I faced a Friday evening in with a lapful of moody DVDs and a fridgeful of Tollana Semillon Chardonnay (3.79 per bottle/RRP 7.99. I just saved £4.20, suckers!). First in the humming drawer was 'Spellbound'. The movie about the American kids spelling. That movie was great. I might start a thread about it. If you want to read about it here, move along.
Next up, KILL BILL!
I tried to get myself in the zone for this one. Really. I was making the right faces and pulling all the right moves. You know? Like NLP, or something. Don't get me rong. m nt schmk. I dug the refs and the nuances (should one abbrev. 'nuances'? I can never remember...) I liked the opening fight sequence with Copperhead. I liked the Kodacolor preamble. I checked the tension in the narrative when he tried to accomodate the anime dialogue. In fact, rewind, I really liked the opening fight sequence with Copperhead. This was benchmark Tarantino-as-fanboy. He loves the Hong Kong kick-ass. He admires it. Salivates. He wants it in his movie. He gets it frame perfect. I applaud. Then, smug, happy with himself, he feels we can cut him some slack, he thinks he can shoot whatever the fuck he feels like and we'll thank him for it.
He's wrong.
I lost interest when The Bride went to ponce a sword off the Sushi Guy (Herbie Hancock).
I hit Eject and replaced the 'Kill Bill' DVD with my 'Armour of God' video.
Disclaimer: In the event that there is a pre-existing thread of identical or similar vein... Tough. I just registered. Indulge me like you indulged Quentin. |