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SBR: How do I worship thee...

17:30 / 30.03.07
Apologies for the sacharinne opening. Hopefully the vomiting will be kept to a minimum.

Basically, this thread has three puposes:

1:To chivvy people into showing their love for people.

2:To ask for ideas about how to do such a thing.

3:To report how such a thing has been or will be done.

Any kind of love is acceptable, whether you're anointing your beloved with oil or sending your dad some super socks, we are interested.

If you feel like this all all a bit disgusting then please feel free to hit the back button.

If something is going to be a bit risqué then please put it in some form of *SPOILER ALERT* style warning. Some people are only here for the Mother's Day orchids and might find your tantric rituals a bit full on.

That said, let's go.

My Mom's about to go into surgery for some not so pleasant cervix surgery after a dodgy smear test. With no money, what sort of stuff could I be doing to make her feel loved? What flowers are available for picking right now? What nice things (that aren't just tidying, cooking, helping out etc) can I do?

Also, my fiance is teh roxxor. I thought I'd go about doing some sort of vaguely ritual thing with him (though nothing at all "magickal" if that makes sense, my parents have set some odd rules concerning witchraft in the house) but would like a little help with putting it together on next to no cash. I was thinking some sort of worshipful activity? Anointing, kissing of feet, man as divine type stuff. I thought I might roughly base the words on Gardener's "Five Fold Kiss", though it would have to be very rough as I don't really like his writing.
Most of that I should be ok with, any suggestions welcome of course, but my main question was this: Does anyone know how to make those interesting wooden crowns? The one's that they give to May Queens and things like that?

Like this: but more manly.
trouble at bill
17:56 / 30.03.07
Uh, should this be in The Gathering? I mean, I hate to be so pedantic in response to such a loving and funny opening post but surely this should only be in the Gathering if it was about a specific IRL Barbie love-in? (Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that such a thing would be entirely without appeal. Oh no. Its just that it doesn't seem to be what the thread's actually about. Which is probably for the best, in the long run.)

Oh and sorry to say I don't know about the wooden crowns, can only suggest asking a hippie.
18:00 / 30.03.07
No, it was meant to be in Creation. I've alerted the mods already.
trouble at bill
18:15 / 30.03.07
Good good. When you say, my fiance is teh roxxor. I thought I'd go about doing some sort of vaguely ritual thing with him, mightn't anything you do be a mite, dunno, lacklustre, compared to that whole wedding malarchy which is presumably on its way? (I do know I'm being of absolutely no help whatsoever here, btw.)
18:21 / 30.03.07
The weddings not for at least a year, probably more, so this more about making him feel special in the here and now. Besides, I think weddings are more about formalising and celebrating the bond between people. I want this to be about celebrating how good he is as an individual and how much I appreciate that.
18:21 / 30.03.07
And no, you are being helpful. Qestioning how useful something might be is usually a good idea.
Alex's Grandma
01:42 / 31.03.07
As a lad of nineteen, Princess S, are you absolutely sure this sort of ritual committment is such a good idea? If you haven't been making it up, you're still very young, you know.

Really, dear, what point are you trying to prove? And to whom? Shouldn't a lad of your age be playing tennis and so on? Dropping 'E', wearing a scarf, and passing his exams?

I don't mean to sound like a bitter old crone who's been sat here gathering dust in front of the wedding cake for thirty odd years now (actually, it's been more like fifty) but all the same, perhaps you might like to give all this a little more thought?

Before you say anything you might regret, dear.

Like I did with Roy ... Although hopefully, the two situations aren't entirely comparable.
19:40 / 31.03.07
We're not making any commitment right this second, so there's time to back out if it turns out we secretly hate each other. The ritual I'm doing is just for the sake of romance/good sexin/bond making.

But thanks for the worry Granny.
Glenn Close But No Cigar
00:36 / 01.04.07
Not sure if these things are your forte, Princess, but why not make with a poem / song / painting etc? Doesn't quite have the scary faux-marriage connotations of a ritual (whatever form that may take), but would be satisfyingly from the heart, and cheap to boot...
Whisky Priestess
13:18 / 19.04.07
Give him a one-night-stand voucher for sleeping with someone else. That always keeps a relationship fresh!
13:45 / 19.04.07

He's already got a rather large hand-full of those.
Did ritual, all was good. Much woo.

Now, he's gone off to uni again, and I wont be seeing him for a month or so. Suggestions?
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