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Complex, Fiction-Suited, Identity Exploring Novel.

11:40 / 24.05.06
Today I decided I was going to write a novel. I have known about the novel for about 2 months, but have kept finding excuses not to do it. Well, today was the last exam I will have this year, and I'm not returning to my life of barely paid drudgery till Monday, so I decided if I was ever going to actually finish something that this might be a good time to try.
The story is about a woman who wakes up in a new place everyday. She calls it the Cinderella syndrome, because at the stroke of midnight she disspapears. She isn't too bothered by this because it fits in with/engenders a way of life where she can constantly change her identity and play with presentation. She is one of those annoying Gemmini people who change their mind all the time and actively act out their own opposite.
She is being chased by her own shadow, a rather unidentified being who was released after a suicide attempt (the suicide attempt isn't really a huge part of the story, it was back when she was someone else). The shadow is sort of a vague depression/shadow/monster thing. It works on dream logic rather than being strictly identifiable. It is always a few destinations behind her.
Anyway, one day she meets a rather brusque bussiness man type. In the course of the conversation he becomes immensely attracted to her. Long story short they become very attracted to each other through various meetings.
However, he is a rather domestic, stay at home, "isn't order lovely?" type of person and so won't come with her, no matter how much she asks. Until, one day, he finds out what she is running away from and follows her to help her escape. The shadow-thing goes for her and he jumps in the way in a lovely self-sacrificial way that is very disney and picturesue and expected. It dies because a) she is feeling loved and b) because she reintegrates it in a magic-realist, "what happeningly vague" way. The whole thing, as I said, works on dream logic.
Now, she nurses him back to health and they fall deeper in love, but as she falls deeper in love with him she tells him her true name, the name of her core identity, and because of that, and because she loves him, she can no longer dissapear at midnight.
This is fine to begin with. She is sometimes sad but gets over it. He realises that she would like to travel again, but can't because he is afraid that she would be hurt or not come back. Anyway, they have a kid. The kid has all her mothers characteristics, and wants to travel and always has scraped knees and such. The parents argue about how to raise the kid, the father wants her safe, the mother wants her free. In the end the mother takes a look her life and decides she is no longer the person who fell in love with the man, but is the woman who loves their daughter. The new idea replaces the other one as her core identity and leaves with the daughter at midnight. They start life somewhere else, and he dies bitter and alone.


But, there is more to the story than that. The whole story is actually within the head of one character. The story is a character in itself, and the telling of the story is an effort at finding identity for that character. All of the characters are, in effect, fiction suits for the narrator. The entire novel is actually an attempt at understanding the identity issues of the unnamed narrator character.
Does that make sense?
Any input?
Would it be stretching the Jenny Everywhere character too far to have her as the female character, or use the name at least?
15:54 / 24.05.06
My advice... keep it short. It may be complicated and identity exploring, but the longer you go with solipsistic enterprises, the harder it is to keep it up.

I recommend writing this as a short story first, then expanding once you've got the initial idea down.
20:52 / 24.05.06
That is good advice. At the moment I'm just trying to churn something out quickly and have a draft *done*, no matter how crap and pretentious and incomprehensible it is. Short and to the point is probably what it will be, just because I tend to rush when deadlines approach (it's a learnt behaviour, from having done no work since year seven) and focus on finisheing rather than anything else.
But your right, If I don't keep it short I will get tired of this waay to early. I will keep this in mind.


Also, any mods getting stupid, incomprehesible messages from me, ignore them, it is my brain being le stupid again and pressing the wrong button.
12:02 / 25.05.06
I'm not sure that writing it as a short story first and then expanding to a novel *is* good advice, to be honest. The two forms have totally different dynamics and if you want to write this as a novel, I'd be inclined to plot it out and plan it properly, with a lengthy overview, character studies, and chapter breakdowns.
Eloi Tsabaoth
12:05 / 25.05.06
Yeah, short stories and novels are not the same thing. Pump air into a cat and you don't get a tiger, just a weird cat balloon.
09:40 / 26.05.06
I see what your saying here. I was itending to write it as a short story, but trying to get it done quickly (if less goodly). The cat/tiger/baloon annalogy is a useful one, I barbequote it now.
Alex's Grandma
11:19 / 26.05.06
These sound like dangerous ideas to me, swashbuckling.

I may seem conservative, but I'm 75, and can hardly get up the stairs without diamorphine, and Thora Hird reciting Alan Bennett's best material, this booming out over the sound system.

The step-lift, then, often seems very beautiful ... very, very beautiful ...

Anyway, where was I?

Oh yes.

I would go to law school, or become an accountant, were I you, dear. This world is a sewer - It's a question of whether you want to be using the facilities, or drinking out of them.
All Acting Regiment
12:23 / 26.05.06
What was all that about, Alex's G-mam?

Swashers, you sound like you've got some interesting ideas there. What I would suggest is that, whilst keeping the complicated framework, you keep things as simple as possible within that. It's an idea that will work, but you don't want to bludgeon your reader.

