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Quiz fluff: How Gay/Straight are you?


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Whisky Priestess
15:23 / 18.08.03
I probably shouldn't be posting this because it's very fluffy indeed, but as one who has been accused of being too straight in the past, I am happy to reveal that I am in fact 46% gay - a "well-adjusted hetero babe", c'est moi. And it's always good to know these things.

C4's gay-o-meter

Do you self-identify as queer and yet have a secret hankering after DIY/fluffy animals? Or are you too straight for your own good and need to start reading *wallpaper and wearing more leather? As ever, Channel 4 has the answer ...
Baz Auckland
15:47 / 18.08.03
Apparently I'm 'Too Straight' at 30%. Just because I've never gotten in a fight on the street, and wouldn't pay $100 for a t-shirt!
15:49 / 18.08.03
Cass is 50% gay!

Congratulations! You've scored right in the middle and are a happy and well adjusted hetero man!

Oddly, this has cheered my post-holiday-in-Cornwall blues. I'm exactly the right amount of gay for a not-gay. Or I'm half-gay but, you know, not gay. Or some such...

[Alright, alright, it was a bloody daft test but I'm letting it off because it said nice things to me]
gotham island fae
16:12 / 18.08.03
Hooray! I'm 50% Gay! Very openminded between the sheets and just as balanced when out on the streets.


"That's a good bisexual! Good boy!"
Mourne Kransky
16:16 / 18.08.03
Xoc is 102% gay!

You emerged from the womb wearing a feather boa, doing karaoke Cher. Your nappies were made of rubber, studded with rhinestones, and you still wear them on Friday nights.

Find yourself a vacant bishopric now. Or a bishop's prick.

I recall taking this test before but can't find the thread now. Only got 75% or something then. Well fuck that, frankly. I have decided that I have gayed up in the interim.
unheimlich manoeuvre
16:18 / 18.08.03
46% gay. me mam always said I was special.
[sarcasm] fortunately i was brought up on the mean streets of Harrow and street fighting is where it's at... [/sarcasm]
16:35 / 18.08.03
60%, apparently well adjusted. That I can't change my own oil in my car is my shame.
Matthew Fluxington
16:55 / 18.08.03
I got 50%, which they say makes me a well-adjusted hetero man. Which is about right, I guess.
Tryphena Absent
17:22 / 18.08.03
I am 53% gay. I guess that's probably about right.
17:50 / 18.08.03
36% gay.
hah! to my bi friends who make fun of me and call me Super-Het.
18:16 / 18.08.03
I've done this before - 66% gay - open-minded (i.e will shag anything, i.e. fencesitter) and a wee bit butch 'on the streets'. Yet another quiz let down by its insistence on binary gender categories. Quelle surprise.
18:49 / 18.08.03
60% gay, a well adjusted heterobloke. Gayer than Cass, though.
18:53 / 18.08.03
56% gay. I have no idea what that means. Does it mean 44% straight? Or 6% bisexual?
The Falcon
21:09 / 18.08.03
40% - tho' I think the figure closer to 30%.

Am well-pleased with this though, even though I'm still 'too straight'.
21:22 / 18.08.03
53% gay. Not that I needed to take this test. At all. Really.

Damned comforting.
21:27 / 18.08.03


Just the right amount of gay...

Thought it'd be more, though...
Jack The Bodiless
21:27 / 18.08.03
What a load of bollocks...

'Leather trousers... interior decorating....'

So apparently I'm 50% gay, and therefore satisfying heterosexual, much like many of the posters on this thread. Of course this actually means that I satisfy enough straight and gay stereotypes that I fall right smack in the middle. Toss.

Does no one else find this test oddly repellent?
21:27 / 18.08.03
Does 53% gay mean I'm a D average gay man or that I'm a well balanced between hetero and homo... also my History Teacher had a theory that if you went too far with traditionally right political views you veered to the left and vice versa (which is bullshit) but the point is can't you be so gay your straight or so straight your gay?
Sorry I know fluff thread... but once again its gay meaning camp and not homosexual isn't it?
21:28 / 18.08.03
It's just for a laugh, Jack....

21:40 / 18.08.03
Wonder what answers I should have given in order to get 0% gay....give me a sec.
Tryphena Absent
22:00 / 18.08.03
Does no one else find this test oddly repellent?

Nope, utterly ridiculous, tongue in cheek and rather funny but not repellent.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
23:18 / 18.08.03
33% gay here.

I thought I'd score higher as, in my heyday, about 75% of my clubbing/drinking venues in Manchester were gay establishments. I even met a fiancee (who I didn't eventually marry) in a gay bar.

Ah well, I can live with 33%.
23:37 / 18.08.03
Hey, not only am I a well adjusted hetero man, but apparently I'm happy too! Must be cos I've got some nice shirts.
Foust is SO authentic
00:04 / 19.08.03
I am 25% gay. Does that make me too square for Barbelith?
8===>Q: alyn
01:46 / 19.08.03

53% gay, but 66% when I took it as a woman.
Saint Keggers
02:32 / 19.08.03
23% gay.
Hattie's Kitchen
06:36 / 19.08.03
50% gay!

But...but...I've slept with, like, 30 women, and 2 men!

Am I giving off straight vibes?? I can't be a latent hetero, please nooo....
10:17 / 19.08.03
Does no one else find this test oddly repellent?

No, just utterly nonsensical. There were at least six questions in which neither of the answers applied to me, which probably tainted the end result, which, incidentally announced me to be a very butch 46%. Apparently.
Baz Auckland
11:42 / 19.08.03
Tez: Very true. My sister was stuck on the "Do you find young Elvis handsome or beautiful?" question for awhile...
Tryphena Absent
11:58 / 19.08.03
Yes I found that question quite difficult. Elvis was a pig.
Mourne Kransky
12:13 / 19.08.03
Of course it's nonsense. Apart from sussing out Tezcatlipoca, the third Mitchell bruvva, obviously.

Barbegays aren't like other gays anyway. We are sexier by far and defy all the stereotypes. We are principally attracted towards cerebra of the same sex.
12:56 / 19.08.03
Yeah, that Elvis one was problematic. I wanted to answer c) scary.
Tryphena Absent
14:35 / 19.08.03
Erk, the love-o-meter is complete and utter trash. It told me I need to talk to my 'partner' more. If I talked to him anymore I'd lose my damn voice.
16:34 / 19.08.03
43%- how come every gay/str8 test asks you about buzz-cuts? Are they really *that* gay? Hmmmm. Perhaps my parents are more aware than i thought they were.... Tho they didnt seem to like the buzzcuts an awful lot!
Mr Messy
20:15 / 19.08.03
Mr Messy is 76% gay. I'm not quite a gay cliche, but getting there.

How comforting.

At least there were no questions about Fred Durst - I'm afraid that would have confused everything fer me.

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