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RPM '07


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16:41 / 23.01.07
the 2007 RPM Challenge

This is the challenge: record an album in 28 days, just because you can.
That’s 10 songs or 35 minutes of original material recorded during the month of February. Go ahead… put it to tape.

• This will be fun!

• Ten songs or 35 minutes of recorded material, on a CD, postmarked or hand-delivered by noon on March 1 to:

10 Vaughan Mall, Suite 1
Portsmouth, NH 03801

• Recording can only be done in the month of February – no prerecorded songs.

• All material must be previously unreleased, and we encourage you to write the material during February too.

• Participating bands get their own page on the site, which you can blog to as much as you want. You also get access to the band-only discussion board, where you can swap ideas, resources, etc., and the ability to e-mail and private message with the other participants.

• Participating bands get access to The Sample Engine, where you can actually share samples and tracks for other bands to use, if you like, or download bits that might help you with your project.

• All the completed albums may be put up in the jukebox on the website, if you so choose, so people can check it out; conversely, if you’d rather not share your work with the public, then no one needs to hear it but us.

Write some instrumentals, split up the songwriting duties amongst band members, form an RPM side project, write songs on the piano or clarinet instead of your primary instrument, make that metal album you’ve always wanted to - buy a ukulele! Just do your best to make the best album you can. Be unafraid.

What if every musician you knew put their music first for 28 days?

What if you recorded the best song of your life?

What if the world was never the same?

What’s stopping us? Nothing. February is Record Production Month. You have no reason to say no, and nothing to lose.

17:20 / 23.01.07
I've been meaning to find an excuse to stop not doing all those obscure side-projects I keep thinking about. Am I in? Hmmm. I think I may be in.
17:42 / 23.01.07

of course if you hand deliver it I will take you out for a pint or snackie seeing as I walk passed their office to and from workage.
17:53 / 23.01.07
What if every musician you knew put their music first for 28 days?

Y'know, that kind of smarts, because I know I really shouldn't need the excuse. Of course, if I didn't need the excuse, my conceived-but-never-realized output wouldn't so exceedingly dwarf my actually-recorded-and-released output.

Fuck it: I'm in.
18:00 / 23.01.07
I walk passed their office to and from workage.

Oh yeah, I just noticed they're local to you. Hey, who knows: if I can record the album in a month, surely I can make the drive? *checks calendar* Unless my boss has anything to say about it, that is. Hmmm, again.
18:01 / 23.01.07

That's two musicians I've bullied, er, encouraged!
The spouse is collecting samples like some sort of broody audio dragon.
Which means I've gotten a ton more great music....heh...heh...
18:03 / 23.01.07
some sort of broody audio dragon

That's me too, as of tonight (that's fair, right?).
18:33 / 23.01.07
go for it! I look forward to hearing your stuffs!
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19:22 / 23.01.07
I'm in! Won't be any actual, ya know, playing instruments involved tho. Nope, my trusty Acid Pro, I turn to thee..
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19:23 / 23.01.07
But I promise it won't be one 35 minute long shitty drum'n bass loop. Heavens, no!

Ok, enough dp'ing/twaddling around..
19:16 / 24.01.07
I'm told they now have contributers from every land mass on the planet including Antarctica.

Barbelith, I'm pretty damn sure there are more musicians lurking in your smokey corners nursing pints and brooding over the whispered words of their muses.

Tell 'em to step the fuck up.
19:37 / 24.01.07
Well, I'm signed up as Panmodal. Anyone else feel like linking their profile?
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15:04 / 29.01.07
Profile here. Going by the name Isle of O, which I guess is a reference to the place I spent most of my childhood and youth in. Not much to look at atm, but I'll blog a bit and put up some photos as things start cooking. Anyone else signed up yet? Post profiles, good people!
03:46 / 30.01.07
I've signed up as Big Blue Bug.
12:04 / 30.01.07
Anyone making it to the RPM HQ launch party tonight?

I'm not.
02:39 / 01.02.07
22 minutes!! (EST)
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09:00 / 01.02.07
And we're off! I'll get to work asap later today, tho I gotta clean house first, and maybe even try and procure some creative juice-weed... How about we 'lithers who're signed up try and flag news, views and developments here as things happen? And, please, if anyone hasn't, please link to your profiles!

Thank ye mucho!
12:10 / 01.02.07
Got a token start at midnight, and already gave myself an "argh what am I doing to myself" attack. I had to sit back and listen to some of my old songs to remind myself that I actually can do this.

