thanks! That's really made my day, heh.
The basic idea is matching notes+durations to characters in text files, by frequency. I've written scripts to go through text files and order the characters which appear in them by frequency (I'm using Philip K. Dick's Confessions of a Crap-Artist as my basic 'text' frequency-thing at the moment, but if a text is long enough, you tend to get the same order: space character, e, t, o, h... etc. Some uppercase letters are more common than some lowercase letters, and newline, hyphen and tab are pretty common). I also wrote a script to go through a midi file, and rip out all of its notes, along with a duration (if I didn't pull out a duration, everything I got would end up being very ... regular. And boring). Once I've got my two frequency tables, I get some third (or, in the case of the song above, third and fourth) text file, and go through it one character at a time. Each character is then replaced by the note and duration which is in the same position on the frequency table, and output into a midi file.
Which is actually much simpler than I thought it would be, when I first conceived of making text into sound. I started with just one text, and one instrument, and I have a 326 minute long opus, which is directly equivalent to PKD's 'confessions of...' to the point where you could 'read' it, if you could remember the note/duration-> character mapping.
Which is kind of cool in its own right, but 326 minutes is slower than reading the thing, so...
Yes, so, anyway. If you've got a perl interpreter on your machine, I can send you my current version, which takes two text files, and makes one the synth (it's the synth rythm drum from the midi patch list, I think), and the other into the drumtrack. It's fun to play with, but it's not hugely user friendly, as I haven't had time to pretty it up much.
Even if you don't understand perl, you could change the tempo and the instrument which each text file gets changed into pretty easily...
One day, I'm going to make it cgi-compatible, and put it on my website, so people can make music out of any file I can get to on the internets, but right now this is in the 'too hard' basket.
If you put any (non-looped) text through as a drum machine, and with a high tempo, you get this sort of spastic thrashing which could almost work for a noise band. I'm tempted to make a 'band' with Conrad on synth, Dick on drums, and google search results on synth bass, but it'd be far too horrible to bear.
(note that I'm using PKD only because I had easy access to long text files written by him, not because of some underhanded plan to disseminate enlightenment into people's brains, matrix-warrior stylee, or anything) |