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All Acting Regiment
03:55 / 05.06.06
Firstly: do you, like me, find a source like Wikiquote or a physical Dictionary of Quotations t obe a great sourceo f ideas, literally dripping with images?

Secondly: do you like to start a piece with a quotation? Should it be neccesary? Is it pretentious? Is it good to spin it to a different use or meaning than was prevously intended?
18:14 / 05.06.06
starting a piece with a quotation I've always found to be a copout... almost as bad as putting a moral at the end of the story.

if you want to use quotes, put them in the mouths of your characters... because your characters are flawed, then the quote won't come off as being so didactic and blunt.
Whisky Priestess
18:58 / 05.06.06
I too fear the wank factor - but for the first time ever, I did put a quotation before a short story - mainly because I was writing in the voice of a gay man and because I have a female name, people were wont to read it as a female voice. What to do?

“The homosexual must remain an object, a flower, an insect, a dweller of ancient Sodom or the planet Uranus, an automaton that hops about in the limelight, anything you like except my fellow man, except my image, except myself.”

Jean-Paul Sartre - Saint Genet, Actor and Martyr

Well, I put in the above quote to clue readers up that the story was about (or rather, involved) homosexuality. But I do still have dark nights of the soul about coming across as an appalling wanker.
sibyline, beating Qalyn to a Q
19:10 / 05.06.06
no qualms about putting an epigraph at the beginning of a novel, but would be hesitant about putting one before a short story.

hmmm... is saying epigraph rather than quotation wankery?
Alex's Grandma
20:58 / 05.06.06
Yeah, I wouldn't myself unless it was a novel. But part of the pleasure of completing a book is finding something suitably high-minded and portentuous to put at the start of the latest piece of sleazy, exploitative trash, surely? To a certain extent, it's a bit like quoting Wittgenstein at the beginning of 'The Complete Noddy,' but that's always been my experience, anyway.
All Acting Regiment
06:25 / 06.06.06
I'd certainly avoid doing this at the start of every chapter. What about, then, the different kinds of quotations? An old proverb or osmething Biblical probably would lead to wankiness- but suppose you take a little snippet from a piece of fiction, a well known Shakes line perhaps, and then expand on the dieas in it and take them in a completely different direction? I guess it all depends what you do with it.
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