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Bloggers Write Charity Book

13:22 / 30.03.07
(Moderators: apologies if this isn't the sort of thing I should post to Creation, but thought this might be of interest, and couldn't find this referred to elsewhere on Barbelith. Please remove if it's utterly inappropriate.)

For Comic Relief Day the other week, Mike of hatched the plan to get a book in print within a week, and all the proceeds to go to charity. He succeeded, collating 100 submissions from UK Bloggers into the book 'Shaggy Blog Stories'.

Here's his press release:
Bloggers publish book for Comic Relief.

100 bloggers have published a book to raise funds for the BBC's Comic Relief appeal on Friday 16th March.

'Shaggy Blog Stories' features hilarious contributions from Richard Herring of 'Fist of Fun' fame, BBC 6Music presenter Andrew Collins, comedian Emma Kennedy, and James Henry, scriptwriter from Channel Four's 'The Green Wing'.

Authors Abby Lee, David Belbin, Catherine Sanderson and The Guardian's Anna Pickard have also contributed pieces to the book.

The vast majority of contributions, however, are the work of many of the lesser known and unfamiliar heroes of British blogging; going under pen names such as Diamond Geezer, Scaryduck, Pandemian and Unreliable Witness.

The book is the idea of blogger Mike Atkinson who writes the 'Troubled Diva' weblog. 'Shaggy Blog Stories' features comic writing from not only the cream of British blogging, but also the best up-and-coming and undiscovered writers publishing their work on their own websites.

Giving himself a "ridiculously short" seven days from idea to finished product, Atkinson admitted that he was overwhelmed with the response, which gleaned over 300 submissions for publication.With a pool of talented writers, and the latest publishing-on-demand technology, Shaggy Blog Stories bypasses the usual snail-paced publishing industry, and offers a mail order service to customers who will receive their finished copy within days of placing their order, and only a couple of weeks after the original idea.

"Blogging creates complex, worldwide networks of friendship and contacts on the internet", says journalist Alistair Coleman, one of Shaggy Blog Stories' contributors. "By creating a buzz about this book, we can reach out to hundreds, thousands of readers who'd be willing to part with a few quid for this very good cause. Mike's got some excellent writers on board here whose work deserves a wider audience. Everybody wins."

For details of how to order the book, visit
For the background story on the creation of Shaggy Blog Stories, take a look at
Anyway, a friend of mine got a bit published in it, so I ordered one, and it's really a pretty good read, so thought that other Barbelith readers might be interested.
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