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Who will rid me of these turbulent pop ups?

Foust is SO authentic
20:39 / 17.08.03
I've got a panicware pop up killer, but these damnable messanger pop ups keep appearing. The worst thing is, they all say "End messanger pop ups for only $29.99!" They ALL say that. It's extortion. I assume there's got to be some sort of simple trick I can pull so that they'll go away all together?
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
20:55 / 17.08.03
There is a way of doing it manually, but I'm fooked if I can remember it. Basically, Win XP has a network messaging service, for internal messages over a LAN, and it's on by default (thanks, M$) in Win XP.

Do not fret, however. There's a wee little tool you can download (free) from here. After that, it's just a simple click and you won't get another message like that again.

Hope this helps.
21:25 / 17.08.03
Doesn't adaware cover this?

(he says, smug on a Mac, but then that's why you have to pay extra for the things - added smugness)
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
21:32 / 17.08.03
No, because it's a valid feature of Windows - it's just that some git has found a way of exploiting it remotely.
Matthew Fluxington
21:42 / 17.08.03
I use Mozilla as a browser, and you can simply go into preferences and block all pop-ups, and you can manually type in the URLs of pages which you would like to allow pop-ups on.

I highly recommend Mozilla in general.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
21:54 / 17.08.03
That's the trouble with these ads - they're not browser related. You don't even have to have your browser opened to receive them, you only need to connected to the internet.

It's a Windows service that's in place to allow, say, a system administrator to send messages to people connected to a company network. This service is activated by default in Windows XP and recently certain unscrupulous characters have exploited this weakness, making it possible to use this service as yet another means of disseminating their herbal viagra.

More info can be found here, on Wired.
23:56 / 17.08.03
Mozilla won't kill those?
I, Libertine
00:16 / 18.08.03
I've been tearing my hair out over those things for months. Here's the solution:

1. Start
2. Control Panel
3. Performance and Maintenance
4. Administrative tools
5. Services (icon)
6. SCROLL down to 'messenger'
7. Double click 'messenger'
8. Click 'STOP' AND>>>>
9. In the drop down go to DISABLE and then APPLY

Depending on your specific OS, you may have to skip #3, I think. In any case, this worked like a charm for me. I was getting about 6 of those pop-ups every hour...haven't had one since going through the above steps.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
00:20 / 18.08.03
No, Mazarine, but the little download I linked to earlier will, and so will Libertine's instructions above.

Geez - first of all we get unwanted ads in our email, then it's through an unwanted Windows service. What next? Unwanted pieces of paper in envelopes pushed against our will through our letterboxes? The mind boggles.
Mourne Kransky
16:49 / 18.08.03
Oh Mighty Libertine, I kiss the very hem of your garment. Whilst murmuring my thanks and rubbing your tummy.

Stevie Dubplate, you had a narrow escape there...
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