I quite like 'The Haunting Of Master Brain,' it has a nice line in terms of the plight of the tortured, misunderstood genius.
I'm guessing you've been listening to The Fall a bit recently? If so, while this is entirely understandable, and possibly even mandatory if you're at college in Manchester and experimenting with hallucinogens, it's still possibly true that the use of repetition, exclamation, blunt sarcasm etc (thinking in particular of verse three there) that works pretty well when it's set to music doesn't always translate quite so effectively to the printed page.
They'd both be fine as lyrics I think (and you might want to try that, being in a band, if you've got the time and the energy,) but if you'd prefer to consider them more as poems, I'd be inclined to cut the more chant-like material, were I you. |