More to the point, being gay doesn't mean that you like anything to do with anal sex at all. Might do, of course, but just as likely not. Gay men find men physically sexy, whether they are engaged in anal sex, oral sex, frottage, S&M, slings, fisting or ewotic massage. Or for that matter if they are eating frozen peas.
Good point, Tom, but... I don't know. I like to think that someday we will have a world where gender of partner will not be the main axis of sexual identification, and to some extent I think anal eroticism could be quite a useful way of confusing the straight/gay divide and thus moving closer to such a world.
Though obviously you can be straight, gay, non-identified, bi, queer, or whatever and this may have no bearing on the particular physical acts you enjoy... Oh, I'm just talking bollocks (or possibly arse). I suppose what I mean is that I'm kind of "for" a more fragmented view of sexuality which is organized as much around practices/fetishes/etc as around gender of partner. So, no, putting your finger up your arse doesn't make you "gay" (or even queterosexual) but it might help you reorganize your relationship to your body and your sexuality in other, potentially productive ways. Or of course it might not.
(Incidentally, have any of you ever heard a King Missile song called Gay/Not Gay? I'm engaged in a "Does that make him... gay?" discussion on a slash list atm and it keeps running through my head - very funny reductio ad absurdum around "does that make him... gay?")
(Can't find the damn lyrics anywhere, and the song's too long for me to post them here, so you'll just have to take my word for it.) |