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Colour Quiz Personality Test


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16:09 / 26.10.02
This seems remarkably accurate for a test based on colour...
18:43 / 26.10.02
It's entertaining, but...

My monitor's gone on the fritz again and is washing everything with an overlay of yellow, so I have no idea what colors I was choosing, and two sets of random choices gave me "results" that seemed equally applicable.

Don't know if I can look at the site from work with true colors, but I can give that a try as well.
Linus Dunce
23:04 / 26.10.02
Yup, problems here too -- my monitor is now displaying 16 colours. Don't know when I may be able to complete this test.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
10:30 / 27.10.02
Hmmm, I get stuff which is mostly incorrect or suspiciously vague which could mean anything to anyone, though the Restrained Charecteristics are more specific and rather accurate.
10:55 / 27.10.02
Oh well. Wish I hadn't bothered, really... sorry, people...
11:19 / 27.10.02
Dunno... tried it this morning, just picking the colours on impulse. It seemed spookily accurate.
Then just tried it again picking by number (1-8). That so wasn't me the second time.
Linus Dunce
11:48 / 27.10.02
No Cholister, it's cool. Well, I liked it. I was reluctant to post/discuss the unflattering results so I was, ahem, economical with the truth. :-)
Cherry Bomb
12:15 / 27.10.02
Actually I thought it was supercool! Thanks Chollister!
William Sack
12:44 / 27.10.02
Ditto Ignatius J. It had me sprawling on a pin too.
19:39 / 27.10.02
ouch... how does it do it? I got what I consider to be an accurate portrait. Not bad at all.
Spatula Clarke
20:19 / 27.10.02
I think they let themselves down by offering too many insights. It was all freakishly accurate at first, but then it told me I was "orderly and methodical," which is about as far removed from the truth as you can get.

Cheers anyway, Chol
The Falcon
01:01 / 28.10.02
I got some rather disconcertingly unpleasant results.

Now, I feel bad. Thanks.

Slightly concerned, anyway.

I'm okay now, actually.
The Apple-Picker
03:04 / 28.10.02
Hm. I just figured it couldn't possibly be accurate because it only told me good things about myself. One being that I am very special and what a tragedy it is that the rest of the world hasn't yet come to acknowledge this... fact.
Cat Chant
06:39 / 28.10.02
My results were spookily accurate - for Avon. Which is kind of scary given that I've always identified with Blake (well, and, of course, Deva). Cool test, though, and there were some overlaps with me: I guess the quizmaster can't help it if I share my head with a lot of fictional characters & I'm not always sure whose turn it is to be in charge of the mouse.
07:34 / 28.10.02
Mmm. I think it seems accurate, too, Cholister.
07:45 / 28.10.02
Argh. That was quite alarmingly true.
11:48 / 28.10.02
That was an eye-opener. That's good for a Monday morning.
Tryphena Absent
13:09 / 28.10.02
Bits of it were true, then it told me that I feel like a victim and after that I really couldn't be arsed by a pile of trash colour quiz that victimizes me by its very existence.
Fun though.
Ethan Hawke
13:12 / 28.10.02
I actually took this twice, on different days - the first time it reflected what I recognized as my baseline personality - the second time it mixed that with a rather specific concern i'd been thinking about during that day.
Morlock - groupie for hire
16:17 / 28.10.02
Paranoia will kick in 5...4...3...2...1...GO!

Painfully accurate, even some food for thought. Thanks Cholister. I think...
The Monkey
19:00 / 28.10.02
So I took the test about ten times in a row with systematically different choices of the two sets of eight colors. It like no matter how you do the thing, you get a product analysis that sounds pretty much the same, with a few inversions. A lot of pat clauses are used over and over, suggesting a sort of substitution-set relationship between color choice at an order coordinate and a clause in the analysis, like an advanced version of a form letter. I'm guessing a lot of people were jarred because the test generates a pretty conventional assessment of the gaps in *every* personality...kind of like how newspaper horoscopes are sufficiently vague to seem relevant to everyone...especially in retro-analysis.
Color psychology is pretty sketchy...while I have met and read papers by hardcore biophysics guys who study light and perception, a quick Google search will bring up a lot of pages featuring mushy association sets of "this color evokes etc., etc.": not a far echo from descriptions on, let's say, the "Gemstone of your birth month" collection. While such analysis is viable for, let's say, an understanding of cultural aesthetics and symbolism, it's viability for evaluating the self is questionable, as the system does not account for personal variation in symbolic interpretation (which is likely influenced by, but not thrall to, cultural norms), nor the cross cultural differences in interpretation (such as the color white, as interpreted by Chinese versus Westerners).
The Apple-Picker
19:18 / 28.10.02
So what you're telling me is that I'm not special?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:46 / 28.10.02
Wish I hadn't bothered, really... sorry, people...

