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Works Inspired by Barbelith

Spyder Todd 2008
18:21 / 11.05.06
Right now, in my free time at work, I'm constructing a rather lengthy opinion essay on "non-normal" relationships that I'm going to put on my website in a day or two. The whole reason I'm writing it is because of all the 101 threads in Convo dealing with different "sexual types" (for lack of better term). They've inspired me to write a piece on the subject.

This got me thinking: who else has been inspired by Barbelith to write/draw/et cetera something that isn't really related to Barbelith? I can't be the only one who's read about something they saw on Barbelith and then talked about it later to a completly un-Lither Land related group?

Should I link the essay to here once it's done? If anyone is curious....
16:00 / 12.05.06
In my rather large and unwieldly metafiction novel that will never see the light of day, I have four characters:
J - straight white male
L - straight white female
B - gay black male
G - gay white male

I unconsciously made the relationship between J and L very forced and tempestuous, resulting in a very complex and dramatic dynamic, which ultimately fails as a relationship.

While B and G are the only two characters in the novel that find happiness, grow as individuals and learn from their mistakes. When they have a fight, they work together and find a solution, whether it be a compromise or not. They deeply love each other, but fight often, as with real couples.

While the novel is metafiction, the characters are wholly original.

I'm rather fascinated by couples that fight, disintegrating relationships and incompatible people. I've written stories about crumbling families and bad parents and a play about a fighting couple, among other works.

It wasn't until Barbelith that helped me realize my... how shall I put this? an unconscious distrust of heteronormative family units and Victorian sexuality. I'd always had it and then finally discovered it through Barbelith.
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