Eeeeh. It was ok...some decent moments, but I wasn't really all that thrilled. It deserved a 2-hour finale, and the Buffy/Angel scene at the beginning wasn't very well-written, esp. considering Joss wrote it. No depth, no subtext, just a lot of silly one-liners where Joss was almost becoming a cliche of his own writing style. And Angel doesn't even show up at ALL in the end moments? I know he's setting up a second line of defense, but come on! What was he, locked in a closet somewhere going over plans?
And did it look to anyone else like Giles accidentally stabbed Wood in that fight scene? My roomate and I both thought we saw Giles accidentally run his sword through Wood after Wood was initially wounded.
MILLIE!!!! NOOO!!! THEY KILLED MILLIE!!! I really liked her.
I think the strongest sequence was when the slayer power was distributed throughout the world. The young girl stopping her abuser's first, and the Nike style "Just do it and kick ass" bit with the little girl at bat -- that smile on her face was priceless.
Not really a lot of depth to things in this final ep. Not a lot of 'show don't tell' moments (the writer's rule), just characters saying exactly what they meant, predictably so. Did Faith's street talk come off as a little forced to anyone else in the Wood talking about sex scene? "I got mad skills, yo!" Jeez..... She seemed like she was becoming a caricature of herself.
Kennedy is hot but all she did was say "I support you, Willow, I support you" and fight a vamp or two. Yawn.
One of the best lines: Dawn's line to Buffy before the battle: "Anything you say will sound like goodbye." Now THAT's a good line, also using the 'show don't tell rule' which Joss seems to have forgotten in the last several months.
Another good line: "I love you." "No you don't, but thanks for saying it anyway." A very good note to end the Spike/Buffy relationship on. And why did they have to go from Buffy being all smiley with Spike to them waking up after having sex? They couldn't kiss for two seconds? It was like a 1950s movie where they awkwardly cut from an embrace to waking up in bed putting clothes on. (And I'm not even a fan of Spuffy; it just seemed awkward as a scene.)
And how did Buffy heal so quickly from the supposedly 'mortal' wound she'd received? The final lines were sort of lame too. All this talk about the mall and shit...come on, that's what people talk about who want to make fun of the Buffy show, like the first movie's camp value. Although I did like seeing Sunnydale as one big crater in the ground.
I just felt like it was sort of a letdown. It didn't really play my emotions like a fiddle, more like a $5 plastic saxophone you get at a yard sale. All the other Joss-written-and-directed episodes were so good; this one -- the FINALE, for crying out loud -- was just eeeh, so-so.
Although definitely better than the last few ep's, which unfortunately isn't saying much. I wanted to be thrilled, I wanted it to feel like a big epic event -- it just felt kinda crammed in and rushed. Not many moments of real dramatic gravity, disappointingly. Ah well. ANGEL has been terrific and I'm sure it will continue to be so next year.
SMALLVILLE kinda kicked BUFFY's ass!! 
p,s, By the way , what's "Homsar"? I thought they were playing a D&D type game. |