The big push
Invalid seeks instruction and direction in novel-planning strategies
:: STARTED BY GogMickGog :: 47 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:39 10.07.06
Essay to get more people to write comics
Feedback wanted on an essay aimed at writers to get more people to write comics.
:: STARTED BY Crestmere :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:39 10.07.06
Genres, from a writer's perpective. Fantasy, Scifi, The Novel...
:: STARTED BY All Acting Regiment :: 8 REPLIES, LAST AT 11:59 06.07.06
Failed Rock Star magazine
Published! Quantum gets a piece of writing in Failed Rock Star magazine, other Barbelith people are in it too!
:: STARTED BY Quantum :: 6 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:34 03.07.06
Speaking of Novels...
an article on first novels, possibley instructif.
:: STARTED BY sibyline, beating Qalyn to a Q :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:23 30.06.06
Collage (warning: lots of big pictures and potential NSFWness)
post yours here
:: STARTED BY TeN :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:56 27.06.06
Advice Required: Greetings Cards
Selling your idea to a greetings card company versus striking out on your own
:: STARTED BY Saveloy :: 2 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:45 21.06.06
Dispatx New Edition | Call for Submissions
New edition published 17 June | Call for proposals related to theme Improvised Maps
:: STARTED BY dispatx :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 07:32 21.06.06
Plausability Test Thread
Run your tentative ideas past us before you act on them.
:: STARTED BY All Acting Regiment :: 2 REPLIES, LAST AT 01:44 21.06.06
The Curtain
A short story. Your comments are begged.
:: STARTED BY All Acting Regiment :: 5 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:54 19.06.06
New Resource to help Workshop Comic Book Stories
A new resource dedicated to helping people workshop comic book stories in progreess.
:: STARTED BY Crestmere :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:39 17.06.06
Mafia - The Game
Welcome to the streets of Little Catlipocia...
:: STARTED BY Tezcatlipoca :: 156 REPLIES, LAST AT 22:12 08.06.06
...in creative writing.
:: STARTED BY All Acting Regiment :: 5 REPLIES, LAST AT 06:25 06.06.06
MA/MFA programs, yay or nay?
MA/MFA experiences and anti-experiences
:: STARTED BY sibyline, beating Qalyn to a Q :: 31 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:07 05.06.06
i'm looking for one
:: STARTED BY H3ct0r L1m4 :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:30 05.06.06
Phosphorous Tide: A New Comic Anthology
Submission Guidelines and Information for a New Anthology.
:: STARTED BY Crestmere :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 09:28 30.05.06
Looking for artists, who're in turn looking for scripts.
Long distance professional collaboration, anyone?
:: STARTED BY Kibblesmith :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 08:50 30.05.06
Complex, Fiction-Suited, Identity Exploring Novel.
Would like feedback on my ideas and writing for a novel I'm trying to churn out this weekend. Keywords:Identity, Everywhere, Fiction Suit, Novel.
:: STARTED BY Princess :: 13 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:59 27.05.06
Guidelines For Submission
In which Thorn asks about and questions the importance of the minutiae of detail when proffering a novel manuscript to publishers.
:: STARTED BY Thorn Davis :: 21 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:25 25.05.06
Lyrics inspired by Barbelith posts.
Post your remixed lyrics here!
:: STARTED BY Mistoffelees :: 32 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:47 25.05.06
Superpopscifi artist wanted (and some pretty pictures)
here's a few pages from my next comic book (to hopefully make you smile) and also a plea for help. i've lost an artist and have 8 pages to fill. love not gold.
:: STARTED BY raggedman :: 7 REPLIES, LAST AT 20:10 19.05.06
High Atop The Watchtower - a short story
A short story for you gentlepeople to read / I won't fret like the kid from the bleed / if you don't like it / i still give a shit
:: STARTED BY matthew. :: 14 REPLIES, LAST AT 11:56 13.05.06
Works Inspired by Barbelith
How has Barbelith inspired you?
:: STARTED BY Spyder Todd 2008 :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:00 12.05.06
A Swarm of Angels::Help make a film
A thread to discuss "A Swarm Of Angels" - a nearly-community built and funded film making project, based on Creative Commons Licence and a grand idea. Talk about the idea, the process and when it all kicks off, the film itself.
:: STARTED BY kidninjah :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 01:34 12.05.06
Electronic music, made out of electronic texts
I made a program to make music out of text files, and this here is my finest achievement. Ominous, foreboding, made from badgers!
A single white Cowry
A short story, please read and comment!
:: STARTED BY All Acting Regiment :: 10 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:57 03.05.06
Website I think you will all enjoy that I made as part of my Master of Fine Arts thesis exhibition
:: STARTED BY skolld :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:36 02.05.06
What is it?
:: STARTED BY All Acting Regiment :: 24 REPLIES, LAST AT 02:04 30.04.06
The Haunting of Master Brain + Mantis Man Reads The Times Looks Between The Lines-Lines
Two poems for you to read and crit, cheers, cheers.
:: STARTED BY All Acting Regiment :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 03:03 26.04.06
Uncurrent Nonprojects
What aren't you working on right now?
:: STARTED BY Eloi Tsabaoth :: 62 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:16 21.04.06