UK Barbelithers have that thread about football or whatever benighted sport they follow over there, but U.S. sports fans, even the most casual ones like me, haven't often been able to openly professed their love of jocks for fear of being labeled a "sheeple" (singular =sherpson? I dunno).
Thus I would like to inaugurate this "safe-space" for those of us who would like to chatter about Barry Bonds and steroids, Kobe and rape, Jayson Williams shooting his dog, and how the Yankees deeply, deeply suck, among whatever other topics come up.
My first post is about this news story, which details an upcoming joint effort between the makers of the movie Spiderman 2 and MLB.
Apparently, in 15 ballparks around the summer, a 4x4 inch Spiderman 2 logo will be placed on each base. Now, it will probably seem silly to some of you to complain about advertisements in the ballpark, but this is just ridiculous. Yes, ballparks are just huge billboards, and yes, player's equipment features (small) manufacturers logos, but could we keep it down a notch? The most galling thing about this is what the ball clubs are being paid - the two highest paid clubs, the NY Yankees and Boston Red Sox, are being paid $100,000 for the right to show the Spiderman logo. While that may seem a lot to you ad me, the Yankees have a 2004 payroll of $180 MILLION dollars. And they still turn a profit. Do they have to squeeze every last drop of revenue they can?
Oh look, Nader's involved. The last time he made a statement about pro sports, he was threatening to the sue the NBA over the officiating in last year's (i think; it might've been the year before) Lakers/Kings series. Go Ralph! |