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Free (or very cheap) Audio Tools

RichT's boring old name
00:16 / 25.04.07
As there have been quite a few computer based audio/recording type threads scattered around, including a few asking for software I thought it might be time to compile a list of what people can use to make music or noises on the cheap, whilst I struggle to install Psycollider...

Most of these programs are fully functioning alternatives to commercial software, some even do things that commercial software can't.

Suppose I'd better start with the big geeky ones . These programs can do pretty much anything you can imagine, although it won't necessarily be easy:

Pure Data:
Cross platform open source graphical programming language, although some externals are Linux only. Similar to the commercial Max/MSP, and developed by the same guy- Miller Puckette, but a bit lower level and more technical. My favoured weapon of choice.

Supercollider (Mac OS/Linux)/PsycolliderWindows):
Open source server based object oriented program language, better for more script based programs and works very well using multiple machines.

Audio Recording/Editing:
Open Source audio editor/recorder. Works, imports/exports files of different sampling/quantization rates, can do a few handy things to them (especially with the new beta version). ASIO/multiple sound card support would be nice though, as I can't multitrack on it with my hardware.

Fully featured sequencer/score editing program for Linux (like cubase/logic)

Multi channel DAW (like protools) with video sync capabilities- on Linux

Reaper(shareware- $40):
Multitrack recorder for windows, supports ASIO and VST plugins- from the same people who did winamp apparently.

Midi-Ox (Windows):
Very powerful MIDI routing utility, can also create/modify midi data.

Incredibly useful tool for moving midi data between programs in real time...

Which does the same thing with audio.
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