ok, first on ts eliot, i read him a bit at school - many many moons ago now! - and a little at uni, and have always admired him greatly, but haven't read anything recently. but yes, i guess his work is something of an inspiration if i have to pin it down. often recite the first few lines of 'prufrock' when with some friends and we have to go, now...
capitals, i never use them. well, almost never. it has become something of a personal style for me and all my poetry - and all my email and chats - is devoid of them. partly as a stylised thing, partly as a stand just to be different and partly as i feel the excision of capitals allows me more freedom to move lines/words/ideas about without having to assign prominence to words that i don't want to have such prominence. a kind of 'letter socialism'... 
the exclamation mark was to indicate a sort of 'snap!', a singular moment of entrapment when you realise that you are caught. spider webs don't have this, but mouse-traps do, and i guess it was an attempt to invoke something of this... it is also, and more so, an echo of the idea of the attachment one has in a relationship which, by extension, indicates the exertion one must expend in removing oneself from such attachment; should one feel inclined [it asserts this question] - and so a realisation that one is free to choose not to extricate oneself and that this [inaction] is, or can be, an action.
as for 'stuff', that was my major sticking point when i went inside and started to play with the piece. no, i can't think of a better word yet and played around with the words around it, having just 'that stuff, the stuff...' and several other variations - i still feel that i want to use repetition to segue from the assortment of knowledge imbibed by the other person [so, neural happenings] to the kind of sensations i experience when this person 'does stuff' (specifically, to me), playing on 'stuff's' current vernacular of a catch-all widely used across society ["what'cha up to?" "aww, just stuff", etc] but am still not happy. have to think more. any suggestions, from what i've elucidated?
what else did you ask? ah yeah, cheese. well, i wanted to take the reader from a survey of the mundane evening, dinner, you working on your studies, me sitting alone thinking, so moving to the reveries inspired about the 'you', the tenderness and bonds and the sweet moments of togetherness, then bring it back to mundanity to show the 'you' is unaware of any of my musings, just taps away, learning thinking working, and leaves me to finish and serve dinner. then, outside, and into the evening, we move closer to the realm of the reveries i described. so yeah, i feel it works there, but would be quite happy to listen to your responses as to why it might not work there so well for a reader...
thanks for the reading and thinking and questions and interest. happy to hear more, and happy to share more for comment/s... |