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BUFFY/SPIKE opinions and spoilers

15:32 / 13.12.01
Why is everybody in such a rush to think that Spike is always right?!

Seriously I mean, Spike says something and we believe him. What IS THAT?! That bit in Wrecked:
BUFFY: (walks alongside him) That might be how you get off, but it's not my style.
SPIKE: (scoffs) No, it's your calling.
It’s her calling? What the hell does THAT mean? Nothing, that’s what. Her calling? Does anybody stop to ask this… what does Spike know about anything? As a man, he was a geek, a bad poet and it seems.. Lets face it a bit of an idiot. As a vampire he was a great villain, has some of the best one liners I’ve ever heard and Giles dream in Restless where he’s hired himself out as an attraction? HILARIOUS! James Marsters is a bloody amazing actor. But as a character I couldn’t give a jack crap about Spike if he was covered with puppies and chocolate. I have no compassion for him and if I had a choice between developing a good solid Xander/Anya arch or hearing more about Spike, there is no choice!

It seems to me that they could have taken a different angle with his character and saved him a little. Every time I start gaining a little respect for him, he does something and I’m back to square one. In his song Rest In Peace, there are a couple of excellent lines and he’s basically telling her to leave him alone. I was like “thank you” then two minutes later he’s following her around weeping again. As a bad guy he’s all about pride - being the big bad - taking no crap. Now suddenly he’s Mayor Crap Taker!

I don’t think he’s good at all. He shows no remorse for the terrible things he’s done and when he thought the chip had broken the first thing he did was go out and try and kill a girl! He feed off a girl at the bronze with Dru! HELLO! He always wants the unattainable! Buffy hit the nail on the head the other day in Smashed:
BUFFY: Me? I'm lost? Look at you, you idiot! (Spike getting up) Poor Spikey. Can't be a human, can't be a vampire. Where the hell do you fit in?
BUFFY: Your job is to kill the slayer. But all you can do is follow me around making moon eyes.
SPIKE: I'm in love with you.
BUFFY: (still advancing) You're in love with pain. Admit it. (Spike gets up) You like me ... because you enjoy getting beat down. So really, who's screwed up?

Yeah, u huh. I think what she said is a lot more likely. Come on people call it what it is. Spike doesn’t know anything about Buffy. Not really. He thinks what? Because she confided in him about being expelled from heaven. Because he helped her out a few times. It’s amazing how he doesn’t seem nearly as concerned about Dawn now that Buffy’s back. He played the parent while she was dead because it tormented him. Now he’s back to his regular torment, so it’s bye bye Dawn I don’t care if you all live or die.

Man, that felt good to vent

Jack The Bodiless
17:56 / 13.12.01
You take all of this far too seriously, little sister... And you actually post in the style of BTVS. You need professional help. Or maybe just a talented amateur with good intentions. Like Spike. See! I come full circle, and pow! Right in the kisser.

However. The love I bear for you, it groweth stronger, every day. So you must be doing something right.
18:30 / 13.12.01

It's rather incredulous (yes, that's a word ) that a person such as yourself could be so completely off base

Spike is pond scum! no worse than pond scum.. he's some kinda Dead Poets Society scum

It was quite remarkable to me when moving here to the States how many normal (and by normal I mean non Buffy watchers) people use phrases that, for me, are pure Buffy lingo. I'm overloaded with 'what's the deals' and adding'I gotta tell ya'to everything.. Is this some kinda weird American thing.

Cos I gotta tell ya, I'm swallowing it hook, line and poopy-headed jack crapin stinker!

peeth out America
Saint Keggers
03:15 / 14.12.01
(May contain spoilers if you havent see latest EPS.)

I love this line:

...he's some kinda Dead Poets Society scum

Well he's not supposed to be another Angel.
Spyke is still Evil. He has a chip, not a soul. I can see him falling for buffy but I think its more of obsessing over what you cant have. If he cant kill her he'll sublimate it into love. I love the fact that chip wasnt broken and that it was buffy gone could really see spyke got some sense of self-satisfaction from it.
12:04 / 15.12.01
(***treader nods in agreement****)

u huh. I think so. And darn-tooten he's not another Angel.

Am I the only one who is still hoping Buffy and Angel will hook up at the end?

True Buffy & Angel fans of the world unite!

Saint Keggers
23:58 / 15.12.01
Sorry but I want Angel to go evil again and wipe out the whole cast except for Wesley and the new chick. And I can tbelieve the blond cop is aout of the show...and for Law and Order of all things...Now there's a show that wont last.
(need a sarcasm Graemlin here)

Actually the only thing I want out of either of the shows is more of Giles past in the watchers and with whats his name...the chaos magician? I wanna see what made him he was in the final ep. of last season.
12:15 / 16.12.01
I just have the same feeling about Spike as I did about Garak. He east the screen, he dominates practically every scene he's in, and he milks avery little bit he's given for all it's worth.

Buffy's entertainment, and Spike is the most entertaining thing in it a lot of the time. Therefore: much love to the plastic punk vamp.
12:19 / 16.12.01
You.... you are very wrong. Ya just are!

