You can do a TV detox.
One hour a day, for one week watch the TV with the sound turned down. Take notes.
Then after one week of that
One hour a day, for one week listen to the TV with the Brightness turned down (black screen). Take notes.
The after one week of that
One hour a day, for one week watch a commercial channel and make a written note of every time a 'visual effect' occurs. Design a tick-box sysytem, or a chart, something. Every time a cut-to, or a fade, or a zoom, or a burn-to, or a super-imposition or whatever occurs, make a note of it.
Then after one week of that
One hour a day, for one week note down keywords, as they occur to you, while you are watching a variety of programs. Any words that strike you as important or meaningful, words that you feel are stressed, biased, repeated or isolated.
Then after one week of that
Sit in the room with your TV turned off and read through your notes. |