BARBELITH underground

Subcultural engagement for the 21st Century...
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New Topic
Saveloy, Whisky Priestess, grant, Sax, gridley, Grey Area, Shrug and Olulabelle
Ever written one? Or two? Or three? Post them here.
:: STARTED BY sibyline, beating Qalyn to a Q
:: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:23 19.04.06

Gaea: A Ritual Performance
Here is my Gaea performance piece. I have also posted this ritual piece (ostensibly for Earth Day) on my blog, under the post title: Nightly Reflections. Please let me know if you or someone you know may be interested in performing it. Or, please perform it, even without letting me know. It wants an audience.
:: STARTED BY libramoon
:: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 01:21 19.04.06

Once we were Fairies-treatment
3 kids live on a garbage heap deep under ground and they want OUT. would you like to help them by critting my comic book treatment?
:: STARTED BY raggedman
:: 3 REPLIES, LAST AT 02:29 18.04.06

1st Annual Ninjas vs. Pirates Volley Ball Tournament
Rules? We don' need no steenkin' rules! There are as many rounds as necessary. Both teams have an almost infinite supply of players. Actions are limited only by imagination and the nature of the teams.
:: STARTED BY We're The Great Old Ones Now
:: 88 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:14 13.04.06

The Great Wave
A poem for you to read and critique.
:: STARTED BY All Acting Regiment
:: 3 REPLIES, LAST AT 22:39 06.04.06

Tesla Ghost : Beat Mantra
New single
:: STARTED BY Darumesten's second variety
:: 2 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:26 06.04.06

The importance of fiction:
if you do not understand what is written here, do not look for fault with me, instead look fault within yourself
:: 7 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:50 05.04.06

Pump Up The Volume!
Who wants to make an online streaming Barbelith Radio Station?
:: STARTED BY Tim Tempest
:: 68 REPLIES, LAST AT 03:14 05.04.06

'It's true I crept the boards in my youth...'
Shouts going out to any London-based actors.
:: STARTED BY Alex's Grandma
:: 6 REPLIES, LAST AT 01:03 05.04.06

Flash utopian fiction project (open doorways)
Initiating flash fiction book project to promote social change
:: STARTED BY libramoon
:: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 00:17 05.04.06

Structuring Stories
Skeletons, (arc)hitecture, and forms
:: STARTED BY All Acting Regiment
:: 15 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:18 29.03.06

Can you give me a hand with some ideas?
I need some advice on a plan for a story.
:: STARTED BY All Acting Regiment
:: 7 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:51 28.03.06

Advice on a play
Does this play sound good? Would you go see this if it starred somebody reasonably famous.
:: STARTED BY matthew.
:: 6 REPLIES, LAST AT 23:41 27.03.06

Lovecraft's chinese box
found a piece to include in the dreaded "Cthulhu Cult" box? Add to F.W. Thurston's legacy, if you dare. mouahahahahahahahaha.
:: STARTED BY nyarlathotep's shoe horn
:: 9 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:06 25.03.06

Barbelith Artist Collective
A Barbelith Art Group for any and all that want to get involved. *Discuss and sign up here*
:: 44 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:45 25.03.06

“The Mormon Conflict.”
A tale from the trenches ladies and gentlemen, the mother fucking front lines.
:: 5 REPLIES, LAST AT 02:17 19.03.06

Daily Shorts
Like the Daily Poetry, except for those of us who prefer to (or also) write in a non-poetic form.
:: STARTED BY Grey Area
:: 26 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:25 18.03.06

Questions & Answers: The Creation.
A thread for any questions concerning The Creation and all the wonderful and terrible things that grow around here.
:: STARTED BY paranoidwriter waves hello
:: -1 REPLIES, LAST AT 23:53 16.03.06

What to do with this?
i've started something and don't know what it might be. any clues?
:: STARTED BY astrojax69
:: 3 REPLIES, LAST AT 20:11 15.03.06

Rain-loving dame
A Chandleresque short story for your feedback. Not that I've read any Chandler.
:: STARTED BY autran
:: 5 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:16 13.03.06

BBC One Minute Movies
Make a one minute movie on any subject at all and submit it to the BBC.
:: STARTED BY Olulabelle
:: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:06 04.03.06

Otherkin documentary
Help contribute to the first documentary film exploring the "Otherkin" community.
:: STARTED BY zoemancer
:: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 04:17 04.03.06

Physical and "e-" Tools for Drawing
asking for suggestions for things to buy to make my sketches do something and make me and all the world happy.
:: STARTED BY ShadowSax
:: 3 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:18 03.03.06

Writing Challenge: Flash Fiction
Writers of Barbelith! Post flash fiction here, or comment on those put up. Stories under 1000 words.
:: STARTED BY andrewdrilon
:: 2 REPLIES, LAST AT 20:11 02.03.06

Writing from a child's perspective
Now that I'm a grown-up, it's hard to recall "Kid". Back when food was thrown-up, and everything was Id.
:: STARTED BY Icicle
:: 8 REPLIES, LAST AT 09:42 27.02.06

City Ghosts
Critique/Review request
:: STARTED BY Saltation
:: 23 REPLIES, LAST AT 05:18 27.02.06

Looking for an artist to collaborate on a comic with me
A young man's search for an artist to collaborate on "Rainbow Nation", a comic.
:: STARTED BY Colonel Kadmon
:: 7 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:22 23.02.06

Mark Twain's Rules of Writing
Rules from an American Master on how to write effectively and well.
:: STARTED BY matthew.
:: 26 REPLIES, LAST AT 20:02 22.02.06

Glorifying Terrorism
Call for Stories for a science-fiction anthology in response to the proposed new UK law against 'the glorification of terrorism'.
:: STARTED BY Cat Chant
:: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:54 21.02.06

The Foxes
A story about woodland animals. Tell me what you think.
:: STARTED BY All Acting Regiment
:: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:40 21.02.06


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