The Damned Yankee
00:12 / 27.12.01
True confession time: I love Spike. I adore every amoral bone in his scrawny body. This affair with Buffy has "doomed and dangerous" written all over it, but damn it makes for some fun viewing! I mean, Jesus H. Presley! They destroyed a building together and didn't even notice!

I think Buffy's developing a vamp fetish, myself.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
01:02 / 27.12.01
I love Spike as well...the actor just dominates the scenes he is in without even trying.

But I'm getting a bit tired of the love affair between them. It's like watching fan fic. And not GOOD fan fic.
14:34 / 27.12.01
I'll tell ya what they need to do.. They need to make Spike the bad guy again. End this Buffy obsession somehow, and take his character into a new era. I don't know how. Restore his soul, make him human, turn him into a different demon, cut off his hand and replace it with a spoon, give him amnesia for gods sake. DO SOMETHING! I'm fed up of listening to his half-cocked arrogant theories about life and everyone else around him.
Anyway I have faith in Joss
Saint Keggers
02:39 / 28.12.01
Id love it if Spike accidentaly offed Dawn. Just out of the blue..BAM! She's dead. end of episode.
04:34 / 28.12.01
I want more half-cocked arrogant theories from Spike! Especially ones concerning life! And Buffy's life, at that!

He Is The Most Interesting And Engaging Character.
Saint Keggers
12:59 / 28.12.01
Just read in the paper that Riley should be comming back in January..NOoooooooo! I hated that charater..he was the Ken that brought out Buffy's barbie-ism.

Also heard a rumour that wolfram and Hart is somehow connect to the Watchers Council...
13:38 / 29.12.01
Where's Oz?
The Damned Yankee
23:50 / 29.12.01
Where's Oz?

Making Austin Powers movies and just generally moved on, I'm afraid...
Saint Keggers
16:35 / 30.12.01
he's got some cartoon series that he and a friend claymation but with no budget..odd.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
16:56 / 30.12.01
But I'm getting a bit tired of the love affair between them. It's like watching fan fic. And not GOOD fan fic.

is there really any good fanfic, beside the spike/dawn slash that is...:-)

(dirty im dirty dirty)

But really, i like spike cause hes a real asshole, legitimately.
Damn, woulda killed her without the chip, same fer mom AND buff, and that makes hime worth more than anyone.
Jack The Bodiless
11:57 / 31.12.01
Just read in the paper that Riley should be comming back in January..NOoooooooo! I hated that charater..he was the Ken that brought out Buffy's barbie-ism.

Rubbish. He was a nice guy that got squashed by the Boyfriend Destroying Machine that is buffy's life. He wasn't supposed to be a replacement for Angel, just her transitional man... and his heartbreak over that fact is one of the more interesting things about last season.

I'm with the 'replace Spike's hand with a spoon' pressure group, by the way.
19:28 / 31.12.01
I'm really enjoying the broken mess that is post ressurected Buffy. The desparate violent sex with Spike is among my favorite scenes from that show. Now there is some beautiful self (not to mention property) destruction! I ate up Willow's descent in to evil and power with a spoon, too. Too bad magic turned out to be a bad metaphore for drug abuse... This season, the worst enemy of the characters is themselves. Dig it.

Spike is still the Bad Boy. Only now, he's the Bad Choice In Boyfriend That You Just Can't Seem To Break Up With. A bit of a let down from the threat he once was, though.

Its been way too long since the last ep. I'm starting to go into withdrawl...

22:47 / 31.12.01
I loooove Spike! I only watch the show to see what fuckery he's gonna say next (that and to see if he [or anyone really] kills the inhuman horror that is Dawn!)

Hated the magic/drug thing
15:34 / 01.01.02
Spike can have a spoon welded onto his right hand and a mug of pigs blood on his left. That's an amusing mental image. Spike sipping blood from a spoon like soup. And all the while with his Slayer-stolen leather jacket billowing in the wind..
18:34 / 18.04.04
But really, i like spike cause hes a real asshole, legitimatly
Damn, woulda killed her without the chip, same fer mom AND buff, and that makes hime worth more than anyone

I don't see this at all. I think it's clear that Spike had legitimate positive feelings toward not only Buffy, but her whole family. Particularly in season five, he seemed to have genuine affection for Dawn.

In season six, his good side was played down a bit, but I think the whole point of Spike is that he is a good guy who has been playing this vampire role for so long, and it took someone like Buffy to show him how to be good again. His character arc is up there with Willow's as the most interesting in the show. And, I think his relationship/lusting for Buffy was the best thing that happened to her character during the series, and basically saved her after the really boring time with Riley.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:01 / 18.04.04
He has genuine feelings in season 5, then Buffy comes back and it all goes downhill from there, to the point where each week Spike got tortured more than Jesus, yes Mel Gibson has got nothing on Marti Noxon who just seemed determined to see Spike in as much pain as often as she could.

I'm just glad that in season 7 it looked like it was acknowledged that Spike didn't rape Buffy, it's just a shame that they didn't also admit that the writers didn't understand BDSM relationships (and no, I can't go any further on this one, because this was someone else's idea, not mine).
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