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Reality TV & Paradise Hotel

01:26 / 29.04.04
As I watched this show over the past few weeks, played on Monday and Wednesday nights on Channel 5, I became horribly addicted to it.

As the series progressed, I became convinced that I must be the only person in the UK to watch shows as terrible as this. It was just so damned funny to watch this reality TV show and see how these people acted in this decidedly unreal environment. Some of the "characters" on the show were so entertaining - especially those that plotted and schemed against the others.

So, did anyone else watch it? Would you admit to it if you did? Are you a reality TV addict? Or do you despise reality TV and it's producers?

It's so strange to think of all of the reality TV shows that have been on television, from Airport, to Big Brother and even Shattered (did anything actually happen in that show, except making the viewer feel extremely tired?).
02:13 / 29.04.04
I think this actually belongs in Film, TV, Theatre. I'll request a move, which doesn't mean it'll happen, but hey.
18:45 / 29.04.04
I despise reality TV and it's producers, but yes I have to rise my hand and say I saw Paradise Hotel too.

It had to be the most awful, hate-filled entity in existance. At the point where they returned all the contestants/victims/walking[censored] I truely hoped that this weeks big surprise was that they had all been deemed unworthy of live and that the waiters and guards of the hotels were presently being armed and instructed to shoot to kill.

And then the big finalle last night, where the bloke does the decent thing but the game playing competitive dork is screwed over by the pretty young thing (great life lesson there Mr Producer sir).

Speaking of reality TV one of the English tabloids today (a red top I remember that much) have splashed across the front page that an ayslum seeker (or was it illegal immigrant) is going into the UK big brother this year and that they will be claiming benefits while in there.

Now there's a thought, we turn the CCTV footage of Camp X-ray into the lastest reality TV show
20:22 / 29.04.04
Paradise Hotel was a lot of fun. Are you watching last year's American version, or a new British version?
rizla mission
16:19 / 30.04.04
I wish Channel 5 would go back to showing the good old soft-porn TV movies and world's-craziest-police-chases shows - they make way more entertaining viewing..
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