Quiz fluff: How Gay/Straight are you?
How gay/straight are you? Channel 4 knows how!
:: STARTED BY Whisky Priestess :: 39 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:43 24.08.03
SUV Love
SUV's and the wankers who love them...
:: STARTED BY LVX23 :: 18 REPLIES, LAST AT 01:51 23.08.03
Is celibacy just a fancy name for commitment-phobia?
Celibacy - how is it for you?
:: STARTED BY Hattie's Kitchen :: 19 REPLIES, LAST AT 00:17 23.08.03
The time has come for those who are greedy, indecisive, fence-sitting scum to stand united
Bicon 2003 _East London, end of August. More fun than a sack-full of weebles, unless you were molested by them as a child in which case I apologise for bringing up this traumatic and upsetting event.
:: STARTED BY Our Lady of The Two Towers :: 27 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:30 22.08.03
I have decided to join a hunger strike
fasting for psychiatric rights. whoring myself to call attention and make change happen.
:: STARTED BY Ria :: 17 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:24 22.08.03
To live in Miami Beach (?)
advice about moving to/living in Miami Beach
:: STARTED BY El Gato Was Right: the t-shirt :: 18 REPLIES, LAST AT 05:39 22.08.03
Got a car? Getting a car? Then you *really* need to check this list....
NCAP - stuff you usually ignore and really, really shouldn't.
:: STARTED BY We're The Great Old Ones Now :: 12 REPLIES, LAST AT 05:04 22.08.03
A Thread for Things Which Are Supposed to be Great but actually, when experienced, turn out to be RUBBISH. And vice versa, if you like.
A discussion, or even just a list, of things which you have been lead to believe are just GREAT, but actually, now that you know better, are really just RUBBISH. And vice versa, should you so please.
:: STARTED BY Scrambled Password Bogus Email :: 97 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:49 21.08.03
Free Wikis?
Seeking good or bad experiences with free wiki hosting, such as seedwiki.com.
:: STARTED BY Perfect Tommy :: 5 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:13 21.08.03
Going Underground
with the mice and the mole people
:: STARTED BY Mourne Kransky :: 5 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:11 21.08.03
London Songs
Songs with bits of London in them.
:: STARTED BY Jub :: 51 REPLIES, LAST AT 05:46 21.08.03
Piano up for grabs
Another desperate plea from the messy one.
:: STARTED BY Mr Messy :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:54 20.08.03
Crossposted: Impractical Joke
Soothe my ego. Please. It'll be worth a laugh. Or, seize control of this topic and talk about other impractical jokes.
:: STARTED BY grant :: 9 REPLIES, LAST AT 00:19 20.08.03
A Question Of Crucial Importance (PICS)
It's been too long since you've had a dosage of Joycore. Pour yourself a glass of Stoli Donut & Sprite Remix, put on your Pancake-That-You-Can-Wear, and hop aboard the Joycore Express. Woooo!
:: STARTED BY Matthew Fluxington :: 38 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:27 19.08.03
Need help for an angry letter
request for pointers for grown-up type angry letter writing.
:: STARTED BY bitchiekittie :: 9 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:29 19.08.03
Colour Quiz Personality Test
Yet another personality test, folks.
:: STARTED BY that :: 37 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:47 19.08.03
Long distance relationships
Worth persuing?
:: STARTED BY gingerbop :: 44 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:36 18.08.03
Jesus vs. Superman
Who would win in a fight?
:: STARTED BY A :: 38 REPLIES, LAST AT 20:48 18.08.03
HOLY CRAP! how long have i been misssing out?
sorry if you have seen this before, but i haven't.
WOO, and also quite definitely, HOO.
:: STARTED BY Char Aina :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:29 18.08.03
Blackout Tales
What happened to you during the biggest blackout in U.S. history.
:: STARTED BY El Gato Was Right: the t-shirt :: 13 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:00 18.08.03
Who will rid me of these turbulent pop ups?
My kingdom for an ad killer.
:: STARTED BY Foust is SO authentic :: 9 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:49 18.08.03
Pissing In The Shower.
We all do it. Or do we?
:: STARTED BY Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey :: 38 REPLIES, LAST AT 01:04 18.08.03
Eeeeeeeeeevil Twins
They are out there, quite queer actually but do get used to it.
:: STARTED BY 000 :: 13 REPLIES, LAST AT 23:59 17.08.03
I have Cheese......
The excitement that punctuates an otherwise tedious day.
:: STARTED BY pointless and uncalled for :: 18 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:35 17.08.03
London Ninjas
The imminent demise of the London Pirates.
:: STARTED BY pointless and uncalled for :: 3 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:49 17.08.03
How useful is "intelligence"?
Does having a high IQ help you get on in the world?
:: STARTED BY Whisky Priestess :: 39 REPLIES, LAST AT 10:31 17.08.03
Important Question
Ass-faced weasel or weasel-faced ass?
:: STARTED BY Matthew Fluxington :: 6 REPLIES, LAST AT 23:56 16.08.03
Fictional Character Rights
Basic rights for fictional characters! Now!
:: STARTED BY moriarty :: 6 REPLIES, LAST AT 20:27 16.08.03
Selling your soul, Crispy or Orginal Recipe?
So I had an offer for my soul last night, howza'bout you?
:: STARTED BY Rev. Jesse :: 10 REPLIES, LAST AT 22:54 15.08.03
What is important, or what’s bothering you?
What is important, or what’s bothering you?
If you can, place issues in terms of what you think is the most important and how it relates to you! World issues, social issues, personal issues, etc.
:: STARTED BY Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes :: 5 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:14 15.08.03