Political Discussion Flowchart
Political debate tends to follow a certain pattern, which can be recognized, charted, and then exploited mercilessly.
:: STARTED BY Isadore :: 14 REPLIES, LAST AT 01:42 22.05.07
Barbelith Top Trumps. Lots and lots of PICS.
11 cards to begin with. Keywords: legendary fictionsuits and their superpowers.
:: STARTED BY Bed Head :: 127 REPLIES, LAST AT 08:55 17.05.07
3-Day Novel Contest
Writing a novel in 3 days, blogathons, and other similarly manic writing events and contests
:: STARTED BY Squirmelia :: 6 REPLIES, LAST AT 11:53 14.05.07
My Life With Master
On-line game anybody?
:: STARTED BY autran :: 10 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:59 01.05.07
Alleyways, bright colours, secret places, all mixed together to make pretty things. Part of the Fool's gallery show, happening later this year...
:: STARTED BY the Fool :: 20 REPLIES, LAST AT 06:30 01.05.07
Dispatx Commissions Program
Dispatx Inaugurates Commissions Program for New Original Work
:: STARTED BY dispatx :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:49 27.04.07
Free (or very cheap) Audio Tools
A list of tools to give you the means to make great music/noises with little money... talent not included.
:: STARTED BY RichT's boring old name :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 00:16 25.04.07
Blackbird: The Chronicles of Edison North
A man and a woman and a blackbird are one.
:: STARTED BY aeonite :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 05:50 24.04.07
Monkey Punch Dinosaur
send pictures of monkeys punching dinosaurs to my blog.
:: STARTED BY matsya :: 16 REPLIES, LAST AT 00:34 20.04.07
SBR: How do I worship thee...
Let's try and show the people we love that we love them.
Keywords: romance, mother's day, appreciation, hearts, smooze, ritual, gifts, flowers,chocolates, friend, family, love.
:: STARTED BY Princess :: 10 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:45 19.04.07
The Fool presents "SOLAR - Live!"
Nature meets angles. Visuals for a live tech/ambient performance.
:: STARTED BY the Fool :: 9 REPLIES, LAST AT 05:18 19.04.07
Wandrin' Notebook 3 - this time it's For Real
for real !!!11!!
:: STARTED BY Bed Head :: 156 REPLIES, LAST AT 00:54 19.04.07
How Boredom led me to Art(?)[PICS]
This is my brain on procrastination.
:: STARTED BY The Ghost of Tom Winter :: 3 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:37 16.04.07
I am not john milton
a poem for crtitique, for ignoring, for printing out and scaring pigeons with...
:: STARTED BY astrojax69 :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:25 13.04.07
Elephant's Graveyard
A short story. If there was no such thing as environmentalist lad-lit, then I suppose there is now. Any comments welcome, however abusive.
:: STARTED BY Alex's Grandma :: 3 REPLIES, LAST AT 10:19 10.04.07
Comic lettering & fonts -- what choices do you make?
questions about lettering your own comic, and perhaps an extended topic about the ways in which lettering effects the overall work.
:: STARTED BY Mystery Gypt :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:05 09.04.07
My comic: Rude Boy in 'We're Out of Milk'
some samply bits from a comic wot i made.
:: STARTED BY matsya :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:33 05.04.07
Rumours- a comic about killing Fleetwood Mac
Because you know they have it coming.
:: STARTED BY COBRAnomicon! :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:48 04.04.07
Space2 @ Euklides | SERENDIPIT:US | Dispatx
Space2, an installation by SERENDIPIT:US as developed from their 'Transcendence' project on www.dispatx.com, is now located at Euklides, Oslo.
:: STARTED BY dispatx :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:54 04.04.07
RPM '07
like NaNoWriMo but for musicians
:: STARTED BY Ticker :: 36 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:35 30.03.07
Bloggers Write Charity Book
About a book created by UK Bloggers to raise money for charity. In one week. Now available to buy.
:: STARTED BY DaveBCooper :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:22 30.03.07
Barbelith Wandering Song/Album
I wanna make music, but I'm kinda stuck for bandmates. Won't you help?
:: STARTED BY lekvar :: 173 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:00 29.03.07
Writing erotica
Mmmm. Oh yeah. Huh. Yeah. Come on. Discuss with me. Oh yeah.
:: STARTED BY matthew. :: 31 REPLIES, LAST AT 22:09 26.03.07
Liars' League
A new London-based forum for short fiction. You write it (up to circa 2000 words), our actors read it, the audience drinks and applauds, everybody's happy.
:: STARTED BY Whisky Priestess :: 7 REPLIES, LAST AT 10:37 26.03.07
Critique of poetry.
Criticise (the one of many tries) of attempts at poetic expression. Let your criticism be a lesson to one who has much to learn. (Phriar, water, burn)
:: STARTED BY Dutch :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:08 25.03.07
Sweet Double Shot of Greatness: Jan CD Mix
Jump on in. 15 slots x 2 (more or less)
:: STARTED BY Ticker :: 190 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:53 20.03.07
Judge me!
Evil Scientist wants you! Well, your views on a story of his anyway.
:: STARTED BY Evil Scientist :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 07:31 14.03.07
Conlags and Conscripts
The art of fictional languages. Anyone else here with far too much time on their hands?
:: STARTED BY Princess :: 6 REPLIES, LAST AT 10:24 10.03.07
Warriors of the Sun God
Webnovel written by Genevieve Wood
:: STARTED BY HeartShadow :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:13 08.03.07
A morning's work: Gin Talking
I wrote this short piece this morning and feel like throwing it out into the big world.
:: STARTED BY miss wonderstarr :: 5 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:11 05.03.07