Nah, I'm glad you did-- I think it's interesting to see how people have responded to this test.
21:23 / 28.10.02
the system does not account for personal variation in symbolic interpretation ...nor the cross cultural differences in interpretation

But now I'm thinking... what if you thought about it as a form of divination, rather than diagnosis? Sort of like how I use the I-Ching. Mm hm.
The Falcon
21:35 / 28.10.02
Thank fuck. I did it wrong the first time, and tried to duplicate the order on the second lot of colours - and was landed with an enormously depressing set of results. Did it again, and got some okay ones.

And then I did it again, and got the original results.

05:22 / 29.10.02
Damn. I'll have to try it again. The first time I did it, it was as if I were being brutally honest with myself. It was FRIGHTENINGLY accurate.

I'm a big fan of the reddish-orange. And the black.
11:36 / 19.08.03
I know this is really old but I was intrigued.
I took the test and was astonished by the results, it even helped me make a decision I've been putting off.

I then, out of curiosity, took the test again doing the opposite, i.e. making myself male and choosing the colours in the order they LEAST appealed to me.
The result could have been describing my brother!

11:50 / 19.08.03

I love this test.
Tryphena Absent
11:55 / 19.08.03
I couldn't remember this test at all so I did it again...

My Existing Situation is totally wrong.

My Stress Sources were weird. I agreed with this
Feels that life has far more to offer and that there are still important things to be achieved--that life must be experienced to the fullest. but then it went off on this strange tangent
she pursues her objectives with a fierce intensity that will not let go of things.

My Restrained Characteristics are probably the most accurate
Believes that she is not receiving her share--that she is neither properly understood nor adequately appreciated. Feels that she is being compelled to conform except for this. It's very wrong...
close relationships leave her without any sense of emotional involvement.

And this is the only thing in a personality test that I've ever laughed at because it's frighteningly accurate.
Able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity but restless and inclined to be emotionally withdrawn, which prevents her from becoming deeply involved.

My Desired Objective is correct but boring and my actual problem is so pointless that I can't understand why anyone wasted time writing it. So probably about 50/50.
Ethan Hawke
12:01 / 19.08.03
Some just told me this about myself last night:

Your Stress Sources
The existing situation is disagreeable. Feels lonely and uncertain as he has an unsatisfied need to ally himself with others whose standards are as high as his own, and wants to stand out from the rank and file. This sense of isolation magnifies the need into a compelling urge, all the more upsetting to his self-sufficiency because of the restraint he normally imposes on himself. Since he wants to demonstrate the unique quality of his own character, he tries to suppress this need for others and affects an attitude of unconcerned self-reliance to conceal his fear of inadequacy, treating those who criticize his behavior with contempt. However, beneath this assumption of indifference he really longs for the approval and esteem of others.

Like, in the exact same words. It wasn't pleasant.
12:12 / 19.08.03
Tch, it forgot to say: He convinces himself that people who give him compliments or tell him to his face that he is quite brilliant in many ways are either messing with him or must not be very intelligent themselves. He needs to sit down for a cup of tea and some little sandwiches, say, tomorrow at 6:30 or be square.
12:17 / 19.08.03
This quiz shows the colours more clearly but produces the same results.

colour moon test

here as a little bonus is one that claims to tell you your sexual personality based on your favourite colour...

Colour sex test
Mourne Kransky
12:18 / 19.08.03
Felt like a postcard from Selfawaria, up till the last couple of screens when it packed less of a punch. Freakily on the ball to start with though.
12:50 / 19.08.03
That colour test on the Omax site is the stupidest thing I've ever seen:

BLACK: A good many people say they don't have a favourite colour. Without really thinking about the question, they'll choose black as their favourite colour... they'll maybe insist on it. Those people who really do have a black colour preference are rare. It points to a liking for black sex. These people are the misfits of the sex world and seek out each other in kinship. They tend to prefer perverted sex and are usually masochistic or sadistic in nature. They are moody people and often perform at their peak when under stress or during unhappy times. Police psychiatrists claim that sex offenders prefer the colour black. And it is no coincidence that the uniform of monsters and teenage gangs is black attire.

Firstly - who chooses black as their favourite colour without thinking about it? Secondly, I don't mind being told I'm a perv, I mean, I knew that already... but sex offenders prefer the colour black? Are they really trying to sell people vibrators on that site by implying that they're baboon fiddlers? And what does that comment about teenage gangs even *mean*?

Stupidest thing ever. I like my online quizzes to make some sort of sense.
12:59 / 19.08.03
And it is no coincidence that the uniform of monsters and teenage gangs is black attire.

Monsters have a uniform?!

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