Tonight will be better.
14:37 / 01.02.07
I ran into an organizer this AM as ze was getting breakfast. In case anyone was wondering the musicians hold the copyrights to the music submitted.
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23:16 / 01.02.07
2 pieces nearly there. Only 33 to go. How're you all doing out there?
02:16 / 02.02.07
Did about 8 minutes worth of material today. Kind of rough sounding, but I can always spruce it up later. I have a vague idea in my head of how much tracks it's going to be now, how long each track will be, and how they will sound, so things are going fairly smoothly.
12:32 / 02.02.07
Got a good start last night on my first track, and made a decision about what I'm doing: my original "turn on my gear and see what happens" approach wasn't inspiring me, so I decided to roll as The Threshold People. The ideas started flowing immediately.

I have an already-started TTP EP that went on the back burner a few months ago, so I think what I'm doing is completing it as a full-length album; of course, I'll only count the new material towards the challenge (and I'm not touching the old songs until the new ones are done).

So, boo, I guess.
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12:48 / 02.02.07
I've decided to try something new (for me at least). I'm restricting myself to "songs" of 1 minute each, hoping to reach 35 in total. Means I won't get bored as easily, which is a good thing given that I spend an inordinate amount of time fiddling with the software I'm using rather than actually composing or recording.
13:30 / 02.02.07

Welcome to the RPM Challenge

Dave for President!
He's my friend...
16:40 / 02.02.07
I decided to change my project name to Francois Villon. If only because the material coming forth is very dark, and thus not fitting for the Big Blue Bug, whose image I've often associated with whimsy.

That's about all I've really done on day 2. :\
19:30 / 02.02.07
it's okay, you're fine tuning your muse. it happens.
02:03 / 03.02.07
Oh, I'm not depressed. I'll probably crank out about 20 minutes worth tomorrow, knowing me. The only thing holding me back right now isn't lack of ideas, but my eye problems that limit how long I can spend in front of a computer.
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18:01 / 19.02.07
So. Day 20. What have I got to show for it? 4.5 pieces. 5 minutes. As the goal was to make 35 pieces, each a minute long, I'm coming to terms with some cold harsh realities here. Either I go into bananas mode and trash out another 30 pieces of gutter-debris inside 8 days, or I abandon my method and start making longer pieces. Ahemmm..

How's it going for the other RPM'ers on the board?
13:58 / 21.02.07
Regrettably, I've had to drop the Challenge, for technical reasons. My old studio computer was quietly dying, and I had the opportunity to get a much newer and better one, so I did, along with updated versions of my principle audio software. Unfortunately, inter-version compatibility issues mean that I can't simply pick up where I left off - all my old tracks, RPM and otherwise, need to be retooled (misplaced samples reassigned, "obsolete" patches replaced, lost settings reapplied) before I can get back to business. The final product(s) will be better for it, but it's going to take some time.
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16:24 / 21.02.07
C - that's a shame, that is. I'll likely have to abandon some of my stated goals too - that stuff about making 35 songs of 1 minute each? Aint' gonna happen. I'm at 10 songs. I can probably make 10 more. That would still leave me 15 songs short. The simple solution - assuming a 35 minute length as the finishing line - is to make the songs longer. But ARHG IDONWANNA! Prolly have to tho. Feck.
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18:38 / 27.02.07
Ahem. So.

It's the day before deadline. I'm still clocking in at 10 minutes. I need 25 more. I don't have much time. But dang nabbit, I will make a 25 minute long fucked up piece of sound tonight. I will finish. I will. I. Will. Do. It.
18:53 / 27.02.07
GO, you!
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23:02 / 27.02.07
.... (lets out enormous breath of air) that, my friends, was it. The proverbial it cameandbitmeintheass. I did... something. Something terrible. Something horribly annoying, which noone will ever hear unless I specifically wish to torture them. Or they want to self-harm. It's not rendered yet, but it should clock in at around 23-24 minutes.

What, say you?

What I referred to above. The monstrous afterbirth. The nega-twin that didn't dwindle, wasn't absorbed in defeat, but struck back, got bloated on the flesh of its superiors. The fukkkkin last song for the challenge. It's tumor. A cyst. It's got lots of shit ripped off from elsewhere, ie. the other, proper, copyrighted, artistically valid material that someone else made with love and care and money, and which I have shamelessly torrented/leeched/copied/dl'ed over the years.

NOOOOOOOOO... Fucking ACID PRO SHITWARE! WORK YOU PATCH CHALLENGED MEGACRAP! Anyone used Acid Pro on a lousy laptop? Having trouble with Timestretch or Pitch-shift? I do now. Fuck... Ah well. Consider it done.
13:22 / 28.02.07
yay Losontem!
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19:26 / 28.02.07
Thanks! I still cannot believe I got to the end of it... Had to stay up until friggin 3 in the morning to figure out what the hell was wrong with my shitware. Turned out (at least, I think it turned out) that Acid wouldn't let me make a project that was bigger than 50 megs. As I was trying to make a piece of 25 minutes with loads and loads of samples, I had to cut it down to about 20.. Well-uh-well. Got there in the end. Felt strangely empty as I was standing in the post office and mailing it off. 73 grams worth of creativity...

Anyone else do this?

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