PS My mate at work is gay and he's falling over himself to meet you.
21:11 / 12.10.03
hmmmmm (considers killing this thread with an innocuous post that will be ignored)
06:24 / 13.10.03
I wish there was a shop called 'Does that make it... gay?'
06:32 / 13.10.03
Yeah, I can see it now. A copy of Maxim/FHM/Loaded/lads mag of your choice tied up in a pretty pink ribbon. A felling axe sipping delicately on a babycham. A hockey stick inserted in Richard Gere's rectum...........

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