Honestly though, I rather dislike Audacity, I've used it before and found it rather frsutrating. Perhaps we could simply save each track as a seperate, identical length wav, and the next person could compile them, add their own, and do the same?
Honestly, I don't either. But the way I see it, using something that is free and cross-platform is the easiest way for us to all work together. You may like Cakewalk. I like Logic (though I don't have a copy). Someone else may want to use GarageBand, etc etc etc. To top it all off, not all programs accept wav files (yeah, 98% do, but I'm trying to be inclusive). If you want to use your weapon of choice you could mix down a wav it import into your mulitrack, do your thang, then import your track to the Audacity mix.
Another reason to keep this from being a collection of loose files on a cd is to keep the contributor's vision intact. If everybody is recording to the same file the tracks will cue in and out at the appopriate time instead of everybody interpreting how the tracks relate to each other. Which brings me to...
(are we allowed to alter the tracks of those before us?)
I envision that once a tune reaches a certain number of tracks everybody who contributed will receive a copy so they can mix down a version for themselves. Two reasons fore this- one, I think comparing mixes at the end of this that could be as much fun as recording. That's where you'd be cutting and pasting.
Two, I think that each contributor's original track(s) should make it to the end in a clean state. I know I would be upset if my tracks were diced too early. That being said, I think that all's fair in love and the final mix. |