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Failed Rock Star magazine

11:58 / 21.12.05
Brighton creative talent showcase magazine Failed Rock Star published two pieces of writing of mine, w00t! Macready has a couple of artworks in there, Fraely played at the launch party, it was cool. So I'm going to post the pieces here (they're very short) so you may gasp in awe at my amazingness, watch this space... oh and any Brighton folk who want a copy of FRS let me know, further afield folk order from the website linked.
13:25 / 21.12.05
I'll have to wait until I have some more money. Well done, Q. Looks cool.
09:15 / 23.12.05

Celia loved to watch birds fly, especially tiny ones zooming about in hordes. She had recently moved to Brighton and was wistful for the colours and scents of her home. She had taken to watching the flocks of starlings that gather together at dusk over the ruined pier, swarming together in a giant parliament to feast on the insects infesting the charred wooden corpse.
One day she noticed that the shapes the huge flock made against the setting sun roiled and rolled in a pattern that was not-quite-random. As she watched, she tried to model the movements of the mass of birds with her hands, following the starlings swooping over the sea with a strange hand-dance of her own invention. Passers-by no doubt thought her mad.
After months watching and following them, practice brought Celia expertise, and she could predict the birds’ movements well enough to move her hands just as they moved, and even a little ahead. One evening, she entertained some friends by showing them the flock dance against the coloured sky, as if at her command, following her fingers. Pleased with the illusion (and a little drunk) Celia had to try something; she moved her dancing hands ahead of the flock, predicting their twists and turns, and then she moved a finger slightly differently, in an unexpected curlicue. The flock of starlings responded and veered to one side, then the other as she manipulated the dance. She experienced the strangest sensation as the flock followed her fingers, it felt like a flower unfolding in her heart, and the vast cloud of hundreds of tiny birds was following her gestures. Her eyes shining, Celia conducted the starlings just like an orchestra, and painted silhouette pictures with them against the sunset over the sea.

09:19 / 23.12.05
That was illustrated with a beautiful picture of a girl surrounded by birds that someone had sent to FRS, that just happened to fit the theme of the piece really well- I'll see if I can get the image.

This piece was originally part of the article I wrote for Generation Hex on fact and fiction in magic;

Beyond Fiction

They spoke in thoughts, in flowing light, ribbons of concepts streaming between them like living rainbows, and their thoughts were glorious and about glory. They delighted in their experiences and shared their joy, these transcendent entities of pure consciousness. From time to time in their explorations they would dip into the pool of condensed energy and experience the world bound by time and form, immersing themselves in the illusion of finity. Upon returning from their separation they would reunite as pure energy and exchange their perceptions and discoveries, exhilarated by their experience of the literal world but relieved to be free in the Astral Light once more.
One communicated to another, after a particularly visceral incarnation, their feelings of powerlessness and misery, and the boundaries and limitations they had felt constrained by. The other responded by describing the incredible freedom they had exercised and the intensity of the sensations they had been pummelled by, ecstasy and exhilaration, and they both of them laughed at the pleasing deceits they had convinced themselves of, and together they went to explore infinity and ride the waves of burning truth that echo back and forth across creation in syllables of white fire.

To these beings our reality is a pleasing diversion, an entertainment not to be taken too seriously. They pick up lives as we pick up paperbacks, and afterward forget them as easily or as hard, cherishing the highs and lows they temporarily believed were all that existed.
And they are us, the perceiver, that part of us that experiences all that we experience. We are to them as fictional characters are to us. We seem convincing, but ultimately just evocations of real things, just as a character from a book will never reach from the page and take our hand.
Yet we are real, and they may be fiction. If our lives have validity in the context of a higher reality then fictional beings must have validity in our reality. Fictional beings are the children of our imagination, our creative faculty, as we may be children of the mind of God.

09:18 / 11.01.06
If I break the paragraphs into single sentences separated by a few lines, add a psychotic hott ninnjar bayb and oVERCAPITALISE them, do you think I might aspire to the heady heights of Hawkdom?

I can dream, can't I?
foolish fat finger
20:44 / 03.07.06
thanks Quantuum, that's a beautiful story...
21:34 / 03.07.06
Quantum, those are both fantastic pieces! It looks like a really great publication too.
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