Another one, not from Barbelith this time, about women and gaming.
(1) In my experience, a lot of groups do have an androcentric focus, sometimes becoming horribly female-unfriendly.
(a) but I didn't mind it
(b) but it was just youthful high spirits
(c) but they were socially inept in any context
(d) but you shouldn't be so sensitive
(e) but they were just reflecting societal values
(2) Our group is thoroughly integrated genderwise.
(a) and I think the horrid geek stereotype is a myth
(b) but we've all known each-other since kindergarten anyway
(c) but I live somewhere with a completely different culture than mainstream US
(d) but we're all over thirty, and thus past the particularly intense phase of sexual competition, anyway
(e) and all my friends got married to other members of the group
(3) Our group is pretty much a bunch of guys, although I don't think we're female-unfriendly
(a) but our games aren't the sort of thing women would be likely to enjoy, anyway
(b) but it's not because we're a bunch of geeks
(c) but it's for essentially historical reasons.
(d) but the presence of women distracts from male bonding
(e) but the presence of women intensifies male competition
Another feather for the collection. One of these days, I may make a hat. |