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3-Day Novel Contest

10:02 / 03.09.04
The 3-Day Novel Contest was previously mentioned in the What are you scribbling? thread, some time ago. It seems that it is happening this weekend (4th-6th September 2004), but they are charging $50 to join in, which seems like rather a lot.

Every year, there seem to be all kinds of blogathons, write a novel in a weekend events, etc. Anyone know of any that are coming up soon, before it is time for Nanowrimo (November)?
07:09 / 14.09.04
I ended up writing the three day again this year; an opportunity for hypersigil I'm shortly going to detail up in the Temple. Just curious: anybody else jump in and do it this year?
Whisky Priestess
09:15 / 21.09.04
Certainly not paying money to do something I can easily do on my own (well, me and a quart of strong coffee) but I am tempted to do a 24-hour blog, just sitting glued to my desk for a day and writing pretty much whatever comes into my head. If only I had any privacy, ever ...
betty woo
13:00 / 06.10.04
Since the thread summary covers "similarly manic writing events", this seems like the place to ask: anyone else doing Nanowrimo this year? I've usually gone for the 3-day contest, but I was put off this year by the steep fees and having a work gig scheduled on the Saturday. After a 3-day blitz, 30 days almost feels like cheating...
08:57 / 07.10.04
Most years, there have been separate threads for NaNoWriMo:


I am going to attempt NaNoWriMo for the 3rd time.
14:40 / 11.10.04
I was excited to try Nanowrimo this year but I'm in the middle of a book I started over the summer. I don't want to put it on hold for a month so I plan to try it out in another month, probably this Spring or so. I'll go it alone I s'pose.

11:53 / 14.05.07
Anyone participating in Script Frenzy in June? Like NaNoWriMo, but for scripts of 20,000 words.
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