Should Jabba have killed Han Solo?
Would the original Star Wars trilogy have been a more effective story if Han had died in Empire Strikes Back?
Reality TV & Paradise Hotel
Shitty televisual programming...
:: STARTED BY Source :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:19 30.04.04
The Simpsons: Ready to be put down?
Is Groening's cartoon still worth watching, or should it have been laid to rest at the same time as Maud Flanders?
:: STARTED BY Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero :: 57 REPLIES, LAST AT 01:56 28.04.04
Natural Born Killers
Oliver Stone's 1994 film, particularly the issue of where satire of a violent media culture and actually contributing to a violent media culture collide.
:: STARTED BY PatrickMM :: 3 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:01 27.04.04
I've just seen the Buffy finale...
Too spoilerific for words...
:: STARTED BY Tom Coates :: 33 REPLIES, LAST AT 11:20 26.04.04
ER, still good, or lost it?
Any long term fans of ER, does the programme sill work, or should it be finished off?
:: STARTED BY Benny the Ball :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 02:34 26.04.04
Women. Don't expect any help on a Thursday.
That sick advert for Nuts Magazine is making me ill. Help me feel better by condemning it to the lower regions of hell.
:: STARTED BY Tryphena Absent :: 34 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:50 25.04.04
FYE -Top 100 Movie characters of all time.
Open to debate
:: STARTED BY Aertho :: 16 REPLIES, LAST AT 11:32 25.04.04
Just a drink addled Jedi thought: aka the Star Wars Surgery
A wretched thread of scum and villainy, in which Star Wars mythology can be chewed over.
:: STARTED BY Benny the Ball :: 11 REPLIES, LAST AT 23:02 23.04.04
It's that time again - TV Turn Off Week
April 22-28 2002 is TV Turnoff Week. Give it a rest for a week and sit in front of the computer instead!
:: STARTED BY Baz Auckland :: 25 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:58 23.04.04
TV makes me feel inauthentic
Can exposure to Media cause a sense of disconnectedness in your own life? Is disconnectedness even a word? Enquiring unregistered users want to know.
:: STARTED BY :: 17 REPLIES, LAST AT 11:30 23.04.04
Right turn, Clyde
Best Monkey or Ape in a supporting role.
:: STARTED BY Benny the Ball :: 15 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:05 22.04.04
Yasujiro Ozu
recommend the most interesting/enjoyable films of Yasujiro Ozu
:: STARTED BY paw :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:30 22.04.04
I Want a Famous Face
MTV's new show, "I Want a Famous Face." Plastic surgery stories from people who want to look like certain celebrities. Tons of money spent, tons of surgical gore.
:: STARTED BY Mazarine :: 21 REPLIES, LAST AT 20:19 21.04.04
Dawn of the dead and zombie movies
A place to talk about zombie movies in general and the new version of dawn of the dead in particular.
:: STARTED BY sleazenation :: 29 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:04 21.04.04
Fuck Potter - the WORST WITCH
A discussion of why the film of The Worst Witch knocks Harry Potter off his nimbus 2000.
Buffy fans...Take a Chance on Tara
Amber Benson has written, directed, starred, and produced her own indie movie called Chance.
:: STARTED BY Tamayyurt :: 8 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:01 20.04.04
BUFFY/SPIKE opinions and spoilers
Why is everybody in such a rush to think that Spike is always right?
:: STARTED BY dawntreader :: 23 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:01 18.04.04
Dumb question but....
Big screen projectors! Are they any good? I'm sure someone on here must have one...
:: STARTED BY Warrington Minge :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:03 18.04.04
Eastenders is immoral.
The characters are grotesques, their actions are mostly driven by the reptile components of their heads (territory / sex / power / fighting) and every plotline is about the grinding horror of their lives, and the idea that nothing that seems to be going well will go well for long. Eastenders is - then - basically an attempt to turn the lives of the working class into entertainment by playing up the lurid aspects and as such is exploitative, classist, insulting, vulgar and basically immoral...
:: STARTED BY Tom Coates :: 47 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:38 18.04.04
Kill Bill - Tarantino's Latest
Are you gagging to see "The Showdown at the House of Blue Leaves", or does the entire prospect leave you cold?
:: STARTED BY Spaniel :: 166 REPLIES, LAST AT 08:14 18.04.04
Kill Bill 1: Disappointment Catch-Up
I need some steel. Some Herbie Hancock steel. For tiny vermin. Extremely tiny vermin. More like lice. In fact a comb. A comb is what I need. Yeah. A long, black, flicky plastic comb, like the guy in Grease had. Danny? Was it? Yeah, Danny. ... ... Sorry. ... What was I talking about?
:: STARTED BY black mask :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:11 17.04.04
Movies that you love despite the knowledge that they are by any civilised yardstick awful
You know it's wrong...
:: STARTED BY Benny the Ball :: 51 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:06 17.04.04
Alex Cox's Walker
The Not-quite-a-cult film starring Ed Harris
:: STARTED BY Jack_Rackem :: 8 REPLIES, LAST AT 08:31 15.04.04
Bad Timing, Roeg
Roeg, in all his glory, is a confusing mofo. Bad Timing blew my socks off, but also went straight over my head, any 'elp, like?
:: STARTED BY barry :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:36 14.04.04
Film Mags
Premiere, Empire, Total Film, Film Total, Movieline
Are they worth their price? Are they worth their time? Are they worth our time?
:: STARTED BY D Terminator XXXIII :: 5 REPLIES, LAST AT 11:14 14.04.04
WHAT? That CAN'T be the end!
Film endings that nearly ruin the whole film.
:: STARTED BY Haus of Mystery :: 42 REPLIES, LAST AT 10:28 14.04.04
Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee is still the Master. Believe it.
:: STARTED BY Margin Walker :: 8 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:13 13.04.04
Jay Leno is an utter disgrace.
A thread on which we discuss what needs to be done with American talk show hosts. Ideally nothing good.
:: STARTED BY Alex's Grandma :: 19 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:11 13.04.04
Charlie Kaufman
Writer and producer Charlie Kaufman, of Eternal Sunshine, Adaptation, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Being John Malkovitch and other movies, along with many TV series.
:: STARTED BY King Mob :: 17 REPLIES, LAST AT 02:33 13.04.04