A question- does she dissapear at midnight every night, or just when she wants to? If she only inhabits a personality for a day, you could have each chapter last for one day- a handy pattern, there, that would be easy to keep track of. On the other hand, is one day enough time to fully express the new personality?

Also, when your heroine is trying out these different personalities, what sort of different personalities were you thinking of? I reckon it'd be worth knocking together a list of "trait clusters" she could choose to inhabit.
Whisky Priestess
14:06 / 26.05.06
I see what your saying here. I was itending to write it as a short story, but trying to get it done quickly (if less goodly). The cat/tiger/baloon annalogy is a useful one, I barbequote it now.

Drunk at lunchtime? You're a novelist already!
14:15 / 26.05.06
I'm not sure that writing it as a short story first and then expanding to a novel *is* good advice, to be honest.

Humpf. Fine. Whatever. I don't care.

All Acting Regiment
00:19 / 27.05.06
Well come on matt, a short story and a novel are two very different things...
05:20 / 27.05.06
Hello and thank you for your Topic.

Firstly, I would advise that you familiarise yourself with various and different writing technique, including the (at least approximate)required / traditional Word Length for such forms of writing as, in your case, the Short Story, Prose and the Novel. You could compare and contrast the similarities and differences here with the Novelette, for example and by doing so, this would assist you in deciding which form to use in your writing.

Secondly, draw up a map of where you hope to go. A type of literary itinerary of the places and people you will visit and interact with along the way, and between the pages of your developing book.

Include in this itinerary Headings and Sub-Headings that will inform the Reader and act as pointedly decisive pieces of action as you evolve the story, such as:

An Outline
Point of View (Are you writing in First Person, Third Person, etc?)
And so on...

Also, what mood do you want to inflict upon the Reader?
Is this intended to deliver a final message or reveal an otherwise unknown revelation?

Write down the (intended)AIM of the story. What do you hope to achieve beyond writing the Story? Do you intend to write for yourself or for a wider readership? Are you writing to make money? To leave an infamous sketch of your self on the page of life? To inform others?

Writers Read! Read a lot. A LOT!! Looking for similarities and differences shared by you with other writers and genres you are think are similar or dissimilare to your own interests.

Where and with whom do you hope to locate your writing and why?

Remember too, something hurried is not necessarily a worthy piece of writing.
My advise to you - and you may accept of reject it for what it's worth, is to NOT simply HURRY. NOT RUSH something off the press or from out of your pen, just to see the end product.
Rather, take your time. Make every word count. Create a monster of delight worth the proud of it!
Take others into a world they will not forget.
The Best,
dtzeni, 2006
13:16 / 27.05.06
Wow. Thanks for all the feedback, very gratifying, makes me feel like I deserve the shiny shiny crown I bought off ebay.
Legba, thats some good advice. You've given me a good idea. My original plan is that she dissapears every night whether or not she wants too. The idea of having a chapter per day is good, it would bring a goodly structure. Maybe when she gets stuck with the man (who I should really name if he is going to be a real character rather than a foil for Jenny) it becomes one long chapter? Like all the years are one long unescapable day? Or maybe each chapter has a name describing the Jenny of that day, and when she gets stuck all the chapters have the same name over and over and over again. Like a groundhog day thing?
Re: rushing, I can definetly see what your saying. But I know that if I let this linger I will be letting it die. I am a feckless waster and if I don't force myself into action then there is no action. The first draft will be unpalatably bad. But once I have the draft then I will start the long and enjoyable process of "making every word count". In an ideal world I would be commited enough to go through each chapter word by word and slowly construct a novel ex nihilo over several months. But, I am a feckless waster, so I have to have already made the book to make me refine it. If the book is already there I would be too pissed off to stop. Whereas anything less than that I could delete quite happily.
I'm getting somekind of grip on form. I'm doing a degree in Literature and Creative writing. It's helping somewhat. (Literary Lesson Kiddies: The Breton Lai is a crappy form and the authors are so lucky they are already dead. The Sestina is also over rated)
RE: Drunk at lunch time. Umm, maybe
Alex's Grandma
14:59 / 27.05.06
My advise to you - and you may accept of reject it for what it's worth, is to NOT simply HURRY. NOT RUSH something off the press or from out of your pen, just to see the end product.
Rather, take your time. Make every word count. Create a monster of delight worth the proud of it!

Dtzeni, you are a man(?) after my own heart.

I am a feckless waster and if I don't force myself into action then there is no action. The first draft will be unpalatably bad. But once I have the draft then I will start the long and enjoyable process of "making every word count". In an ideal world I would be commited enough to go through each chapter word by word and slowly construct a novel ex nihilo over several months. But, I am a feckless waster, so I have to have already made the book to make me refine it. If the book is already there I would be too pissed off to stop.

And you swashbuckling, are also a man(?) after my own heart. I'd be inclined to take my own advice here chief, were I you. And, you know, good luck.
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