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Eeeeeeeeeevil Twins

12:59 / 07.08.03
I have had the fortune to meet 3 doubles of existing people. Some of you are bound to have met existing eeeeeeevil clones of people you know. These are my experiences:

NYE 2003:

Plentiful beverage consumption aside, we made it to an open bar at 7 in the morning. While elegantly sloughing, my brother, who had opted for another place suddenly was in front of me. Only, he had longer hair. And different clothes. He was someone else but he was my brother, and we spoke. For some reason, this eeeeeevil twin made me quite sentimental. Wow, I must have thought, they exist.

April 2003:

A quick trip to Copenhagen and a dose of Trouble Every Day later at a midnight screening, I was situated at yet another bar. I must have had a momentary black out, because I had begun alcohol consumption at 5 PM the day prior. I gained consciousness making out with Ralph Fiennes. Who spoke in Danish. Everything about him was exactly -- or as close as my memory allowed -- like Fiennes, excepting for the voice and language.

July 2003:

An eeeeevil clone exist of a Dutch friend named Sander. And this clone is called Dennis. I assured him, and re-assured him, that such marvels exist.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
05:48 / 08.08.03
I don't think I've ever met a double of an existing person, I did meet two evil twins though.
22:19 / 09.08.03
I am slightly pertubed by the fact that not a single person amongst you has met a physically identical person to someone else. There is always the possibility that I have deluded myself into seeing something which wasn't there -- the first two times occuring in a quite drunken state and all -- however, I should be one of the few people who knows my brother the best. And there were so many times I questioned this fact while it occurred, and looked more closely upon this evil twin of his as a result, that the drunken me exhausted every other possibility to the fact that it's a wondrous, marvelous, not-so-unique world of body doubles. And after I had regained my wits after the involuntary black out, with my beautiful Fiennes wannabe, I spent the best part of our remaining time together, looking at his face, searching for imperfections and flaws that might differintiate him from the real Fiennes. This was the time after I had seen Spider, which, even though I had never seen Fiennes as a handsome man previously, completely sold me on him. There's something very compelling about a man who can demonstrate such vulnerability, I thought then, and he joined a select, few people on celluloid who could produce a slightly faster heartbeat. Given the uncertainities that might creep up on the first two encounters, there is just no way I can claim the same for the third ... I was deadly sober and felt the ground devouring me as I met the impossible again.

Perhaps these crazy encounters, and there have been plenty in my life, are for the ones who have opened up their minds accordingly to the absurd and fantastic.

Mourne Kransky
22:43 / 09.08.03
I would be extremely unnerved to meet the doppelgänger of someone I knew well. I suspect such a coincidence must be incredibly rare. I saw someone who looked like Ralph Fiennes once but it turned out to be the actual Ralph Fiennes, strolling along the South Bank.

My cousin looks very very like me and, when we are apart, people often mistake us but when we are together the difference in ages and height prevents confusion.
23:08 / 09.08.03
But that's just it, Xoc, although highly unnerving (and trying to convince one's drunken self it is real and not a hoax! Not an imaginary story!), the fact that these particular individual doubles exist gave birth to many more questions than I can currently type out.
23:30 / 09.08.03
Ah yes, I myself have a large number of deviant clones (although I, being younger than some of them, must logically be a deviant clone of someone else.)

1996- There was one who went to Wesleyan, he's the only one I've met in person.

2000- Aparently there was a gay male version of me in Boston, current whereabouts unknown.

Along with several cases of mistaken identity and general weired-out-ness on behalf of my friends across the nation.

There is also a comic book doppelgänger of mine, thanks to Duncan Fegredo and Peter Milligan: Simone, from the miniseries Girl. Change her eye color and that's pretty much what I look like, with varying hair. The fact that the story's about a girl who meets her doppelgänger did not help make things any less creepy.
23:56 / 09.08.03
I arrived in Kennedy Airport January 2002 expecting to be picked up by my friend K. When I went to baggage claim I did in fact see K, but to my astonishment he had short hair, which I never expected to happen ever. I scrutinized his face carefully to make sure it was him, as I hadn't seen him in two years-- he was even wearing his typical facial expression (frustrated and antisocial), but with a more bitter, darker cast-- I would even have said malevolent. I waved, sort of awkwardly and wondering why he was so pissed off, and turned around to get my bags. When I looked back, he was gone.

I trudged up and down the sidewalk outside looking for him, but to no avail, and I was beginning to get really irritated when K. (with long hair) and his girlfriend M. came jogging down the sidewalk, apologizing for being late. I told them about the experience and M. reminded me of her recurring nightmares featuring an "asshole" version of K. "Perhaps you saw him," she said, and we laughed.

It is perhaps significant that when I saw him again one year later, he had in fact cut his hair, due to a job situation. The job situation was unpleasant and frustrating, but he didn't look any more malevolent than usual.

Any thoughts?
09:27 / 10.08.03
There was apparently another one of me (yes, I know, it's a terrible thought) when I lived in Turnpike Lane a few years ago- many times people would claim they'd seen me walking down Green Lanes when I'd actually been somewhere else. He had the same hair as me (arse-length dreads at the time) so I'm sure I would have seen him at some point and realised who they were all talking about, though I never did.
11:36 / 10.08.03
I've never experienced doppelgangers myself, Chrome, but I've certainly heard stories - and it's a well-established literary phenomenon. Sounds disturbing in the extreme.
Mourne Kransky
12:43 / 10.08.03
You weren't sitting at a window table in Le Dôme on Old Compton Street yesterday, Stoatie, were you? If not, I think your evil twin was eating and drinking there and ignoring the shirtless boys gaily tripping by...
13:33 / 10.08.03
My friend G. had a twin but only from the back in a club on lots and lots of jellytots... either way a few people made the same mistake so it wasn't just the jellytots.
21:41 / 17.08.03
I just got mistaken today for a local news reporter by a man at a local orchard. I don't think he believed me when I told him I wasn't who he suspected. This is getting out of hand- fictional characters and people in other states is all well and good, but someone local? Who gets significantly more airtime than I do (any being greater than none)? This is less comfy.
The Return Of Rothkoid
22:50 / 17.08.03
Someone I know saw Rothkoid part II the other day. Apparently, I was squiring a hot rockabilly girl around Newtown. Fact.
23:59 / 17.08.03
I'm not sure what squiring is, but I'd off my evil twin and Single White Female him if I were you, Rothky.
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