The monkey from Pirates of the Caribbean! It was a pirate, and a zombie, and a fucking monkey!
Or maybe that Nazi monkey from Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Or the FLYING monkeys from Wizard of Oz. They could fly.
And all will hold a well-deserved place in the Movie Monkey Hall of Fame, but to my mind the winner has to be the little monkey Boo, who played 'Ella' in Monkey Shines. This is a film about a quadraplegic man who is given a helper monkey to make the tea, wash his clothes, answer the phone, etc. But Ella the helper monkey has been intellectually enhanced through being injected with material taken directly from PSYCHO BRAINS! And, obviously, goes on a kill crazy murder spree (including stabbing a budgie to death).
Alright, so it sounds like a shit film, and to be fair, it is. But it is worth noting that Boo is easily the best actor in the film. By a mile. |